Vol 6 Chapter 1385: gap

Father Lesos was frightened by the cut.
He followed his mother to do things for many years, and for the first time saw such a terrible attack.
Although London does not have the support of the land deed... but it was cut into two pieces directly with a single knife, and even exposed the vital "Mother's Palace", which is too exaggerated.
Facing this [king] who is entangled in sin.
Father Lesos even speculated that the opponent was the strongest in the invasion.
In any case, you have to hold on until the reinforcements come. If you enter the next stage early, the ending of this game will become worse than the lowest expected.
Even at the cost of darkness, we must hold on.
Moreover, this king's attack was too terrifying, even if fighting in the sky, it could spread to the city at any time, causing terrain damage and the death of residents...you must find a way to force her out.
Father Lesos quickly scanned the London celestial bodies, icebergs, church headquarters, human settlements, and the manor belonging to Han Dong...Although the enemy's technology was unexpected, the whole was still barely within the [limit].
right now.
What he needs to do is to keep this line used for measurement above the limit.
At this time, a burst of words filled with strange rhythm came.
Lesos, let me help you.
This trick can only be used once, and you will need to do everything in the future to limit the opponent to the periphery... Our work here has been completed, and we only wait for the next stage to come.
The source of the sound is the mythical celestial body that has always been suspended above London.
Belongs to a very special kind of mythology.
They not only symbolize the destruction of the world, but also the basic unit for coordinating the operation of celestial bodies. They played a decisive role in border defense and dispatch during the last world disaster.
At this time, an eye with lava flowing from the core appeared on the surface of the celestial body.
The priest immediately motioned to Captain Xia to use all means to block his hearing.
The next attack will mainly affect Slashing the Emperor, but nearby creatures will also be affected a little... Maybe even the brain will explode directly.
Perhaps it is through the unique crustal movement in the stellar body, combined with the musical foundation obtained through inheritance, a sound that can interfere with the rules of the world is emitted from the stellar body.
The current sound surrounds 【Retreat】, acting alone.
In an instant.
An invisible force field like illusion instantly acts on Zhanhuang's body.
Even the priest and Head Xia, who blocked their hearing in advance, also produced strong tinnitus in their brains, and liquid leaked from the seven holes... However, they were only affected by less than 10%.
As for the "Voice of Celestial Body", the main role is to cut the emperor.
Clang Dang Dang Dang! The lumen she held between her hands was trembling at a high frequency, and the bandages covering her body were broken.
The voice with the theme of "Retreat" disturbed the basic rules of Emperor Zhan Huang.
Hum! !
A circle of illusion ripples swayed in the air, and the [king] Zhanhuang showed a distorted posture, as if he had received a super heavy blow, turning into a gray light to retreat for a full 10,000 meters in the air, completely away from London City .
at the same time.
Because of the intervention of higher kings through the rules of speech, three cracks deep into the core of the celestial body appear directly on the surface of the celestial body, and the "Voice of the Celestial Body" will not be activated for a period of time.
However, it is useless to just push back.
If there are no restrictions, a little recovery will be able to set foot back to London.
"Ms. Xia, I'm on it first."
The moment the voice of the celestial body ended, the priest turned into a black shadow and approached the Emperor Slash.
The umbrella in the priest's hand has turned into a heavy sword about two meters long with billowing black water...At the same time, the black coat also burst completely at this moment, revealing the power full of dark stigmata.
These stigmata all over the surface look more like a [mouth] without lip structure.
Most of the dark dwellers are based on secret methods. Lesos is a rare combatant. His body is also unique among the dark dwellers, and is called the "black swallowing body."
Can use darkness as food and swallow any form of dark matter to strengthen the flesh.
At this moment, the stigmata opened in the form of a mouth, exposing terrible dark tentacles...
Such a posture means that the priest bursts out of the darkness he has absorbed throughout his life and goes all out.
This is also the fundamental reason why my mother intends to transfer the London title deed to the priest.
With the potential of the priest, he will surely win the throne one day.
Whoo~ whoo~ whoo!
The priest continued to increase his speed as he advanced.
The Emperor Slash was still affected by the sound of the celestial body, and was unable to move because of the strong tremor of the weapon in his hand...had been crushed and killed, he swung the heavy sword in his hand with all his strength.
"Black Moon"
With the powerful slash of the black epee, a long-lasting crescent moon was reflected in the sky.
The crisp sound of impact shook away at the same time as the air wave.
The Emperor Slash fell heavily, smashing a big hole in the metal desert.
However, the priest's face is not good.
"This is a blow I gave with all my strength...Is it all useless?"
The heavy crush just now was instantly parried by the Emperor Slayer, only the pure impact was received, and it would not cause much harm at all.
The priest gritted his teeth.
The big mouths of the stigmata all over the body spit out thick darkness, forming a dark demon with tentacles covering the whole body.
Slashing the emperor, who rushed to the sandpit at full speed, would never give the opponent a chance to rest.
As the sound of weapon impact spread, sandstorms tens of meters high were exploded around.
Do not move!
The priest used the posture of the "dark demon", with the full force of the acceleration of the downward thrust, and was blocked by the sword... the figure remained standing, only his knees were slightly bent.
Even more frightening is that Emperor Zhan used only one hand-held knife.
The gap is between the myth and the king, the insurmountable sky.
When the priest realized that something was wrong, Zhanhuang made an "empty slash" with his free hand.
The priest deflected his body as much as possible.
Reluctantly letting the slash avoid the head of the head, it was torn apart from the shoulder position, and the left arm and part of the left half of the body were completely cut...At the same time, behind the priest, a 100-meter-long cut scar appeared in the sand.
The slash that contains the rules, once broken, it will be difficult to heal, unless...
Hissing~ (blood vessel growth)
A large number of new blood vessels suddenly grew between the left hand that was thrown in the air and the priest's body. UU看书www.uukanshu.com intertwined and sutured quickly! An unspeakable vitality forcibly offset the rules between the wounds, completing the continuation of the limbs.
at the same time.
A bright red leather whip was thrown from the blind spot, firmly restraining Emperor Zhan.
Captain Xia pulled the whip with one hand and the hair hanging down her face with the other, "Father, take out all the cards, otherwise we will all die here."
It was not the priest who answered.
Instead, he was bound by a leather whip and his whole body was stained red with blood.
The elegant female voice came through the tremor of the blade:
"As expected [S-01], there are so many top mythological bodies... You two are comparable to the insects and plants I encountered before, and even more powerful.
what a pity. "
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