Vol 8 Chapter 1739: Capital, Pyramid, Black Pharaoh

Han Dong, who stepped into Charnos, actually had a feeling of'going home'.
The whole world is actively making love to Han Dong,
The back of the head automatically grows gray spotted tentacles, and the mouth opens out for breathing, sucking the gray air here with a big mouth, which is very friendly.
Han Dong can also easily see through the clouds here and see the vast gray world with his magic eyes.
The face was soon filled with shock.
"The scale of this world is probably larger than that of some large worlds, and it can be compared with the sub-super world... S-01 can actually be separated from an independent world of this scale, and there is far more than one.
Perhaps S-01 itself has been separated from the black tower control for so many years, and its scale has exceeded the category of the super world.
This is too exaggerated. "
"Come with me, Nicholas... you better not stay here for too long.
I don't want the world I created to have too much influence on you... Your [faceless myth] needs to be distinguished from mine.
Staying too long, your body will adapt and imitate the ‘gray’ here, which is not a good thing for you. "
This is not the first time that Xingzhe has mentioned the issue of ‘different points’, and Han Dong probably understands it.
There is no need to fly the rest of the journey.
The walker is the master here, and the rules of the world are created by him.
Give a light wave.
The whole world is centered on the walker, and the earth turns... It looks like Han Dong and the walker are flying at high speed.
With the rotation of the world as a whole.
Charnos's world center slowly came in front of them.
A sutured city surrounds a ring of mountains with many ridges.
The ‘stitching’ is that this city is a fusion of at least 20 human urban styles, including ancient Egypt, China, Babylon, and the European Middle Ages that Han Dong is quite familiar with, and so on.
Walkers really like the human race, and their incarnations have traces of life in all ages of human development.
This is the way to form such an urban style.
in addition,
There are more than ten ‘king-level individuals’ that Han Dong can feel alone, and among them is Han Dong who is quite familiar with the [Night Night Mother N.G.] who returned to life in Charnos after the game in London.
When the gray figure appeared above the city, the residents of all countries knelt to the ground in a pious posture.
"follow me."
Under the leadership of the traveler, Han Dong descended to the top of a magnificent pyramid... This giant pyramid is located in the central area of ​​the capital, which shows its importance.
At the same time, I felt a familiar and strong breath.
"Senior, does this pyramid symbolize the incarnation of [Black Pharaoh]."
"Yes, it is the avatar you borrowed from the London game room. It is one of my favorite and most powerful avatars... You were able to control it at the beginning because you have the'Pharaoh attributes' and you have a very high affinity.
The true remaining pages of the "Book of Necro" were suppressed at the bottom of the pyramid by the black pharaoh and the faceless priests I personally selected. "
This time, neither space movement nor special methods were used to reach the lowest level.
Instead, take a highly airtight elevator and go to the bottom of the pyramid in a "slow" and "safe" manner.
Click! Click!
Every time you descend a certain distance, you will get stuck and stay for a while.
Just when it descended to the middle of the pyramid.
As if the same electric current passed through Han Dong's mind, the magic eyes between the eyebrows opened automatically, as if attracted by some kind of homology.
"This is!"
The magic eye actually became a little uncontrollable, turning around in the eye sockets as if possessing self-awareness.
However, with the intervention of Han Dong's subjective consciousness, black vortices formed between the pupils of the eyes...The agitation of the magic eyes slowly ceased.
"It's normal to have a reaction.
"The Book of Necronomicon" is recognized as the ultimate magic book that can destroy the world, otherwise it will not be shattered by chaos.
The broken pages are either stored in the hands of superiors like me, or directly thrown into the broken dimension for the safest exile preservation... As long as this book exists, it can easily affect conscious individuals.
Not to mention someone like you who has secretly learned transcripts. "
"It's really weird.
However, I can bear it... By the way, seniors, are you sealing up the broken eye pages here? "
"Pre-rolling and residual eye pages.
The pre-roll is the basic criterion for judging whether you can get started. If you can control the pre-roll perfectly, you will also be partially recognized by the Book of the Necronomicon.
Although the danger still exists, at least you can carry out normal learning and induction. "
Han Dong hurriedly asked: "Induction? Could it be that once I control the pre-roll, I can sense the location of other broken scrolls?"
"It can't be said that it is completely induced, but the general direction can be determined...After all, there are ‘selected’ who have studied pre-scrolling before you.
It's a pity that those guys completely lost control in the process of searching for the broken pages and learning, turning into dead souls, and even bringing devastating disasters to some old kings. "
"Sensitive? That's good."
When the elevator reached the lowest level, there were waves of heavy stones moving outside, as if an underground passage was being temporarily formed.
When the closed elevator slowly opens the door.
A whispering sound spread directly to Han Dong's brain.
It’s different from any whispers I’ve heard so far,
These sounds seem to be able to arouse all the evil desires in Han Dong, and quickly unlock the shackles of individual rationality like a master key.
Han Dong was indifferent, he didn't even bother to express his crazy smile.
【Evil Desire】
Han Dong didn't have much evil desire from beginning to end, or not at all.
If you have to talk about desire, for Han Dong, the strongest desire is the pursuit of ‘knowledge’.
As a human before his death, he puts the search for knowledge first. Whenever there is a breakthrough in any direction, Han Dong will be excited and unable to sleep in the laboratory... Whether it is a text message from the female teacher next door or a takeaway boy’s The answering phone is ignored at all.
Let alone come to this great world full of knowledge in the body of cells.
The whispers from the Grimoire not only did not stop the influence,
On the contrary, it stimulated Han Dong's eagerness to read and study "The Book of the Necronomicon"... there is no other superfluous thoughts at all.
"You really are the best candidate.
The ‘selected’ who have passed through the layers of screening will be affected by various forms when they approach, and perhaps you can really control the "Book of Necropolis".
Or maybe the ‘beauty’ I want to see can really be displayed perfectly in you. 』
The walker silently stared at Han Dong's back, he stopped moving forward, and the follow-up journey would be handed over to Han Dong to go forward alone.
Continue down the circular channel,
Unconsciously, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Han Dong has stepped into the underground center-[Suppression Hall].
The huge, dark underground space.
There are eighteen circular pillars towering high...These pillars are not used for support, but are the seats of the "faceless priest".
A priest wrapped in a gray robe is floating on the top of the column, keeping his right arm extended.
The place where their palms are facing is the independent stone room in the center of the hall, where the remaining pages of the Book of the Necropolis are sealed.
The yellow sand of the ice-cold skull had already overflowed Han Dong's calf at some point.
In the darkness, a powerful and familiar individual was slowly stepping out.
Han Dong has already determined the identity of the person before seeing the appearance of the body.
"Black Pharaoh! What's going on... Why does it feel so different from the walker?"
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