Chapter 189: Scramble for residence

Miniature town comes after all in the manor house.
数量 The number of buildings is not too much, plus two hard rules, some teams will definitely live in the wild.
Generally speaking, the training time will last more than a week, sleep is necessary ... the risk of sleeping in the wild is self-evident.
The Beamon Knights wanted this effect.
Let these newcomer knights be exposed to various random and mutational situations in advance.
When the team allocation is completed and the training is officially started, a ‘home battle’ is inevitable.
"The following four points are restrictions on injunctions in training:
1. It is forbidden to leave [Stuart Manor] during the training session.
2. Prohibition of serious injuries or death of a companion.
3. It is forbidden to act independently regardless of the team's arrangement.
4. The ‘minor faction’ behavior between teams is prohibited, and each team must be independent.
Once you violate the above four bans, you will be directly disqualified. Serious violations will be severely punished!
Everyone is an elite selected by the head of Kaimon. I will not elaborate on some details. Do what you should do, complete the training carefully, and do not do some small moves in private. "
"Now give you ten minutes to form a free team.
Among them, the six [Fresh Freshmen] who have been selected make their own team, and do not need to participate in free team formation.
Once all teams are completed and confirmed by me, this training session will be officially started. "
During the free team formation of senior knights.
The six new students were gathered by the vulture Kenny.
"Your requirements are the same as in the senior grade, except that I will observe you in secret, and will not receive any special care ... but warn you in advance.
In the early stage, you must go to the corresponding area according to the requirements of the mission, and do not think about going into some unknown hidden areas.
As long as it is caused by your own mistakes, I will not deal with it. "
"I see! Captain Kenny, please rest assured."
另外 "In addition, 'the building problem', you must try to get a small town building as much as possible, which will be very helpful for subsequent training.
的 The difficulty of this training is higher than in the past. You must be on the basis of 'stability' and find a way to get points that can pass the pass.
Chairman Kaimon already said, as long as you can reach the passing line, at least you can get a good evaluation.
As for the highest difficulty [Core Task], it involves the secret of Lord Stuart. The difficulty will be beyond your reach. Let the best juniors complete it. Just do your duty. "
Although Abe promised verbally, he was unwilling.
If he can reach the origin of [Stuart Manor], he will surely go deeper.
At least in Abel's observation, the intensity of the six members of the team is very good! Better than he expected.
Just pass?
Don't ... Abel needs to get "excellent" evaluation directly through his own strength.
Uh ...
The ten-minute squad ended.
The voice of Deputy Head Hydera echoed in the ears of each student:
"[Stuart Manor-Elite Training] officially opened, take out your courage, and explore the truth buried in the manor in endless fear and darkness."
As soon as this remark came out, all the members set off to compete for the residence.
"I'm going to find a place to stay, just follow me!"
I saw a white shadow flicker, Abel directly dived and jumped up, quickly climbed to the roof of the town building, quickly moved between the roofs, ready to find a building closer to the old castle and settle down .
Regardless of speed, Abel is no worse than his junior and junior students.
"let's go!"
Han Dong led the other members of the team to move quickly.
Their new team is easily targeted.
The injunction only prohibits serious injuries and killing of companions, and does not completely prohibit internal fighting ... Once a dispute over the residence occurs, the outbreak of the conflict is certain.
After all, the choice of residence will affect the results of the next training to a certain extent.
Looking for the breath of Abel, he came to a two-storey building with a good appearance.
The doors and windows have all been broken, and there are many cracks on the wall, and subsequent maintenance is necessary.
"There are others ... four."
As soon as Han Dong stepped into the building, he observed footprints left on the ground.
When Xun ascended the second floor, she found a four-member squad that was surrounding Abel.
"First come, first served ... Seniors, should you understand this?"
Abel did not have the slightest "respect" in words, because this group of people already had the intention to seize their residence.
The person headed by the other person was a Crusader wearing thick brass armor, standing nearly two meters tall, with a tiger-backed waist, carrying a giant shield and a double-bladed axe ... exuding a strong breath overall.
I seem to be a [junior] student.
Do not look at these newcomers who just entered school at all.
他 In his opinion, this well-built building close to the castle is an excellent place. This group of freshmen is simply not worthy of having such a good residence.
Also, they have spent a little time here, and then they want to find another place to live, it is a bit too late.
"Hurry up and leave, this is not the place where your group of freshmen should stay ... if we don't leave, we have to force you out.
My name is Johnny Stephen. I ’ve reached the 'breaking stage'. I hope you have a sense of self-knowledge. "
Abel didn't care at all. "The seed breaking stage ... that is, only five destiny points were allocated. As long as the seeds have not germinated, the seniors are just like us, and they are still in the primary stage.
I think it ’s better for you, the seniors, to leave ~ ~ The kid who has n’t been in school for a long time, I do n’t know the heights and heights! "
Danny Johnny is a shield-like warrior. Such a huge body also gives him a strong power.
Axe was aimed directly at Abel's shoulder and cut off, intending to cut off this arrogant newcomer's arm ... Then the doctor in the team would help him connect it.
The axe that Xun cut just scratched an afterimage.
"I can escape ..."
He felt the breath of Abel behind him.
Yan Qiangny did not take any moves at all, and swiveled directly behind him with an axe.
Only heard ... be heard!
I saw a picture that shocked everyone.
Abel avoided the attack, when the axe turned and waved, he had already taken off ahead of time, and fixed it on the top of the house with his claws embedded in the ceiling.
I just, this Johnny's attack was blocked by another person.
"Senior, since our captain arrived first ... you would be a little bit overdoing this !!!"
The blacksmith, Wen Li, looked swollen.
She grabbed the axe with her right hand and stopped the junior's attack.
The strength level actually suppressed the opponent slightly.
This scene not only looked at the other juniors, but Han Dong and his newcomer were also completely shocked.
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