Vol 7 Chapter 1417: Chase

   Hundreds of independent eyeballs are running wildly in the "Myth Realm-Kush Dynasty".
  Vine’s consciousness of purpose is scattered in these eyeballs, and can be transferred at will, as long as one is alive, he can be reborn.
  "Unexpectedly, a door opener could burst out of this kind of strength...If this secret method can be brought back to the crime world, the overall strength of our world will rise, and the allocation of the next throne will be me!
   Fortunately, I still have a hand, otherwise you might really be trapped here.
   Let me find, where is my [baby car]? "
  Han Dong released the field, although the laboratory was covered and Fujime swallowed in, but a "wonder" unique to Fujime was not accommodated.
   Fujime, as one of the few mythological entities in the sin world, represented the world to participate in this difficult black tower event, and he was naturally prepared for it.
  The growth of every mythological body is hard-won, even after several centuries of growth and evolution.
   They are well aware of the size of the world, there are many threats to their existence, and there are many areas that can put them into crisis... Of course, they will spend energy and material resources to obtain some life-saving means.
  Especially Fujime, a despicable person who uses ‘voyeurism’,
   He knows that he is weaker than the same rank in combat, and he knows that his role is mainly to assist in reconnaissance and combat, so he spends a lot of energy on the matter of [Life Saving].
   Therefore, he used all resources and accumulated points in the black tower to create a "companion equipment" for his own use only.
   This type of equipment can continuously improve its quality as individuals grow.
   And Fujime’s equipment has grown to reach [legendary quality] following the formation of myths.
   This piece of equipment was not hidden somewhere, but was exposed from the very beginning. It was the ‘Wooden Sedan chair’ that Fujime was riding in. The full name is-"Four Ghosts Runner."
   Under normal conditions, it is a sedan that can provide riding and concealment.
   When Fujime fully activates the "Four Ghosts Runner", this item can disregard the limitations of space and perform ultra-fast migration... It is also a stronghold in itself.
   Fujime can even sit in the sedan chair and release the pupil technique, while controlling four sedan chairmen to fight for it.
   Nowadays, Han Dong's realm has not covered the wooden sedan... to be precise, when Fujime felt that his realm was about to be covered, he decisively hid the wooden sedan and kept it for future use.
   He did not expect that he would actually need to use this item when facing a door-opening level strange monster.
   The sounds of beheading, knocking, or blasting continued to be heard in the desert king.
   Every eyeball is being wiped out at a speed faster than Fujime's expectation.
   "Has this guy's vision also upgraded?
   can actually capture all the dynamics of my eyeballs...this time the loss is too great, I am afraid it will take several years to recover from the end of this battle! "
at this time.
   A certain eyeball goes around into a bungalow built of earth tiles, and a certain kind of induction is also established.
   "Finally found it, my baby!"
   The moment the induction was established, the "Four Ghosts Wheel" was fully activated.
   The space in front of him instantly became distorted, several terrifying arms shredded the reality, and the four legs and feet turned into spiked rollers, carrying the gloomy wooden sedan chair.
   Half of the "Four Ghosts Runner" is located in the field, and the other half is located in the laboratory.
  The curtain has been opened.
   As long as you can escape into the car, you will get out of trouble smoothly.
   Fujime knows that the situation is critical and is not greedy at all, as long as he escapes with an eyeball...
   "The other eyeballs will be given to you. Enjoy it slowly."
   When this eyeball was about to get into the sedan, as a perceiver, he smelled an extremely dangerous smell. If he rushed into the sedan forcibly, it might cause a big problem.
  「Sin Eyes. Parting Room」
   The powerful pupil technique was released.
   Fujime's eyeball was immediately congested, and blood even dripped.
   Strands of sinful thread drilled from between the eyeballs, disturbing the surrounding space, and some areas were even completely confused.
   A death ray penetrated the house and pointed directly at the eyeball.
   Due to the disturbance of the pupil technique, the rays shifted slightly, almost wiping the eyeballs...Fujime was so scared that his pupils were maximized, and he hurriedly fled into the sedan.
   The angle of the death ray is very tricky.
   Even though the eyeballs were successfully dodged, one of the car lifters was still hit by the rays.
   The "Four Ghosts Runner" immediately showed a broken state, and it would cost a great price to repair it.
   "Hurry up!"
   The lack of a sedan chair, the overall performance of the equipment will inevitably decline, but now it can't take care of so much... the eyeballs control the "Four Ghosts Runner" forcibly out of the limits of the domain.
   In a blink of an eye.
   The wooden sedan has left the laboratory and headed towards the outside of the manor.
  Inside the dynasty.
   The desert soldiers who were hunting for their eyes raised their heads to highlight the horrible black skeletons and gathered them into Han Dong's body.
  "It is indeed a mythical form, but there is still a hand!
  Earl, you stay in the realm and continue to hunt down the remaining eyeballs, and keep as few eyeballs as possible in your body. This is a mythical eyeball, which may be useful to me.
During   , I will maintain the existence of the domain.
   I have to pursue this guy immediately, and I must dare to kill him before the end of the borrowing of God. "
   Say it.
   Han Dong stepped back to the laboratory.
   Dynasty domain is turned into a small space and stored in the land deed.
  The moment he returned to the laboratory, the "All-Seeing Eye" had captured the fast-moving wooden palanquin in the soil, as well as the bloodshot and extremely weak eyeballs that could be killed by a single blow.
   When Han Dong raised his left hand again, when he wanted to condense the death ray, a beep sounded.
"caveat! Currently in a non-domain environment, the release of Pharaoh's secret arts will consume huge energy, which will lead to the premature release of the state of borrowing the gods, and the body will be greatly backlashed. 』
   "This burden is too big? I can only kill him by myself..."
  「Space transfer」
   Affected by Pharaoh’s factors, the space transfer has an extra desertification process...
   Sha Sha Sha ~ Black sand condenses.
   Han Dong, who was originally in the underground laboratory, condensed directly on the ground in the next second, riding on the back of the crazy dragon.
   Although the dragon was Green’s creation, it also surrendered to Han Dong... immediately lowered the proud dragon head.
   With Han Dong's riding, the crazy dragon is also affected by the assimilation of the ‘Pharaoh Attribute’.
  The dragon scales glowed with dark golden luster, and even equipped with some ancient Egyptian-style armor.
   automatically formed an Egyptian throne on his back for Han Dong to take his seat.
   "Catch it out!"
   The crazy dragon rising into the sky quickly flew over the fence of the manor.
   There are tens of thousands of enemy troops on the periphery, and they are waiting for the return of the general Fujime. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com
   The time is just right.
   was riding on the "Four Ghosts Runner" of the vines and just got out of the ground, and the speed of the car was severely affected by the death of the man who carried the sedan chair.
   "Go straight on!"
  The crazy dragon possesses the attribute of "mountain".
   Due to the intervention of the Pharaoh's attributes, the mountain attributes have changed to a certain extent.
   As the dragon's body presses down, the mountain towers traveling in gold directly fall on the enemy, and the splashed sand particles will turn into quicksand to further swallow the enemy.
   Fujime was shocked by this scene.
   The speed of the "Four Ghosts Runner" was slower than expected due to the loss of a sedan chair...It was impossible to escape the chase of the giant dragon, let alone that Han Dong was still sitting on the dragon's spine.
   With only one broken eyeball left, he is unable to perform more pupil skills.
   A moment of life and death.
   Fujime consumes the remaining energy and uses it to establish a certain sinful association and convey a life-saving signal.
   "Master Slayer, help me!"
   Han Dong, who was sitting on the back of the dragon, seemed to have intercepted this transmission.
   However, Han Dong didn't stop it or shouted badly...Instead, he showed a morbid smile.
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