Vol 7 Chapter 1428: Completely eroded

   When walking towards the fallen Markhams City.
   Because of Green’s small talk with Han Dong and some words of the robot Xiao Huang, everyone knows that it was Han Dong’s contributions and plans during his departure that made it possible to shoot down the enemy’s main city.
   This feat is even comparable to killing a king.
   Black Goat Sally thought at first it was the secret method of a certain king.
   At present, when I learned that it was the plan that Han Dong had drawn up and implemented, the silent black forest in his heart began to grow wildly, and the eyes looking at Han Dong had completely changed.
   I thought that Han Dong's performance in the previous London game was good enough.
  Who knows, the performance in this game has completely surpassed the previous one... Such a war contribution, even if Sally runs out of cards, she will not be able to achieve it by all means.
   Thinking of this, Sally slowly approached Han Dong's side and asked softly:
   "Nicolas, did you think about this from the beginning? I remember that you insisted on going outside the city to investigate, and seemed to have made some very important plan."
   "No, how could it be possible to think of so many from the beginning... The [packaging] and [migration] of Markhams City were completely out of plan.
  The reason why I insist on going out of the city is because I got important information about this planet and the first company that once ruled the current world from Xiao Huang's mouth.
   Since this line was accidentally opened, I wanted to try whether we could turn the local resources into our own, and try our best to restore our geographical disadvantages.
   I don’t know, it was accidentally discovered that the ruins of this abandoned company actually kept the "Weapon of the King".
   Anyway, due to various coincidences, the enemy main city was shot down. "
   Han Dong said very lightly.
  Only Miss Green and Helen, who are acting together, know how difficult this process is. Any mistake in one step will cause everyone to die outside the city.
   When everyone approached the fall point of Markhams City, their expressions all changed.
   is not because of the presence of enemy troops.
   But there has been a serious spatial tearing situation here, and even a very small part of the area has appeared'rule collapse', which also indicates that the collapse of the world will come soon.
  "When London was pulled over.
  The estimated time for the world to collapse is "one month full". Eighteen days have passed so far... The low-Earth orbital gun will inevitably damage the origin of the world, and the collapse time has been shortened.
   It is estimated that this place will collapse completely in less than a week.
   Just look at Pop..."
   Everyone cautiously crossed the regular rupture zone and stepped into the interior of the city from the completely cracked metal wall.
   The energy and power systems are completely paralyzed. Such a dark environment is very suitable for Han Dong and others.
   After some simple observation, it is probably inferred that the damage of the metal city exceeds 80%.
   is already very amazing...According to Hyperion’s documentation, [Handsome Jack] once used an orbital gun to directly destroy a celestial satellite.
   Marcomus City was not directly bombarded into slag, which is enough to show how strong this main city is.
  Walking between the passages that seepage oil and severely deformed.
  Everyone is attracted by a strange phenomenon. Not only is Marcomus City being shot down, it is also suffering from a kind of ‘weird erosion’.
   The large blocks of walls are dyed purple,
  Dense clusters of crystals grow in every corner, even replacing the original metal structure,
   This is the follow-up impact brought by the yue mine weapons.
   At this moment, Alex’s voice suddenly came:
  "I have locked the core position of [Maternal Body] and captured it with a death mark,
   Her body was also hit hard by the shelling, and now is a great opportunity to kill her.
   Act according to plan.
   You are only responsible for eliminating the remaining mechanical procedures and destroying the main city as much as possible... The king-level battle is not something you can intervene, so don't get close to the deepest area. "
   After that, Alex turned into a shadow and disappeared between the passages.
   In the next second, Green leaned over, touched Han Dong's body with his elbow, and put forward a more interesting idea:
   "Hey... Nicholas, you should have a way to track the human head's breath, or locate the other side's mother, right?
   Do you want us to sneak in and do it in secret?
   Maybe the enemy king deliberately left a hand, using the remaining energy to control the captain, it would be very troublesome if there is no one to make up the knife.
   Just let us go there, or call Helen on it.
   How about other people hunting down the survivors here as originally planned? 』
   Han Dong scratched his head and responded with some uncomfortable:
   『Well... I am not very familiar with Captain Alex, and just waiting for an opportunity to fight with the past may irritate him.
   If our purpose is to investigate and destroy this metal city, we should be forgiven for accidentally entering the core area. 』
  Speaking of which.
   Han Dong and Green showed a weird smile at the same time
   After all, Han Dong took the risk to go to Marcomus City just to steal technology.
   The real core technology must also be hidden in the core area, and it doesn’t make much sense to just search on the periphery.
   Therefore, Han Dongli planned to use two people as a team to conduct a comprehensive search for the wreckage of Macomus City, clear out all enemy forces and destroy the devices that are still in operation.
  Because of Green's absolute support, the rest of the original quality did not dare to say anything at all.
   is grouped as follows:
  【Mad Demon-Green and Han Dong】
  【Ice Flame-Aslan and King Star-Vader】
  【Black Goat-Sally and the Demon-Kit】
  【Miss Helen and the original-Hope】
   Sally wanted to be with Han Dong, but when she stepped forward, she was glared at by Green, and she could only retreat to bring a deadly look on Kit.
   Green put his arm on Han Dong's shoulder, and the leisurely expression on his face seemed as if the war had ended.
   In addition, the robot-Xiao Huang is also following.
   Deciphering this mechanical city must rely on Xiao Huang’s advanced technology and mechanical capabilities.
   Due to the particularity of the upgrade method, Han Dong has never been clear about what level Xiao Huang is roughly equal to... He only knows that Xiao Huang is quite capable in "manufacturing", "mechanical control" and "program intrusion".
   Every time he walks through a relatively well-preserved area, Xiao Huang will give birth to a plug similar to a headphone cable and plug it into the control host in the current area.
   "Wow! It's incredible!
   The real key of this city is not the external machinery, but the programs that circulate inside like a living body.
   This is the first time I have seen a self-aware and completely independent program like this... After all, a robot like me needs a chip to support it, just like your human brain.
   However, no matter how independent these programs are, the railguns that use gold as energy have eliminated most of the cost, and the remaining individuals have also been eroded, showing a state of complete confusion.
   Even if we don’t come here, within two days at most, the place will be completely eroded, and all programs will be destroyed...The weapons of the mine are still terrifying.
  The gold effect is constantly eroding inward like a virus, we have to hurry up~
   Otherwise, once the core program is corroded, it is difficult to restore it even if it is copied by me... After all, this is the crystallization of technology that handsome Jack is most proud of.
   Because of this orbital gun being in control, no alien forces dared to infringe upon the absolute sovereignty of Hyperion Corporation. "
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