Vol 9 Chapter 1845: Bank clerk and stickman

The other side of the frozen ground.
The advance engineering team from the General Administration of Control is basically the same as the original idea of ​​Han Dong and others
They also searched each bunker along the way, smashing the dead spirits in different bunkers one by one,
Of course, they don't know the concept of "dead spirits"...it is to slowly understand these species by destroying them one by one. The relevant information has been fully analyzed and recorded by the leading ‘staff’.
Because of the exploration information brought back by [The President] (the incarnation, his deity is sealed in the deepest layer like Mr. Teacher, and it needs to completely seize the control of the BBC to be released), the committee has formally determined the broken dimension of S-01 , Set as a temporary stronghold for those out of control after leaving the black tower.
Using the "World Rubik's Cube" as a stable transmission medium, it opens a stable channel from the deep zone of B.B.C to the broken dimension (S-01),
Begin to use larger manpower to fully explore this open and mysterious dimensional area.
B.B.C's internal engineers combined with the precious materials provided by the out-of-control person to create a spacecraft that can travel long distances in the broken dimension.
Including the avatar of the president, committee members have come up with more leisurely avatars that are not responsible for core events to participate in this advance exploration.
The advance engineering team that boarded the frozen ground was led by two originals.
One of them is an avatar of a committee member,
The other is the original version of the out-of-control that failed to be elected to the committee, but is equally powerful, similar to the [Deep Room] who once accepted Han Dong and others in the dark tower and was responsible for the question and answer session.
They are walking through the frozen ground one after another. .
A single ‘bank clerk’ explored the way ahead.
The latter ‘stickman’ is responsible for ensuring the safety of ten engineers and researchers.
Containment name: [Bank Clerk]
Out of control category: human
Out of control level: Prince (Jack)
"Containment Procedures": Original-146 is forbidden to contact any currency with digital denominations such as coins and banknotes.
When the above conditions are met, Original-146 is allowed to have a rest room equivalent to the black tower employees, and the management personnel need to meet their needs in any aspect as much as possible.
When large-scale data processing is required, Original-146 can be requested to provide calculation assistance.
"Description": Original-146 is a normal human male wearing a white shirt, gray trousers and leather shoes. His appearance is between 30 and 35 years old. The height and body type are all average values. He is a bank clerk as his lifelong career.
He comes from the large world L-278 (extinct).
The supervision and maintenance cycle of a large world is usually 3-5 days, after a certain normal maintenance work.
Only a four-day interval,
80% of the creatures in this world, including all mythological bodies, and all the true kings (six) died.
The Black Tower immediately activated the Special Investigation Section to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the world of L-278, trying to find out the foreign invaders who sneaked into the place across the plane.
There are no intruders at all,
The mass extinction of this world and the fall of the strong came from within the world.
Through layers of investigation, it was finally locked to a bank in an ordinary town, and an ordinary ‘bank clerk’ was highly suspected.
The follow-up arrest of bank employees was exceptionally smooth,
When the special investigation team broke into his home, the bank clerk seemed to expect that he would be taken away and was already packing his luggage.
There is only one request he made, and these daily necessities that need to be changed must be brought, otherwise he will resist at all costs.
The person in charge accepted the request after confirming that there was no problem with his luggage.
After testing, the bank’s staff has reached the
out of control standard
and assigned the serial number Original-146.
When the psychiatric appraisal zone of the General Administration of Control asked him why he wanted to go extinct, the answer he gave was recorded by a recording device. The recording is as follows:
"I can't stand the working environment at the time, and I feel desperate and disgusted with the world."
"What happened, can you tell me in detail?"
"I was a clerk of Miller Bank. I worked diligently for twelve years. I didn't have any day, miners, or leave. I would finish my work on time every day, and I didn't mind working overtime at all.
Even if I do this, Manager Sharif will find various reasons to target and exclude me every day, often picking up some normal jobs and deducting my salary.
And my colleagues Angela and Steed, they always trouble me on small things,
For example, pretending to accidentally pour coffee on my body or on the desk, or even pretending to take the wrong documents, and put the documents that I have processed so hard into the shredder.
However, I can accept all of this.
Because I love this job in the bank very much, every coin I touch will make me excited.
Until recently, I was called to Manager Sharif’s office.
Angela and Steed were also there. They deliberately forged something they had never done before, and fired me on the grounds that my lack of work ability would damage the image of the bank.
At this moment, I had an unprecedented sense of disgust for the world, and killed the three of them smoothly.
After the bank's security personnel arrived at the scene, they tried to do something on me, but I also killed them.
Later, it alarmed the local police station, state police, and military until they were all killed by me, and then came to a group of strangely dressed guys with abilities, and they were all killed by me.
This lasted for three days, and the world finally calmed down, and I returned home to reflect on my behavior, and waited until your arrival.
Excuse me, can you offer me a job similar to a ‘bank clerk’ here? Even if I don't need salary, I am willing, I will work hard and save you a lot of trouble. "

The above is the containment information of the bank staff at B.B.C. All assessments have reached safe values, and B.B.C has been rated as the "safest containment person" many times.
As for the other [stickman], he is a special incarnation of a committee member, and there is no information available for car information for the time being.
"Mr. Match, I don't think it is necessary to clean up the bunkers along the way... The intelligence we can collect from these'low-level units' has reached the limit.
Continue to collect will only reveal more of our information. "
While the bank clerk gave advice, he also tilted his head behind him.
A ten-person team of engineers and researchers walked closely together, each holding a match...Even if it was not lit, it could protect them from the extreme cold.
The stickman stays at the end of the line.
Its image resembles the "Razor Party", a gangster derived from the British completed the Industrial Revolution.
Coats, suits, pocket watches, leather shoes, newsboy hats and leather gloves.
Under serious and elegant attire, he is a thin middle-aged man with deep eye sockets.
No matter when and where, a box of delicate matches can always be found in the pocket of his coat.
When the bank clerk asked this question, the stickman also took out a cigar and lit it for himself. He nodded slightly while spitting out the smoke ring.
"Well, speed up and move closer to the center."
Came to the frozen soil center, UU reading www. uukanshu.com
When a white obelisk with a ‘lighthouse’ effect is standing there.
Slip a match with one hand, and still fall freely to the ground.
In common sense, once such a match with a weak flame touches the ice and snow, it will be extinguished instantly.
The free-falling match keeps burning,
Anything within a half-meter range, whether it is snow, ice, solid rock, or steel, will be burned out instantly.
Under everyone's feet,
A bottomless black hole was burned out.
It seems to be able to reach the temple lair of the dead.
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