Vol 7 Chapter 1567: Perfect fit

"Dear Miss Sally~ I hope you like this set of equipment... These are the remaining materials for making the equipment. Please keep it away. I wish you a rise in the Infinite City."
"Ah~ OK."
Because of being too tired and the accumulated injuries from fighting with the monsters,
After cooperating with the production of the equipment mold, Sally slept directly in the cubicle on the third floor of the store.
Twenty hours had passed by the time the service staff woke up.
"I have a small suggestion. Now that Miss Sally has recovered her mental state, it is better to have a "blood injection" here to ensure that you will not be disturbed.
"Bloodline props" of this quality will cause an uproar once they are discovered.
Even in Kalms, someone will attack you... After all, risk is directly proportional to opportunity. "
"it is good."
"Then I won't bother you."
As the staff left, only Sally was left in the cubicle.
Two objects are placed on the table top.
First, a 50×50×50cm black box, with a metallic luster on the surface, but a touch between metal and hard hoofs, is made of "hardened hoofs".
What is contained in the box is a suit made according to Sally's advice and figure.
Second, a crystal syringe inlaid with diamond ladybugs, filled with black liquid in the form of crystalline particles, is the bloodline extracted from the perfect giant's heart.
When Sally reached out and touched the syringe, the prop information was immediately transmitted to the brain:
"Name of bloodline-Angelika. Dead Gazelle"
Grade: [A+]
Limitations: Since the blood line is taken from beasts of giants, the stronger the recipient's own animal nature, the more likely it is to be beasts (antelopes), and the higher the adaptability of the blood line (if the adaptability is less than 60%, the lineage acceptance will likely fail) .
Basic effect:
①. Improved overall mobility (significant increase in movement related to the legs)
②. Improved regenerability (the effect is best when you are in Infinite City)
③. Curse affinity (the curse system abilities that the recipient is proficient in will get bonuses, and it is possible to comprehend more advanced curse skills)
Special effect:
①. "Mist of dead necrosis (halo skills: The dead necrosis spores that grow under the individual's skin will maintain gas output, and the range of influence can be adjusted by itself (the best effect can be achieved within 10m).
Any living body affected by the aerosol will be cursed with necrosis, and the body will quickly decay, fester, and wither and die.
Recipients can switch this skill by themselves.
If the recipient has domain skills, it can be used in combination.
②. "Giant's Heart": As long as the heart is not destroyed, the individual will survive forever.
Even if the brain is destroyed, the heart can serve as a temporary consciousness carrier.
When ingesting the original fluid Eitr without any impurities, it is possible to further improve the blood line, or it may exceed the tolerance of the recipient, resulting in consciousness being controlled by Eitr. 』
Sally stared at the syringe in front of her eyes, with tentacles flashing between her eyes.
"Both the antelope category and the curse characteristics fit me very well.
Nicholas took this into consideration and made that kind of ‘high-risk’ decision at that time.
Once the blood line is in the body, it may not only enhance my role in the game, but when the journey of fate is over, my ontology may also be realized. "
Sally no longer hesitated.
In accordance with the best use plan given by the staff, insert the syringe into the heart.
With all the black matter injected into the body, a terrible change is happening in Sally,
Skin ulcers, subcutaneous spores, and black gangrene gas throughout the compartments. If staff break into the room at this moment, even the mechanical body will suffer rapid death and corrosion.
[Blood adaptability -100%]

About two hours passed.
There was a sound of sheep's hooves in the staircase of the ladybug head office.
A woman with a perfect figure and appearance wrapped in leather has a pair of slender and slightly curved black horns on her forehead.
Such beautiful scenery immediately attracted about 90% of the eyes of the main store lobby.
While being attracted by Sally's beauty, everyone also noticed the black box on her back, with the perfect sheep's head imprint on the surface.
Of course, limited by the rules of Kalms and the aura of power emanating from Sally, most assassins can only feast their eyes on them and dare not do anything at all.
But there are still a handful of people who have become malicious.
"This beautiful woman, with a newly released suit!
Do you want to take a risk and bet once, as long as you can get close to her with the captain, you can start thinking induction...it can take up to three days for this woman to become our teammate. "
"Follow her ~ find a chance to start."
Two weird men are approaching quietly,
One of them has the physique of a chameleon. He deliberately puts his body on his companion's back to achieve a collective disguise... even the breath is completely blended with the environment.
When Sally was waiting for the bus in front of the platform, the danger approached step by step.
The two completely disguised have come behind Sally,
Next, the captain, known as the "hypnotist", will do it himself. Just place the palm of his hand on the back of his head, and he will be able to quietly plant hypnotic seeds.
Once the seeding is completed, 1 only needs to give Sally a series of hints to Sally through objects and sounds on different occasions, and the hypnotic seeds will slowly grow... and finally achieve a complete hypnotic effect.
Since there is no need to kill people throughout the entire process, and no killing value will be accumulated, it is not the first time that they have done this kind of thing.
The moment this person put his palm on the back of Sally's head,
There was no sign, or even pain, and the whole arm was directly unconscious... In just one second, the gangrene tissue spread from the arm to the body.
Train coming into the station
When Sally stepped onto the train with an elegant gait, no one dared to follow it.
Because there are two groups of dead flesh that are constantly flowing with thick water behind her, two faces that are extremely painful and eager for death can be vaguely identified.

The residence remains unchanged.
Sally took a brisk pace, and when she thought of meeting Han Dong, her face filled with a pure and true smile.
"Nicholas! I'm back!"
He opened the door and called out the name, but there was no response.
However, Sally had already smelled the familiar smell of the space, Han Dong stayed in the room, and Green was there.
With a curious attitude, looking for a breath, he came to the door of the master bedroom.
Crunch~ When she gently pushed open the half-covered wooden door, Sally was stunned... The scene in her eyes will be permanently stored in her memory, and she will probably never forget it in her next life.
On the bed.
The two ‘hug’ together in an indescribable posture.
Han Dong’s limbs were inserted into the holes in Green’s body at different angles, and they were still trembling irregularly...
Sally was irritated and stood at the door speechless.
The black box on his back also slipped to the ground... Clang!
With closed eyes, Green slowly opened his eyes because of the sound, and looked at the door impatiently, "Sally, are you back? I have something to do with Nicholas, don't disturb us."
Sally plucked up the courage to ask: "What are you doing?"
"What else can I do? Nicholas' body was severely injured by me, and I am helping him repair his limbs...I don't want to waste time on healing and training.
Don't hinder my concentration, get out! "
Sally was yelled so, she could only leave silently and close the door by the way.
Sitting on the sofa alone, his thoughts were still unable to break free from the picture that he had just accepted.
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