Vol 7 Chapter 1679: Recycle

In the Gain forest, slowly tore open a stable space portal.
Han Dong, wearing a robe of crows, once again stepped into this dense woodland, right in front of him where the "Plant Planet" had fallen.
Looking at this nearly perfect planet, no flaws can be found,
Han Dong even conceived in his mind scenes of using this thing to carry out various interstellar travels.
Whether it’s going to the Center of Chaos, complementing Green’s crazily,
Or go to the grey country to complete the last mythical puzzle,
Or go to several other broken dimensions to find ‘food’ for the magic sword,
Even if you get the guidance of the void on a certain day, you can travel on the planet.
Looking at the entire alien world, very few use a planet as a spacecraft (except for alien monsters that are planets themselves), not to mention this biological planet that can travel through broken dimensions and incorporate Migo's highest technology.
Just when Han Dong couldn’t wait to step into the planet and reactivate it
Hum! Another portal was torn open.
The inside of the portal corresponds to a higher-level void channel... Pope's arrival.
He did not look directly at Han Dong, but stared at the plant planet in front of him, and said in a low voice:
"Is it convenient for me to go in together?"
"Of course it's convenient.
If there is no Pop, you will come to the depths of the temple to pick me up at last, I am afraid it will be difficult to walk out according to my state at the time. "
Han Dong smiled, completely not repelling Pope to find him at this time.
And he also knows why Pope found it at this juncture.
When advancing along the network path of the plant planet, the outer structure has been damaged due to a large number of attacks from myths and even kings during the flight.
But because the planet adopts the Migo-style construction model, the really important areas are placed inside.
As long as sufficient nutrients are provided, the planet can repair itself.
There is no communication along the way,
It wasn't until he stepped into the familiar central laboratory that Pope broke the sinking between the two:
"Nicholas, your oral experience does not correspond to the facts, right?"
"Huh?" Han Dong pretended not to understand anything.
"Although everything you dictate is logical on the surface, the school leaders who have not intuitively participated in the action also think it makes sense and the final result is what they want.
But one thing seems very deliberate.
Even if you desperately bring out the atomic fungus that Morgan wants from the depths of the temple, it is the last prop for him to "self-complement", so as to gain a certain amount of trust.
But Morgan will not conduct important supplementary experiments in front of you, right? "
"Huh? Didn't I explain it?
At that time, Morgan detected that I was in a deep coma before proceeding to "self-complement"... I only had the opportunity to invade the planetary system when I woke up from the coma in advance due to my own characteristics. "
"Let's put it this way.
If you are Morgan... there will be an important ceremony that must not be interrupted.
But beside you, there is an uncertain factor that is controlled by you and taken as a hostage.
Even if he is in a coma, it is possible to wake up early.
Will you keep him by your side?
The reason why Morgan would rest assured to keep you by his side... is because you have already reached a certain kind of strong cooperative relationship, and even trust you absolutely because of something.
The mind control you showed in front of us and all kinds of hostility towards Morgan are all disguised, right? After all, this is one of the methods you are best at. "
Hearing this, Han Dong stopped pretending and spread his hands.
"Oh~ Pop, you have already guessed the problem, right?
Since you deliberately waited until the final result came out, then came to quietly expose my ‘bad behavior’...should you not plan to report me? "
Pope said with a serious face: "I will depend on the situation.
I want to know, why should Morgan cooperate with you? What conditions did you offer him to make him willing to transfer all this to you?
Also, is there any chance that Morgan would come back? "
"Actually, the way I established a relationship with Morgan was very simple.
Morgan's only obsession is to conduct [biological research].
I just showed him and opened up more alternative and less risky paths, and exchanged his planet and technology at the cost of a world in my hands.
Moreover, I can take my life guarantee.
Morgan will never pose any threat to S-01 again, and the scientific research results he made in other worlds can even be shared here through me to achieve a win-win effect. "
Popper listened to Han Dong's speech and looked at his eyes at the same time.
Although Han Dong is good at disguising, he did not lie this time.
"When did you start making this plan?"
"Zosik continent,
When I saw the essence of Morgan, I realized that he was of the same type as me in terms of scientific research.
Although Morgan is heinous, a large part of this ‘evil’ comes from birth defects... and it would be too wasteful to erase such talents directly.
Is it the best result to deal with it in a way similar to ‘exile’? What do you say, Pope? "
"As long as the end result is beneficial to UM, I don't care.
That's it, I won't delay you from reaping the spoils..."
Although Pope didn't express it, what he wanted most was the result... He still acknowledged Professor Morgan as a talent in his heart.
When Popper is opening a void channel and planning to leave.
Han Dong suddenly stretched out his hand to grab him.
"It's all here, so why don't you stay and help... just to let you see something new."
After all, Han Dong released something.
A certain strong brain fluid aura permeated the laboratory, so that Popper thought it was "Morgan" who was still hiding here, and immediately aroused the "Void Stance."
What finally appeared was a swollen doctor whose brain was inlaid with gears, and his flesh was white and fat like a worm, with several arms born.
It's just that the breath and physical condition that the doctor exudes is completely different from the feeling under the influence of Pope.
There is already a feeling of touching mythology as a whole, and the brain circuit even constructs a "mind map" that is difficult for Popper to understand.
Popper said with a shocked look: "Could it be that Morgan gave not only technology, but also all individual inheritance?"
Han Dong gently stroked the doctor's brain, showing a satisfied expression.
"Yes. UU reading www.uukanshu.com
Only in this way can this biological planet be controlled in a real sense.
Doctor, his future development may be higher than Morgan...Pop, if you are interested in going to Broken Dimension, I can take you directly. "
"You guy!"
to be honest.
Pope could have accepted this series of biotechnologies and planets for Han Dong. After all, Han Dong himself had taken great risks.
But when he saw the status of the doctor and learned about the ‘biological inheritance’, he was really envious.
"Let's go! Let's return to the University of Mi and hand over some of the technology.
My [Great Contribution] should arrive soon. If you have nothing to do with Pop, how about taking me to the library again? "
"I really want to report it to you now!"
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