Vol 7 Chapter 1526: White tyrant

Staring at the crooked-necked tree full of "hanging fruits" and the roots of the tree that are constantly burrowing from the ground like arms,
Han Dong did not panic, nor did he have any defensive actions for the time being.
Important quick thinking is underway.
"Should this tree be destroyed at a fixed time?
Once the number of ladybugs changes accordingly, the scene will disappear... When you want to wait until the next corresponding difficulty, there will be many uncontrollable factors during the period, and many events will be wasted at the same time.
In this case, the battle cannot stay on the surface, I must take the risk proactively. 』
Thinking of this, Han Dong pulled Sally to his side.
"Sally, there is an important task assigned to you... Due to time constraints, I will cut the trunk directly.
In this case, this tree will surely attract an almost crazy attack.
During the cutting, you and the earl need to provide joint protection to minimize my injuries. "
When Sally nodded, she directly pulled out ten arrows.
Shooting in bursts, hitting the fruits hanging on the branches with ‘headshots’...Ah! The hanged people who were shot through their heads wailed horribly.
Such an approach immediately attracted the attention of the tree with a crooked neck, and the roots of nearby trees locked Sally one after another.
"it is good…"
Taking this opportunity, Han Dong ran towards the trunk at full speed.
Phew... the blood-red breath between the masks is constantly exhaling.
The arm of the Lester nurse is also connected by the shoulder blade in the form of a "third hand", turning it into a blood dog style.
"Count, you are responsible for guarding the situation behind me while I am cutting."
"I will do my best, but I still have to ask Miss Sally to come and help... With this arm alone, the earl can't use his full strength."
"Sally, she will come.
As long as you do a good job, I will find a way to build a higher-quality ‘flesh vehicle’ afterwards. "
"Hurt! Why don't you just use your body for me... Hurry up!"
The main trunk reaches the thickness of four people.
【Zombie G-1】
The skin becomes pale and hardened,
At the same time, focus on the deformation of the right arm. As the whole becomes larger and thicker, there are layers of hardened tissue formed on the surface of the arm,
The iconic "G eye" is opened from the upper arm, combining the characteristics of the magic eye to observe the trunk,
Strands of deep red tree veins symbolizing resentment are moving inside, and at the same time, a group of structures similar to the heart is vaguely spied on, beating in the depths.
"right here!"
Blood delivery...swing the engine of the chainsaw!
The moment the saw blade cuts into the trunk.
The thick, smelly and black sap was sprayed out, and there was even a kind of severed arteries.
However, no matter how much stinky sap is sprayed on Han Dong, the cutting rate does not mean a decrease... No matter how strong the trunk is, how the internal self-healing is carried out, it will not be able to offset the chainsaw cutting.
Of course, the cutting rate is not very fast, and it takes a certain amount of time.
A scream of men, women and children resounded in the courtyard.
The roots of the trees that are besieging Sally are all shifting targets,
The deceased, whose heads were pierced by arrows, hung on the branches, glared at Han Dong one by one... even branches and rattans grew from their limbs, and they shot towards Han Dong one after another.
The dog's head bites.
The first batch of branches arrived, all torn to pieces by the earl.
With the increase in the number of branches, sharp or acid-carrying branches caused various perforations and damage to the earl's mouth.
At this moment, a more dangerous situation happened...
"Fruit ripening"
With wisps of crimson essence of resentment flowing into the body of the hanged person,
Pulling out the arrows on their foreheads one after another, lifted the hanging state, and actively separated from the branches.
Attacked Han Dong with various twisted gestures.
"Nicholas! I can't stop so many things...you quickly pause the cutting, and give priority to this group of evil spirits."
Facing the earl's advice, Han Dong didn't mean to stop cutting.
Emergency moment.
A black shadow that had just completed its deformation fell from the sky... Step on! The heavy hoof was crushed by a crawling hanger.
[Ontology lifted (one paragraph)]
At this time, Sally turned into a sheep shape similar to a centaur.
The upper body is still in the shape of a human, with the iconic horns,
The lower part of the body is transformed into the body of a goat, the soft black wool is floating in the wind, and the hooves of the limbs are heavily trampled on the ground...The purple tentacles symbolizing the'exotic demon' are scattered in different positions of the body.
Sniffing the familiar sound and feeling the heavy foot trampling, Han Dong smiled relievedly, and at the same time he commanded:
"Earl, assist Miss Sally! The situation behind me is left to you... I still need some time here."
The current cutting length has reached ten centimeters, and the internal structure of the trunk can be vaguely peeked through the cut cracks.
Between the densely distributed tree veins like blood vessels, a black heart with a human face is beating frantically... A larger gap needs to be cut to get inside.
A tree root as sharp as a dagger cut across Han Dong’s waist and abdomen,
A certain corrosive curse quickly penetrated the body through the incision.
Immediately afterwards, several more tree roots struck from different directions, cutting or piercing the skin.
Black pus is constantly flowing out from the wound, and a feeling of paralysis and fatigue is spreading to the whole body.
Due to the "life stress" brought by the chainsaw cutting.
The crooked neck tree began to consume the source of life, activating all the branches to launch an attack.
The number of tree roots that have struck simultaneously has reached nearly a thousand, and successive "hanged people" have matured and fallen off.
In this case, it is quite good to be able to keep only a few branches affecting Han Dong.
A ray of blood exuding the smell of the Black Forest, UU reading www.uukanshu.com splashed on Han Dong's face... the situation is not good.
Han Dong frowned.
Stop the cutting action and retract the chainsaw back.
Not turning around to assist Sally, but preparing to advance to the next stage.
"Let me see the true potential of the G virus..."
Take the initiative to lift a part of the G virus.
Make the effect work on the whole body, if it is said that the current arm distortion, skin hardening, and G-eye formation belong to the [G-1] stage.
Then, Han Dong will enter the [G-2] stage next...G form can be infinitely deepened, but the corresponding risk is also higher.
The G virus all over the body is activating and transforming every cell.
While the skin of the whole body was further whitened and hardened, the black hair was even whitened,
Larger columnar hyperplastic tissues grow at the ends of the arms, which symbolizes the further increase in strength,
An extremely strong tapered claw replaces the original nail structure, which grows from the end of the finger,
[Stage G-2] White Tyrant
Snapped! Clasp the sawn trunk with both hands and pull it to the left and right with all your strength!
When Han Dong roared, more columnar hyperplasias grew out of his arms, bringing greater strength.
The longitudinal slit torn by the chainsaw was torn alive, revealing a tree hole leading to the inside.
Huh! Huh! Huh!
The sharp claws waved, tearing open the veins like blood vessels.
"Finally caught you...what the is it?" Five fingers clasped the deepest human face and forcibly pulled out.
The veins connecting the heart are all torn off.
In a moment, all activities of the trees ceased.
However, the human face and heart in his hand did not die, it seemed that he wanted to say something...
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