Vol 7 Chapter 1487: Mythological Road

The file brought by the handsome Jackie covers almost all the information Han Dong wants, except for the "treasure map"... After all, Han Dong does not want to disclose the treasure map to this business partner.
In addition to introducing matters related to the unknown destiny, this document also mentions one important point.
The "mythical road" corresponding to the fate system
It is the stage where Han Dong is currently, and the document clearly explains the detailed process from the door opening stage to the myth stage.
【Destiny System】
This is an upgrade system created by the Black Tower to integrate the advantages of the thousands of world upgrade systems.
The entire upgrade process is simplified through the numerical and attributed form similar to the game.
Whether it is the number of destiny points required in the seed stage-[5] and the five general directions, the holy city corresponds to the Crusades, the library, the control, the mechanics, and the occult.
As well as the talent points needed for the subsequent break-up into a tree-[5], they can be assigned to different talent directions of the individual.
(The talent comes from the individual abilities derived during the break-up period, such as Han Dong's "Faceless Myth", "Dark Magic" and "Laughing Journey."
The average holy city knight usually derives two characteristics, Han Dong has more and better choices due to double cultivation)
The seemingly gamified point allocation and self-selection are actually optimization measures of the "fate system".
The individual's growth experience in the event of fate is "compressed and stored" in the form of ‘experience value’, and then released in one breath when the settlement is settled.
Compared with conventional practice, it is easier to grasp, self-selection is more intuitive and more rewarding.
When the talent tree is formed, the individual reaches the "door opening level".
The destiny system still provides a set of optimized upgrade schemes, which is a numerical display of the "mythical road".
Just keep going to [Unknown Destiny] to complete the clearance conditions, and you can move towards the myth steadily.
Moreover, the required value from "open the door" to "myth" is a little less than the previous one... As far as Han Dong is concerned, the required value is [3].
But here [3] is not three points, but [three pieces of puzzle].
When the individual experiences the extremely difficult [Unknown Destiny],
The system will give a detailed score based on the type of event completed, the individual's perception and harvest in the fate event, and the main demonstrated ability.
The scoring results will be announced at the time of settlement, mainly in two general directions:
"Qualified score":
The individual will get a complete mythological puzzle, the type of puzzle is linked to this fate experience (for example, in this incident, the ability to laugh crazy plays a key role, and will get a mythical puzzle of ‘crazy laugh’)
"Unqualified score":
Individuals will get ‘puzzle pieces’, and after the cool-down period (one year), they need to get more pieces to complete the puzzle through more unknown destinies.
In the case of "qualified", according to the specific experience of the individual, different quality mythological puzzles will be obtained, which are divided into four levels:
[Normal], [Rare], [Epic], [Legend]
(The higher the difficulty of Unknown Destiny, the higher the completion rate, and the higher the individual's world intervention rate, the higher the quality of the final puzzle.
If the individual is not satisfied with the quality, he can choose to abandon the puzzle and obtain it again in the next fate event.
Note: Jigsaw puzzles cannot be accumulated. No matter how many low-quality puzzle pieces, high-quality puzzles cannot be synthesized. You can only start over after giving up. )
Once the myth puzzle is installed, it cannot be given up, and the individual will have a corresponding ability trait.
Han Dong cleared the unknown destiny, passed the score, and obtained an epic puzzle of the "faceless myth".
Once you assemble this puzzle, you will get an epic faceless trait (man in the door, beard of the dark, etc.)
When Han Dong integrates a total of three pieces of puzzles of "Faceless Myth", "Dark Magic" and "Journey of Crazy Smile", the crucial [mythological structure] can be performed.
Promote mythological body.
The above is the "mythical road" corresponding to the destiny system.
Because the individual has witnessed the truth.
In addition to relying on fate events to obtain mythological puzzles, it is also possible to perfect the corresponding fragments through self-insight and practice on weekdays, or to lay a relevant foundation.
For example, Han Dong studied dark magic with the vice principal during his stay at the University of Michigan, and the corresponding mythological puzzle is slowly being constructed.

"Mythical Shards...I have three talents, so I need three shards to perfect it.
Like a regular knight, only one or two pieces are enough.
However, in the overview of the holy city, there are hundreds of elite knights who have opened the door, but the mythological body is very few.
It can be seen that even just a piece of myth is difficult to obtain, and it is never easy to construct a myth. "
After 50 hours of high-intensity production of gold, although there is sufficient nutritional supplement, the mental level is quite tired.
"Mr. Jack, sleep with you for a while."
"Just rest, my private nurse will take care of you the whole time."
Due to the threat from the fight club, Han Dong didn't worry about what Jack would do secretly, and immediately went to sleep after setting the ten-hour alarm clock.
When the handsome guy Jack stared at Han Dong who was sleeping, he immediately thought of no less than five very bad methods, but finally gave up completely.
"Take a good rest, Mr. Han...Don't die in the next [Unknown Destiny]."
[8 hours remaining until the event opens]
Han Dong, who left the secret alley, reads the book www. UU. uukanshu.com immediately rushed to the nearest trading bank.
Facing the extremely difficult unknown destiny, leading a team similar to the "Suicide Squad", pre-preparation is also necessary... This is why Han Dong spends 50 hours of precious time doing things for handsome Jack.
Medicines are necessary, and Han Dong first buys advanced medicines that reach the upper limit.
No equipment is needed.
Not to mention that the finished equipment is expensive, and Han Dong's current equipment is basically adequate, and he naturally has no shortage of equipment as a protoplasmic body.
In the subsequent search of trading houses, Han Dong found something very interesting but expensive.
This item belongs to [Black Tower Self-Sale], which is an exclusive item sold by the Black Tower party.
"Lucky dice"
Price: Fixed at two thousand points per piece.
Permission: Only formal employees or above are allowed to purchase, and only one piece per year is allowed.
How to use: When an individual starts a destiny event, they can simultaneously consume lucky dice. According to the points obtained by the dice, they are more likely to travel to a world that fits the individual's attributes.
The opening state and the initial identity of the individual in the world may become better (this item is only effective for random events, and cannot be used for special tasks assigned by the black tower.)
"Good stuff, just a little expensive!"
Han Dong was ruthless and still bought it. After all, there is a trade route provided by Jack, and future points acquisition will not be a problem at all.
"Almost, get ready to go.
As for Togu and the others, they should wait until the [Unknown Destiny] is over before arranging events for them... They are also very good helpers, not to mention that their brain upgrades have also improved them. "
Han Dong, who had made all preparations, went straight to the Black Tower office.
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