Vol 8 Chapter 1724: Eye of the Abyss

Even if the coercion of the king has been revealed,
Even if the core eyeballs of this life are staring at the youth who exudes the same chaotic atmosphere with him, they regard it as the first goal, and it seems to be analyzing the related body structure.
Green still didn't have the slightest preparation for battle.
Instead, he focused all his attention on the opponent's [eyeballs]... and even showed an expression of extreme greed.
"Well! This is the first time I have seen Chaos Eyeballs, it is exactly the same as Chaos Star!
Has the technology of this group of guys improved again? It can actually simulate the "Chaos Star" completely, and present it in the eyeball in such a [zoomed-out version], and make it in [pupil].
It seems that this group of guys staying in the depths really have some abilities, and they have created such an interesting mold.
It smells so good~ It would be great if such eyeballs could be embedded on my body. "
Green was already greedy.
Among the ten primordial qualities, he can't even rank in the top three in terms of [eye] alone.
Eukins' eyes are recognized as the strongest original quality.
The second is that Aslan inherited from ancient times and came from the leftover continent of the Northern Continent-Hipapória, named "The Pearl of Hipapória."
Embedded in the soul of Aslan, it can grow with the individual.
The third is a bit controversial. Pop's "Star Eyes" who can see the future and Helen's inner eyes are hard to tell who is stronger.
Although Green’s eyes are not bad at all,
But he is still far from satisfied, and he is also eager for a useful eye... This is why he borrowed Eugenes's eyeballs and immersed himself in it during the first London game.
However, in the end, it did not take over.
Because this is meaningless, after all Eugenes can still bring him a little ‘happiness’.

In front of the Chaos Stone Pillar, an individual was created.
Except for the setting of "Chaotic Eyes" floating between the hollow torso.
This thing had no fixed shape when it was born,
It is a group of creatures closely woven by chaotic tentacles, and each chaotic tentacles maintains a high degree of coordination with the eyeball.
Green, Han Dong and Sally are the first type of life observed when it was born.
It also naturally imitates their posture, forming a torso and limbs.
At this time, the researcher who is mainly responsible for mold design and production in Guantai District gave a simple explanation:
"This Chaos Prototype, which is still being tested, is called "Yuanyan".
The reason why it can be stabilized as a "king level (lower is entirely dependent on the [integrated consciousness] of many of our researchers and the chaotic stone pillar that created it, and the temporarily created mold body.
It cannot exist on its own without any one.
I hope to find out the existing defects of the mold through the battle with you. Once the test requirements are met, we will take the initiative to dissociate.
Of course, it is best if you can defeat it head-on.
Taking into account that our integrated consciousness has set it as the "king level (lower position, here will give you ten minutes to adapt...you can observe him through any non-contact means. "
"No need~ I'm still in a hurry to go to the next party area... Let's start, fellow researchers."
Just when Green threw out this sentence.
"Chaotic Eyes" suddenly deflected,
The focus point of the eye pupils, from Green’s main body, turns to Green’s current ground.
"Green, be careful!"
Han Dong noticed the details and hurriedly warned.
The beholders were originally tens of meters apart.
Without any time interval or spatial process change,
A kind of "shift" occurred and appeared directly at the focal point of the field of vision, that is, in front of Green.
Green, who hadn't prepared for battle, had no time to dodge or parry.
At the same time.
In the previous gaze, Chaos Eye's analysis of Green's body has been completed.
A slap on the right side of the chest.
Logically speaking, the frontal attack from the king class should have directly smashed Green's body.
But... when this slap fell, there was only a dull sound, and the flesh was not broken.
For a time
Green's complexion changed drastically, and he spouted a turbid body fluid extremely rarely.
At the same time, in the position that was hit.
Kaki Kaki~ The tentacles from the beholder are drilling deep along the hole on the body surface. This abyss hole can directly reach the extremely important "incubation area" in Greene's body.
Once invaded, Green may be life-threatening.
"As expected of the original body, has the gaze I just finished [deconstructing] my body? Such eyes are also great..."
Green sighed.
Crunchy~A "black knife" with dense nails forming a sword body and a female arm as the hilt was drilled out from behind and hung on top of Green's head by itself.
Cut down!
During the slash, every nail that forms the body of the knife can cut the space.
So that the slashing process produces a lot of noise,
The slashing trajectory and the space in the nearby area were completely torn into filaments, causing extremely strong spatial turbulence.
The goal of this cut is not a beholder.
But Green himself...
Directly tore Green's body completely, some of the beholder tentacles that were drilling in the body were also torn apart.
Next second.
There was a feeling from the small hole in Han Dong's shoulder.
A slimy arm stretched out, and the newborn Green crawled out as quickly as possible, and took advantage of the handle of "Miss Lyle"'s arm.
"Sure enough, all abilities are based on [eyes].
Under the control of the eyes, the chaotic tentacles that make up the body can exert 120% of the strength... from the coercion of the king, even my domain is difficult to open.
It's been a long time since I encountered such an interesting thing.
I will try this thing head-on against it alone... You two will help me indirectly. If you see that I'm going to be to death, just help me a little bit. "
Han Dong agreed.
Combining the existing information, if you want to maximize the victory, as long as Green can hold it... letting Han Dong "watch the battle" is the best choice.
Sally gritted her teeth and whispered: "Green...My domain should be able to restore your vitality and nurture the abyss.
When appropriate, I will interfere with the vision of this eyeball. "
"Yes, it's up to you~ as long as you don't die."
Sally just finished saying this sentence.
A sense of horror gaze suddenly struck... This time, his eyes stopped staring at Green or the surrounding ground.
Perhaps because of Green's weird operation just now, its tentacles were cut off, allowing the beholder to change its combat method.
Choose [Sally] who also exudes mythological atmosphere.
"Oops! This guy is parasitic!
Its attack on Green just now seemed to destroy the abyss in the body, but it was actually intended to be "parasitic." "
When Han Dong realized this, it was too late.
"Transfer without interval"
There is no time to dodge, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and even Sally have no time to carry out self-procreation to dodge.
Quack quack!
Chaos tentacles penetrate directly into Sally's body...
Accompanied by a large number of tentacles moving under the skin.
Huh! Sally's chest and abdomen were all torn apart, forming a large circular hole of flesh and blood.
The "Chaotic Eye" that invaded the body was floating in the center of the hole.
A circle of faint purple ripples swayed under the feet, and a king-level domain integrated with Sally's attributes instantly covered the surrounding field.
Black trees with female bodies constantly secreting mucus rose from the ground...At the same time, in the center of the tree trunk, strange eyeballs opened one after another.
"Fusion Field-Black Forest (Eye
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