Vol 8 Chapter 1749: Iribe (completed in the main story)

One hour passed.
In the superior suites of [Beyond Hotel].
Green is immersed in the milky white diluted modeling fluid, and an unprecedented sense of experience will sweep his body.
Because of Green's special physique, it just complements the modeling phase... The feeling it brings is even more than his feeling of refreshment in the "Abyss Party".
the reason is simple.
The modeling fluid directly acts on Green’s [Essence of the Abyss],
Repair, reinforce, and even fill and nurture the structural framework of the abyss in the body.
It happened that Green was injured in the battle with Hugo, and the repair effect that came during the soaking period was so comfortable that Han Dong fell asleep directly.
There was a strange snoring sound from the small holes all over the body.
Suite hall.
Han Dong and Sally are sitting upright on one side, and Mr. M is sitting on the other side.
When Sally met, she probably guessed that this character was directly related to her mother's repair problem... After seeing the liquid he injected Green, she was completely sure.
"Faster and better than I expected.
At present, the situation in the containment tower has not yet fully deteriorated. You also have the opportunity to go there to find out the specific situation. "
Han Dong's main purpose for coming to the Black Tower this time is to go to the containment tower to learn more about the out-of-control people.
Mr. M continued: "Since you are still bringing two good friends with you, it's better to go in together and have a look... Walking together can greatly reduce the risk of'visiting'."
Han Dong vaguely heard a different meaning from this sentence.
It seems that Mr. M has deliberately asked Green and Sally to participate in the understanding of [Containment Tower].
But think about it carefully, this is also necessary.
Once Green or Sally can verify with their own eyes, the danger exists,
With their original identities, conveying the dangerous information back, the follow-up process of Black Tower and S-01 discussing cooperation will be smoother.
"Sally followed me.
As for Green, I wanted to take him to the fight club to play... However, he would definitely agree to this extremely dangerous and interesting thing.
It just so happened that before I went to the [Containment Tower], I had to make a series of preparations, this time can let Green play in the club. "
"It is indeed necessary to prepare well. You should have just broken the myth.
When you are ready, just come back to [Beyond Hotel] and give my name. "
"By the way, senior! One more thing, the Supreme Goat Mother has agreed to your request."
Han Dong immediately handed over the reply letter with [S.N.] printed on it. Sally who was sitting on the side was also shocked when she heard the topic here, and she sat upright.
"Yes, I will continue to provide the supply of "modeling fluid" in the future.
It is best if you can accurately calculate the required amount. After all, it is still very troublesome to establish a direct supply channel to S-01.
Once I let other high-level officials know about it, it would be difficult for me to do it. "
Han Dong hurriedly replied: "I have already observed that the last trial package has probably completed 1% of the repair...A hundred times the amount should be just enough."
Although the modeling fluid is derived from my ontology, I cannot generate it in large quantities.
When you finish the ‘visit’ of the containment tower, I will give you a sufficient amount of modeling fluid. "
"Thank you senior!"
The voice just fell.
Mr. M’s white leather shoes lightly stepped on the ground.
A field beyond Han Dong's understanding unfolded under one step and enveloped the current suite.
Regardless of the various furniture decorations in the room,
Or Sally next to her,
Or Green soaking in the bathtub,
Homogenized into a white sculpture.
Only Han Dong and Mr. M are colored individuals who can carry out free activities, and everything else is isolated.
"Next, let's talk about a little personal matter.
According to your understanding, Nicholas, what is the current attitude of the S-01 world towards this matter? "
"I have spread the news among some important neutral organizations or strong people. Everyone still pays more attention to it... But I still need more trustworthy information, which is the purpose of my coming to the black tower this time."
However, you must be careful during this ‘visit’.
Although the containment tower [whole] is still under our control, some internal areas have been out of control... the supplies of materials and personnel have obviously been unable to keep up.
If the promotion to Mythology is later, you may not have the opportunity to visit.
So your ‘preparation’ should be as fast as possible, and keep it within a week as much as possible. With each day’s delay, the situation in the containment tower will get worse. "
"Okay, I must speed up."
"In addition, after you finish the tour, I am going to take you to the [Highest Will].
As my only successor and the intermediate connecting S-01, meet those guys... I hope you are ready, this matter is still very important. "
"Finally remind you a few times.
I have checked several worlds under your name. Although you only hold 10 to 30% of the shares, these worlds maintain a deep connection with you.
Among them, [Derui Town] This world is quite special, so make good use of it.
Once a large-scale world is out of control, the power of these special worlds cannot be ignored. "
"Let's do it, hurry up and do your business. After you've settled it, come to the hotel directly to see me."
When the domain withdrew, Mr. M also left.
Give Han Dong a one-day hotel residence period.
"Time is really tight, I almost missed the opportunity to'visit'... I really don't know what the containment tower for the'out of control' is like.
I have to quickly complete the practice of [True Demon Eye]. "
Thinking of the wording of Mr. M just now, and the upcoming exploration of new and unknown areas, Han Dong could not restrain the crazy emotions in his body...
The mythical laughter overflowed from his mouth.
When the laughter echoed in the suite, Green, who was sleeping, also showed a crazy smile.

The immersion day and night brought Green to an unprecedented state, even better than the state in the center of chaos.
It greatly increased Green's curiosity about Mr. M and Black Tower as a whole.
[Fight Club] In front of the door.
As soon as Han Dong entered the venue, he greeted all kinds of enthusiasm.
A "headless" man with a big belly, no head and hair floating on his neck, stepped out of the passage.
The overall overflow of resentment has become stronger than ever.
The first meeting is a bombshell, expressing the joy of not seeing each other for a long time.
"Brother Nicholas, it's been a long time since I saw you!
I'm thinking about where you have been during this period of time. Was you constructing a myth... Your speed is too fast, and now you may be able to do something for me.
However, depending on your appearance, there seems to be something else to do.
Should there be other things in the club? "
"Yes, my friend wants to join the fight club...I don't know if it works."
"Friend? Why do you wear the "restriction mask" of the black tower? "
"Because they are strange demons."
This statement came out.
No matter if it is headless, or other members passing by, have stopped.
However, their expressions are not solemn, but slowly express a kind of novelty and excitement.
"Oh! Alien...no wonder he wears a mask.
This is not a public area, just take off the mask... Our group welcomes the arrival of new types, and the president will also be very happy.
Hurry up and come to a qualification test. Since it is the person you introduced by Nicholas, there is a high probability that he will pass the qualification test. "
Green’s state is a bit strange,
Maybe I feel the speciality of the club,
Or have some kind of crazy thoughts,
He still kept wearing the mask, and was silent all the time, just following to the assessment area.
[Fight Club] The entry rules are very simple, you only need to have a pure fight with the members, regardless of the victory or defeat, as long as you express enough purity and madness to qualify.
I heard that an alien from S-01 wanted to enter the ministry.
The assessment site was surrounded by three full circles of members.
"Alien demon? Let me try it..."
A [Mirror Man-Pietrus] with glass shards all over his body, each piece of glass reflecting a different expression, walked out of the crowd.
Green still didn't take off the mask, standing still on the spot.
Han Dong and Sally were also crowded in the crowd, both expressions a little anxious.
If it was a normal matchup, Han Dong would definitely not worry... But this is a fighting club, and he needs to put aside all abilities and use the most primitive desire to physically hedge.
Because of his lack of experience, Green couldn't use Rebirth of the Abyss, and the probability of losing the first game is very high.
"Rookie! The rules are very simple. You are not allowed to use any props or abilities...only fight with the purest body.
Until the other party completely loses the ability to move, if there are no problems, let's start. "
Green's voice came from under the mask: "Any ability, can't you use it? That's right... Nicholas seems to have said it. Wait a minute for me to change to a body that is more suitable for long-term combat."
As the face of a club member, Green directly digs out his chest.
A dark body with abyssal skin crawled out.
"It's time to start."

Thirty minutes passed.
Broken glass was scattered all over the floor, UU reading www. Every piece of glass on uukanshu.com is also clinging to shreds of flesh and blood.
The mirror man with the club record [37 wins, 9 draws and 46 losses] has been rushed to the General Hospital by medical staff for rescue.
There was a dead silence in the battle area, with only a sound of creaking bones.
Green only had his right arm and left leg standing on the spot, and he could hardly find a completed part of his body.
The lower part of the mask was cut off along with Green's chin.
The tongue stretched out and licked frantically on the face.
Shaking with excitement, I can't help sighing:
"This... Is this the Elysium? It's so cool!"
Green became a full member of the Fight Club in a state of victory.
With this result, Han Dong can rest assured that Green can be settled here, he can take the time to deal with some personal affairs, and start a week of emergency preparations.
The journey to the king has officially begun.
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