Vol 6 Chapter 1374: Before the war

Coming to Pandora's four worlds in advance, he was preparing for battle from the very beginning.
The Matrix, which has elements related to'program','technology' and'mechanism', has extremely high adaptability to the world. [Marcomus City] is the blueprint she brought from the original world, borrowing from Pandora The city of machinery is quickly built from the world's rich metal resources.
The function of Marcoms is far more than simply accommodating the army.
The "Positometric Cannon" built in the center of the city is one of the highest technological products in the world to which the parent body belongs.
It was originally designed to deal with [plane war].
At present, by virtue of the similarity between the worlds (the scientific commonality reaches 83%), a giant positron cannon has been built in the center of the city. Although some materials and structures are slightly different, the overall electronic collision effect achieved is the same of.
The London title deeds ran out of energy, and there were three days left for the battle to start in full.
As the computing module of the positron cannon, the mother body has been used for the first time in another world.
The difference in the world is not only the materials used to build the positron gun, but also the most important environmental factors...including the coefficient of gravity, magnetic field strength and flow direction, rotation rate, and so on.
Trying to enable it is a very necessary thing.
A successful hit will exhaust the energy of the land lease and gain a huge advantage for yourself.
If there is a deviation in the shooting, the matrix will be corrected according to the deviation coefficient to ensure that the next shot must be hit, and will not affect the normal progress of the combat plan at all.
"Pandora's rotation and gravity error coefficients have been added.
The positron accelerating tube is finally stable in detection, the accelerating magnetic field energy supply is stable, the pulse coefficient is maintained within the superior state, and shooting is allowed. "
The moment the positron gun was activated.
Electricity in the non-important industrial areas of Markhams City was completely cut off, and 70% of the area was in a power outage.
A beam of energy lifted into the sky obliquely and headed towards the preset coordinates under the pull of the magnetic field of Pandora... The result was no deviation, and it accurately hit the city of London at a super long distance.
This experimental positron cannon directly consumed the little energy left in the title deed, and the barrier covering London was forcibly torn apart.
"It's amazing!
These foreign objects have such a powerful power...When the world mission is over, the old man will go to the world of the mother body as a guest, and try to introduce this kind of thing called [technology] into the world of the dragonborn.
Of course, some rare dragon crystals will serve as feedback.
There are many naturally intelligent people in the Dragonborn clan. We will surely be able to take over this [technology] in a short time. "
The old man of the black dragon stared at the impact effect of the positron cannon on the three-dimensional projection, golden light gleamed in the dragon's eyes, and now he has a strong interest in this kind of technology that he once disdain.
The blacksmith III-von B. Kliman from the world of the holy order stared at the screen on the projection screen with only a flash of joy, not much surprised, after all, he was also involved in the construction of the positron cannon.
In his opinion, this was only expected, and it was too early to defeat the alien demon.
The blacksmith just wants to successfully deploy the strategy step by step.
"The title deed has been broken, how do you plan on the mother body? Do you need to send troops now?"
"According to my calculations, the success rate of launching the total attack according to the original schedule will be higher for three reasons:
1. Give Zhanhuang a certain return time.
2. Taking advantage of the time when the London barrier was torn apart, using the harsh environment to consume the state of the alien.
3. Give the positron cannon recharge time.
Next time, we will bombard the gates of London frontally, and strive to destroy the foundation of the city directly, so that the monsters cannot get any shelter. Every successful shelling will greatly increase our winning rate.
Finally, the matter of "packing" requires Mr. Kliman to conduct a deeper inspection to ensure that it is correct. "
"Well, let's act as scheduled."
City of London
The whole city has been preparing for battle for two hours. Without the protection of the land lease, various resources are being consumed super fast.
In the end, Father Lesos asked all the garrison troops exposed to the light to withdraw.
The churches scattered in different areas were changed to "outposts", with the "extraordinary celestial bodies" suspended in the sky and the "Expeditionary Eyes" provided by the Human Expeditionary Forces to conduct high-density investigations of the situation outside the city.
In this way, minimize the resource and manpower loss caused by the environment.
at the same time.
Research scholars in the City of London were also summoned.
The iron door in the basement of Scarlet Manor was knocked.
A dark envoy personally came to invite Dr. Tuan to join the temporary scientific research conference.
Dr. Swelling was originally not very willing. After all, the work at hand is also very tight. He must complete a special mass production process before the date set by Han Dong.
After the other party stated the seriousness of the matter, the doctor still made his own subjective choice, temporarily handing over the situation in the laboratory to Professor West and most of the ancients to grasp, and he will participate in this event as a representative of the manor. Extraordinary Meeting.
As the temporary hostess of the manor, Sally, the black goat, has ordered the crazy dragon to spread out the huge dragon wings like a mountain to cover all areas of the manor and isolate the burning damage caused by the sun.
Staring at the land deed that had been completely broken, Sally also looked extremely anxious, praying to herself:
"Nicholas, I will definitely be able to get back in time..."
As for Dr. Swelling, it is concentrated in the British Library with the same researchers from the other monsters, including the second original substance-[Pop Menda].
The secret letter arranged by Han Dong to carry the zombies has been passed to Pope.
But now he is more concerned about the emergency situation in front of him.
The researchers gathered here are analyzing the positron strike that has just arrived, and need to come up with a plan to deal with this anti-matter weapon in a short time.
Since the opponent can launch once, it must be able to launch a second time.
If there are no countermeasures when the next shelling strikes, the city of London without land lease protection will be directly destroyed, not to mention, a large number of residents will be wiped out due to this anti-matter annihilation effect.
During the intense discussion, Pop suddenly gave a very risky opinion.
"You can use the "Plane Migration Device" that was previously created with a lot of materials and time, and through the [Astrological Prophecy] given by the Void Order under my command, you can locate the target position of the next shelling in advance, and use the device to deflect the shelling. "
"If the device is damaged by shelling... do we still have a way out?" Someone immediately asked a key question. UU reading www.uukanshu.com
This battle not only needs to fight the invaders, but also needs to complete the evacuation before the world collapses.
"This is a letter from [Bishop Nicholas]. If the above content is true, even if the device is damaged, we can still evacuate smoothly through another native setting.
Doctor Swelling, can you confirm the authenticity of this letter? "
The letter turned into starlight and appeared in the hands of Doctor Swelling.
"There can be no mistake, whether it is the material of the letter, the handwriting, or the smell of the font comes from my lord, as long as it is his judgment, it will definitely work."
Although Popper and Han Dong drew a clear line on the relationship, he still agrees with his ability.
"In that case, I hope I can borrow the power of everyone sitting here to transform the plane migration device! This battle is a bet on the dignity of me and other monsters, and I must win anyway."
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