Vol 9 Chapter 1832: Void and Gate

Even if I only slept in the circus for three hours,
Due to the breakthrough of the crazy laugh, Han Dong's current mental state is surprisingly good.
When I heard it was an invitation from the void, my thoughts became more excited...
Although Han Dong is able to use certain void secrets, it is all from his own research and learning. He has never really set foot in the unique [Void] in the world of S-01.
The concept of emptiness also comes entirely from other people's statements and descriptions in books.
There is such a description in "A Brief History of the Void":
"In the deepest part of the vast universe, between the seemingly disorderly arrangement of stars, there is a door.
A door that transcends the border of time and space,
A secret door that cannot be discerned by any perception,
A door to the universe that belongs exclusively to our world,
Behind the door, there is nothingness. "
The void can be regarded as the most special, most dangerous, and most mysterious forbidden area of ​​S-01. Only by mastering the unique spatial techniques can you wander in the mysterious realm.
Here we need to distinguish [Broken Dimension] from [Void]
The broken dimension exists outside the world, and because the world membrane is torn, it reveals a crack leading to the outside world.
In the space outside the world, since there is no truth constraint, there are no rules and frameworks at all, and all conventional cognitions are disordered. A little carelessness will be completely shredded between broken dimensions, or crushed and absorbed by a certain spatial singularity.
The void is a mysterious area inside the world of S-01, why this area was formed, perhaps only one person can give the exact answer.
Any individual can go to the void, and will not be torn apart, and will not be drawn into any spatial vortex... What awaits them will be endless loss.
Even some apprentices who worship the name of the Void Lord cannot guarantee that they can walk in the void casually. They need to follow fixed road signs, stable void crystals, etc. to ensure that they are walking on the'right path' superior.
If you use the simplest words.
Void is equivalent to the advanced body of space... Individuals who master void techniques, such as Pope, can jump into the void even if they are in an area enclosed by absolute space.
And all these results, the result of transforming the void into the manifestation of personal ability, all come from a supreme individual.
Pope’s teacher,
Founder and President of Miskatonic University,
The key to the Void Gate,
The end of knowledge,
In the name of Y.S, there is also a common name among the void apprentices-[Teacher You].
The reputation of this existence is undoubtedly the highest in the alien circle,
Any seeker, even a believer who belongs to another old king, may receive enlightenment from the void in the process of seeking knowledge on a certain day.
Any individual who shows great talent in the field of space or has a high affinity for the cosmic astrology may even receive an "invitation to the void" and find the mysterious door to the void based on the guide above.
Since acquiring the void technique, Han Dong wanted to go to the void.
Unexpectedly, his first journey into the void would actually be guided by Pope.
"Okay, let's set off now... can Sally come with us?"
"No, individuals who don't have the gift of space will still get lost even if I lead the way."
Sally also took a step back quickly, "Void is a must-have forbidden zone for me, Nicholas, don't care about me... It just so happens that I have to return to [Black Forest] quickly and bring the modeling fluid given by Mr. M to my mother."
"Well... it's okay."
At the end of the visit, Mr. M had prepared two buckets of the original modeling fluid, which Han Dongzheng had stored in his brain.
I wanted to deliver it in person. After all, he still wanted to take a dip in the bath of the goat mother and have an ‘emotional exchange’ between the two by the way.
Of course, the main purpose is to win over this supreme being.
Regarding the matter of [Mom], Sally is always the first place. She puts two big buckets of stock solution and prepares to go to the nearest teleportation point.
Popper stared at the white liquid in the jar, and his brain was unable to resolve its specific components.
"Sally, don't worry... this should be a very important substance? Although the probability of your accident is relatively small, this risk cannot be ruled out.
The stargazing room can just lock the cosmic coordinates of [Black Forest], so I can help you construct a one-way channel. "
Using a piece of Sally's hair as the connecting medium,
Pope drew the teleportation array under the astronomical telescope in the stargazing room.
When the astronomical telescope was aimed at the star field where the Black Forest was located, the array was activated, and Sally reached the inside of the Black Forest very stably.
At this moment, Han Dong suddenly asked:
"By the way, the recruitment of Void talents seems to be for the entire universe... Mr. Black and White, who has high attainments in astrology and astrology, has the opportunity to contact Void?"
Who knows, Mr. Black and White took out a special envelope with the mark of the void from his pocket.
"Mr. Pope has applied for an invitation letter for me, and there is also a space guide inside.
Before going to the void, I have to explain a series of things in the holy city... Nicholas, you and Mr. Pope will go there first, after all, what you want to see is a higher existence. "
Pope also said softly: "Mr. Black and White is very talented, perhaps because of his human status, or perhaps for other reasons, he didn't get the direct invitation of his teacher...
Let's go, but you can't let Teacher You wait long. "
Han Dong smiled to himself.
Needless to say, Mr. Black and White's talent, Han Dong knows better than anyone.
However, there may be more than this reason why Pop can boast face to face... In the past few days, perhaps the two have had a deeper exchange.
However, Han Dong could not guess one thing.
In the past few days, Pope has not only stayed in the stargazing room, but also visited the Witch Swamp and other areas, and almost obtained all the information of Han Dong without missing a trace.
Also use the astronomical telescope to [locate].
Next second.
The two are standing on the surface of a dark barren planet,
Even if Han Dong looked around with his magic eyes, he couldn't see the so-called "Void Gate."
"Where is the entrance?"
"Just follow me... This is the star field closest to the void. UU reading www.uukanshu.com [door] is not fixed, you need some luck, experience and feeling to find it.
For regular Void visitors, this process can take anywhere from one year to hundreds of years.
However, if I lead the way, the time will be shortened a lot. "
Han Dong didn't say much, just followed.
At the same time, we also observed a "detail"-the stars between Popper's brain, showing a special arrangement, similar to the effect of a compass, playing a guiding function of searching for the void.
"Nicholas, your mental power has improved a lot...Did this period of time be a fate adventure similar to "Ladybug Game"?"
"That's not true. I just took the time to watch a circus show and have some feelings. If you have time with Pop, I can take you with you next time."
"Circus... let's talk about it."
There are two sentences before this, only one minute has passed.
On the surface of the barren planet, about ten kilometers apart, a door with an "inverted triangle" printed on it appeared out of thin air.
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