Chapter 17: Calm Day 3

"Portable prison, living creatures: 1/1, maximum.
收容 Containment capacity cannot be activated until the prison is expanded or active containment organisms are released.
The containment creature obeys the order given by the subject to a certain extent.
But for certain orders that violate their own ideas, the containment object will show strong resistance and reduce the 'mood'.
Please pay attention to the 'mood' of the contained object. If the mood is lower than a good value for a long time, there may be rebellion and even the containment failure. A
With the end of the system prompt.
Chen Li in the prison cell opened her eyes.
He thought that Chen Li would be alarmed by being in the cell.
Who knows, she smiled, and she was not exclusive to this cold, dark prison.
While the tentacles were in her head, a subconscious mind about 'home' was implanted.
This makes Chen Li stay in prison, but makes her feel home.
In addition, there is another important change ... that is, the look revealed by Chen Li's brown eyes, in addition to 'friends', there seems to be an 'master-servant' relationship.
Han Dong sincerely said, "Thank you for trusting me."
"After my mother was killed, my goal in life was only revenge.
My younger brother Daqing has his own housework ... After this matter is over, he can go to his own life. I have nothing to care about, and I don't want to be a burden on him.
I leave with you, but a good thing. "
Chen Li calmly accepted all this.
那么 "Then the next thing is up to you ... when everything is resolved, I will take you to a whole new world."
After returning to the bungalow, Chen Li pretended to look weak, leaning against the wall and returning to her room # 6.
Han Dong also left the room immediately, ready to continue to join the team.
Who knows, as soon as I left the house, I bumped into Edward with blond curly hair.
Edward asked with concern: "Friend Nicholas, are you okay?"
只是 "Just, because I didn't sleep well last night, and Herbert followed.
Tenseness and lack of sleep make me a little weak ... After eating breakfast, I feel more comfortable. "
"There should be no danger during the day, you just rest in the room, right?"
Edward was about to turn to Li Kai, and seemed to think of it ... but this series of transitions was slightly deliberate.
对 "Yes! Nicholas friend, I just saw‘ Chen Li ’coming out of your room when I went up the stairs ... forget the time she went upstairs, should I stay with you for twenty minutes?
You have been alone with this ‘middle evil’ for so long, is n’t it? "
"It's all right."
Edward suddenly lost his intention to leave, but instead entered Han Dong's room and closed the door with his backhand.
"Nicholas friends, I hope you can tell me what happened in 20 minutes, your conversation and your thoughts.
恶 The "evil spirit" in this incident is that Chen Li is very likely, or the evil spirit is in Chen Li's body and will only appear at night.
的 The information about her is very important to us. "
Han Dong has long wanted to talk.
It is said that Chen Li went up to the second floor to care about his physical condition. After all, Han Dong and others also belonged to the shooting group and helped in the process of 'exorcism'. Then the two sat down to eat and talk together. Things in life.
Edward wondered, "That's all?"
"Yes, but ..." Han Dong seemed to sound some terrible details.
"But nothing?"
Han Dong pretended to look seriously, "Chen Li stayed in my room, the temperature dropped a lot.
In addition, during the conversation, when talking about her past evil experiences, I did not know where to get a kitchen knife ... scared me lightly.
Alas, she was just emotional and did not do dangerous things. "
Edward touched his chin with his white-gloved mechanical prosthetic, and seemed to be remembering something.
"Hmm ... a kitchen knife? Indeed, it seems that Chen Li likes kitchen knives very much, and she will always carry them with her.
Nicholas, thank you for sharing important information.
As the captain, I will try my best to survive with you ... tell you a message. "
"What?" Han Dong was curious.
"According to the information disclosed by my 'returnee' friend, ordinary novice tasks belong to this type of 'survival event', a short day and a half month long.
However, no matter how long it is required to survive, the event will not advance quickly in the early stage, deliberately giving the entrants a sense of slack.
Often in the last period of time, suddenly accelerate the progress of the event, and even some incredible events happen!
If the team of more than ten people cooperate well, they can survive in the early stages ... but they will all die in the last few hours.
This sudden change is called by my friend and the Cavaliers as [speed change]. "
Han Dong was surprised: "The captain said ... the evil spirit might kill people crazy in the last few hours?"
"Yes, I estimate that the [speed shift] will start in the last half of the day. Today we are still working in our respective rooms, and it will start tomorrow at 6 o'clock, and we will all gather ... I will find a way to keep everyone alive."
"Thank you Captain."
"No thanks, you can take a good rest in the room ... Since you are alone with Chen Li for 20 minutes, it means that there should be no danger today."
After watching Edward leave, Han Dong wrote down the 'variable' and Edward's name in the book.
"Edward Murray ... the origin of this man is by no means simple. UU reading
Moreover, he is obviously well prepared for this incident, and he should have a good grasp of the details hidden in the 'fate space'.
However, he just told me the 'law' of the development of an event, and did not say the really useful [limitations] at all.
It is necessary to pay attention to this person.
所谓 As for the so-called 'shifting' ... I probably guessed that in the latter part of the event, the "restriction" conditions for evil spirits will be greatly weakened, or all of them will be lifted. "
The third day.
Han Dong stayed in the room almost all day without going out, the reason was that he was uncomfortable, and Captain Edward was allowed.
Chen Li even brought in her lunch and dinner.
All day, Han Dong was 'thinking'.
Everything is normal, just like Edward said, [shifting] will happen at the moment when everyone is slightly relaxed, even a team of more than ten people will die in the last few hours.
Time is up in the evening.
After dinner, Han Dong left the room for the first time by receiving the rice bowl on the first floor.
Before the final sunset fell, he went to the hut to solve the physiological problems.
Of course ... the main purpose is to meet with Chen Liyin secretly.
When I came to the back of the hut with my crotch raised, I was a little surprised, although I was prepared in advance.
Chen Li, wearing a red coat and carrying a red hair, was carrying a kitchen knife, half of her body hiding behind a tree.
"According to what I said, take action with your brother tonight ... I'll be able to survive, it depends on your performance."
"it is good."
Han Dong specially praised before leaving: "You're better dressed than I planned ... almost scared me."
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