Vol 7 Chapter 1658: Private talk

   As early as in the Zosik mainland-[Tibetan skeletal place].
   When Han Dong looked at the whole picture, saw the overall situation set by Professor Morgan and the scene where he found M.O. alone, he secretly made a decision:
   Postpone or change the cooperation plan with M.O., with Morgan as the primary goal.
   Of course, Han Dong’s ‘primary goal’ is not to kill, exile, or seal... but something to talk to this person privately.
  Since this incident happened to be related to the "great contribution" of the University of Michigan, perhaps it could kill two birds with one stone.
   After setting foot on this biological planet created by Morgan and gradually understanding his basic experiments, ideas and surface purpose,
   Han Dong is firmer in his own ideas, and at the same time, he has been secretly seeking opportunities.
   Looking for an opportunity to leave the team for a long time.
  Before the professor team anyhow, contact Morgan alone for a while.
   Now, the opportunity has finally come.
  During Han Dong's departure from the team, several creations born in the biological factory were instantly executed, and their cell essences were extracted with gold-inlaid syringes to analyze their essence.
  "The analysis of this planet, combined with the cell essences extracted from these creatures, can almost parse out the abilities that Morgan has mastered and some surface experimental mysteries.
   It's time to talk to him alone.
   Since Eugenes and important resurrectors are here, it means that the [Main Laboratory] should be deep in the factory. "
   Out of familiarity with the layout of biological lines,
   Han Dong walked towards the depths of the factory step by step, disappearing as much as possible to avoid getting caught with other teams lurking here.
"right here!"
   Deep in the factory,
   is also the confluence of various nerves, roots and circuits.
  Through the console-like glass partitions, a group of huge spheroid warehouses are connected to the center of the planet...it is almost always Morgan’s central laboratory.
  The internal means can effectively shield all spatial means,
   There is only a rectangular channel made of high-density muscles connected to it, and you must go through detailed identity verification if you want to step into the channel.
   Han Dong did not pretend to be Eugenes or the resurrection professor.
   Instead, he took the initiative to remove his disguise, exposing his original appearance, and reached out to stick to the identification panel full of nerve synapses.
   Although the panel failed to be recognized,
   But the door of muscle contraction slowly opened in a ring shape, and the only way to the central laboratory was opened.
   When Han Dong crossed the passage and stepped into the spherical laboratory full of brains,
   A powerful brain is constantly pouring in like ocean waves.
   It's just that, no matter how huge the waves are, the talent tree full of smiling fruits has not wavered in the slightest.
   quack quack~
   A disgusting squeezing sound came from the top.
   Professor Morgan, who was thin, had six articulated arms, and dragged a tail, slowly squeezed out between the brains at the top of the laboratory.
   Under the slow flap of the wings, it landed steadily.
   the skull is cut off from the middle of the bridge of the nose,
The upper part of    is open, exposing the colorful brain group, and keeping the brain awake while breathing air.
   Multiple tongues like straws wriggle in the mouth,
   A burst of coercive words reached Han Dong’s brain:
   "It's really special... I didn't expect that a strange young man like you would appear in the world during my ten years of retreat.
  Only [Return to Ancestor] was recognized by the Special Operations Mission of the University of Michigan, stepping into the broken dimension and coming to my planet.
   I have heard of your deeds from Eugenes. I overpowered the original to win the London game and became an associate professor at the University of Michigan in just one year.
   I have a great interest in your'brain', but I didn't expect you to leave the team on its own initiative and send it to the door deliberately.
   Judging from all the deeds, you are not an idiot...Why did you do such a thing, or do you think I won’t kill you? "
   Facing the king-level Han Dong, he was not nervous at all.
   instead, after observing Morgan’s state, he said happily:
  "Sure enough...Professor Morgan attacked me at the [Tibet Institute] because of the side effects of physical weakness and lack of brain. Now that we can chat normally, it is the best situation.
   There is only one purpose for finding it in private this time.
   I hope to discuss some biology with Professor Morgan, especially the academic issues of species modification...Unfortunately, I also have a more in-depth study of this aspect.
   Actually, I had this idea when I first met you at the Zangkui Institute, but unfortunately you were not suitable for conversation at the time.
   If possible, I am even willing to help you quickly achieve [Planet Integration]. "
   Han Dong displayed a detailed "Planet Deconstruction Picture" drawn between his head in the form of tentacles printing in front of him.
   At the same time, it also comes with the optimization plan of the biological factory,
   and the analytical text of some creations.
   Morgan quickly scanned these things in front of him, and the tentacles on the surface of his brain moved slightly.
   Although his expression did not change much, he was surprised that the other party could parse so much information in such a short period of time... Obviously, this young man is very accomplished in the field of biology.
   "Do you want to have an academic exchange with me?"
"Yes it is.
  Considering the issue of time, in order for Professor Morgan to get to know me more quickly, I suggest to have a competition directly.
   This should save a lot of time. "
   Do you want to challenge me directly as an ancestor? I heard that you once defeated an enemy mythology in a game room in London, I really want to see it. "
   Han Dong hurriedly waved his hand, "Professor Morgan is misunderstood! You are the one who defeated M.O. in the Tibetan Corpse... No matter how arrogant I am, it is impossible for me to challenge you after witnessing the Tibetan Corpse incident.
   Such suicidal behavior is meaningless.
   I mean the ‘biological’ level of competition.
   To tell you the truth, I am also very interested in the transformation and cultivation of creatures, and I have also cultivated strange creatures that I think are good in private. "
   These words immediately aroused Morgan's interest.
   After all, the reason why he is so crazy, in the final analysis, comes from his dedication to biological research.
   In order to understand the ancient creation of ancient times-[Shugos], he lived in the Antarctic Roshan for several months, working day and night to study the origin and characteristics of the Shugos.
   Nowadays, a young man who claims to have created a new creation comes to him and challenges him. He himself is quite tempted.
   "You mean...want to challenge the perfect creature I created with your creation?"
   "That's right, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com means this.
   In this way, Professor Morgan can more intuitively understand what kind of person I am and at the same time understand the research work I am doing. "
   "Then ~ what is the price?"
   "If I lose, at your disposal, whether it is to eat my brain or the brain of the special Migo in my body, it is all right.
   If I win, I only hope that Professor Morgan can establish a basic trust relationship. I have some very interesting things I want to talk to you. "
   Morgan slapped his brain heavily, causing a mental shock in the entire laboratory.
The field is expanded.
   A brain wave that can change reality spreads out, constructing a completely enclosed and transparent area of ​​fighting beasts.
  "Let us choose one [mature body] for the competition...
  The basic growth of the mature body has been completed, but it has not yet developed acquired abilities, nor has it failed to touch the door of truth.
   can most objectively express the basic characteristics of creation. "
   "Well, a very suitable material."
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