Chapter 186: Gane forest

Due to the winding and obstructive nature of the forest road, the carriage cannot maintain the highest speed throughout the journey, and it is expected to take two hours to reach the "camp".
A familiar crow came from the window.
Thanks to the secret assistance of the little devil's eyes, Han Dong immediately located a large tree with a face of 50 meters away, with a 'crow man' standing at the end of its branch.
The cormorant has two larger crow heads, but its lower body is completely human, squatting quietly on a tree branch.
Crow wings also grow on the back of the cormorant, and several tentacles float among the hairs.
似乎 This crowman does not seem to have any tendency to attack, nor does he make any calls to call his companions, and so quietly watches the mighty human force passing by it.
This is how Abel, as captain, begins to popularize:
"This is a relatively common" crow "in the Gain Forest, most of which are neutral. As long as they do not actively disturb them, they will not have any tendency to attack.
的 Two-headed ravens like this are still relatively rare. "
"Are you two-headed ravens?"
Do not know why.
When Han Dong looked at the Raven, especially when the two looked at each other, he felt faintly through the "little magic eyes" and Han Dong's own crow characteristics.
He seems to have a ‘fine connection’ between himself and the Raven.
Along the way, the team also traversed many strange places in the Gain Forest.
东 One of the larger lakes in the forest left a deep impression on Han Dong.
The mermaid is swimming in the lake with colorful lights and shadows.
According to normal aesthetics, it is indeed beautiful. The beautiful upper body is paired with the lower half of the fish scales.
There are about twenty crickets playing in the lake.
When these mermaids found that the team deliberately bypassed the lake, the laughing sisters immediately showed their embarrassed faces and immediately swam ashore.
The moment she touched the land, the original beautiful skin immediately changed.
The spine cracked, and several long legs for crawling grew into an amphibian, chasing towards the carriage.
Unfortunately, their speed can't be compared with this high-speed moving carriage. In the end, they can only show a disappointed expression and return to the lake again. They turn into beautiful mermaids and playful, waiting for the next batch of prey.
Han Dong raised a question.
为什么 "Why ... these life-changing beings affected by [Fantasy] will undergo‘ anthropomorphic ’changes, instead of becoming an indescribable aberration?

Abel explained briefly: "There are not many humans who are killed because of the dark age ... Just under this Gain Forest, there should be more than one million people's bones buried.
The anger, fear, unwillingness and other emotions of the deceased affect the area of ​​one side.
野 [Wild Monster] In the process of distortion caused by the mist, it is also affected by this strand of human emotions.
Therefore, some monsters will undergo ‘anthropomorphic’ changes. "
"Thank you."
"This time led by the deputy head of the Cavaliers, the secret journey ... Maybe they can reach the" camp "without any obstacles. "
He said this shortly after Abel said.
雾 The fog in the forest aggravates in a short time.
The richness of the mist fog actually suppressed the lighting range of the kerosene lamp hanging outside the carriage to less than five meters.
I can no longer move on in the thick fog.
The horse-horse workshops are close to each other.
At the same time, the members of the Beamon Knights all gathered towards the center, narrowed the defense line, surrounded the carriage, and surrounded the trainee's safety in the carriage.
Various roars from various beast mounts. What dangerous life is approaching in the mist.
At this moment, the vulture standing on the roof of the car spoke:
"You juniors are staying in the carriage, and the troubles encountered during the journey will be quickly resolved by our Knights.
Alas, you better be prepared.
Maybe something unexpected will happen, maybe there will be some long-range attacks that will directly penetrate the line of defense and attack your compartment. "
"it is good!"
The most nervous is Miss Blacksmith Blacksmith.
For a moment, the forging in the backpack was pinched in the hand with a hammer, and the muscle lines on the arm were clearly visible.
She Mia took the opportunity to pretend to be scared and tried to bury her head in Han Dong's shoulder.
要求 "Request the first point, don't pretend like this! Once it interferes with my actions, I will immediately lift our" temporary cooperation relationship "."
"Hate ..."
Mia can only release her hand.
Otherwise, she may be handled secretly by Han Dong during the next training session.
At this time, Han Dong, who was carefully observed by the window, murmured:
"There is something coming!"
出现 What emerged from the thick mist- [Skull]
Is very different from the skeleton soldier in the general concept.
These skeletons are not only made up of empty skeletons, but also all of their movements are on foot ... Many are crawling, creeping or even floating in mid-air.
‘Witch ’s basic teachings call this
Bone Revival
[evil foul].
The dead bones of the dead corpse are low-level existence derived from the influence of 'fog' for a long time.
Although is low-level, its quantity is terrible.
Each bone can generate a skeleton of evil, as far as the Gane Forest, where millions and millions of people are buried, as long as someone leads it, it will be able to form a mighty army.
"What kind of skeleton is this?"
The sacrum internodes are connected by a black sticky substance,
There is a one-eyed black egg growing inside the tadpole, which is connected to the skeleton through black filaments, so that the egg is suspended in the center of the skeleton. UU reading books www.
There are also two black eyeballs that I don't know how to form, which are tucked into the eyes of the skull to provide night vision.
In addition to the ordinary "Skeleton Walker", there is also a kind of skull floating in the air wearing a rag. The skull also has a weird black circle mark on it, which seems to be able to cast a certain spell.
There are also some shapes that have no skulls at all, and their bodies are completely muddy mud. Only one skull is inlaid on the surface, which can release a strong corrosive substance.
"Stay on the front, kill!"
Hydra Deputy Commander ordered.
骑士 All knights maintained the tortoise formation, each took out their weapons, and quickly killed them as soon as the skeleton approached.
海 Hedra rode on the black python alone, went deep into the fog, and sought the master of the organization behind this ambush.
In the face of these low-level existences, the knights battled effortlessly ... but these skeletons could not be killed at all.
A black sticky egg suddenly flew out of the mist.
Crossed the knight in battle and stuck to the window of the carriage where Han Dong and others were riding.
Buzz ~~~!
The tadpole's egg shatters through thick walls comparable to bullet-proof glass through resonance.
The soft eggs just landed on the floor of the carriage.
The smell of pollution immediately spread in the carriage ...
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