Vol 9 Chapter 1868: Soul perception

When he felt the yellow robe tentacles suddenly penetrate into his back, Han Dong quickly stopped.
Are you afraid to do anything to your soul? Don't worry... if I do anything, the gray guy will easily detect it, and he will definitely come to trouble me at that time. I don't want to be disturbed in my peaceful writing life.
Just drill a few specially arranged small holes on the surface of your soul to form the effect of spiritual magnification. "
"No... If I change my soul into an amplifier, will it also draw people who are out of control over?"
"It was made by me, but the special amplifier for "Book of the Necronomicon" is mainly amplified by the properties of the necromancer you expressed. If nothing else, only the remaining pages will perceive your existence."
"What if there is an accident?"
"If you really have special abilities, if someone who is out of control can recognize the special soul frequency band in you, it is said that he himself has soul speciality.
Maybe it can become a good nourishment, toy, or become my ‘gunner’. "
Han Dong was also taken aback when he heard this. The yellow-robed king seemed to be more reliable than he had imagined.
When the light yellow tentacles penetrate into the body and touch the soul.
In an instant, Han Dong's consciousness seemed to be drawn hundreds of thousands of light-years away, along a long-unopened pathway to a mysterious country.
When the consciousness reacted, it had landed on a wooden boat, drifting on the surface of a pale yellow lake.
For some reason, Han Dong himself enjoyed the quiet moment of drifting on the lake. It seemed that the soul could get a real rest at this moment.

"I haven't seen it for so many years, the soul of this little guy has actually formed this extremely rare ‘inner package’ structure."
Huang Pao was interested for a while,
Under his perception, Han Dong’s soul has a three-layer structure.
The most rooted soul is wrapped in the deepest part through layers of wrapping.
The outermost layer is a very ordinary "human shell-like soul." Even if this layer is destroyed in battle, it will not completely affect Han Dong's integrity and can still maintain a normal fighting state.
The second layer further down is the "faceless soul", a smooth skull-shaped soul shell.
This layer of soul is more important. Once it is destroyed, the head of the related faceless person will be completely damaged, the ability will be completely invalid, and the body will fall into a state of crisis.
But it will not be fatal.
The tentacles released by the yellow robe king continued to penetrate inward, and at the same time changed the way of penetration.
From the beginning, "the thick tentacles of different hardness" were changed to "the fluid, soft and fine tentacles" to ensure that this process would not cause any harm to Han Dong.
Gradually penetrate the second layer,
Finally came to the deepest part of the soul, where Han Dong's soul nature-"a mass of cell-like soul quality" is stored here.
The surface looks pure and thorough, and it seems that it has not been affected or changed by any foreign objects.
When actually touching this group of cellular souls, its nature will be revealed, and various dangerous abilities will be revealed, which also contains the relevant attributes of the "Book of the Necropolis".
"Only such a pure primitive life can rise to our world. Such a protoplasmic structure soul is too rare.
It is exactly this, and it is this original and pure state that can accept the "faceless head" that Niya has worked hard to produce, right?
It's a little troublesome, the soul of this original structure must be carefully transformed.
Otherwise, it will affect Nicholas' future development forever. In this case, the novel that I am drafting needs to consider changing the protagonist. "
The yellow robe king temporarily put everything down and concentrated all his attention on transforming the cellular soul.
A series of small and delicate soul holes slowly formed on the surface of the cell.
At the same moment,
Han Dong, who was riding in the small boat, noticed something wrong.
There were waves of ripples of varying frequency around the originally calm lake, and it seemed that something was about to rise.
"This is!"
A total of three distinct body parts slowly emerged from the lake, namely:
1. One is hollowed out, and only the skin is attached-"cranial".
2. A suitcase with a ratio of width to length, and then relying on the distribution of body organs, contains a set of perfect "internal organs" inside.
3. Separate from the internal organs alone, a "heart" in the form of a stone sculpture.
"It's really effective! That guy in Huangpao has something! But...it seems to be missing.
According to the clues given by the void, there are five parts of the torn pages that were torn apart and thrown into the broken dimension.
The bones have been found, and there should be four fragments left, but there are only three.
It happened to be missing one of the most important things to me-the "brain".
Too far away? Or is this broken page in a special closed state? Or in the worst state... this broken page has been found and taken away by someone out of control?
I can only find the three broken pages in front of me first. 』
Han Dong paddled the wooden boat and stepped forward to touch the skinned "skull".
The moment of contact,
Some kind of further induction was immediately established, and Han Dong could feel the exact position and even the distance between them.
At the same time, the broken page itself also sensed the existence of Han Dong, a ‘true disciple’, and tried his best to get closer.
"It works! Let's take a look at the other two broken pages."
Han Dong immediately touched the suitcase loaded with "internal organs" and the stone-shaped "heart".
After getting the location and distance, immediately construct the most efficient "recovery route" between the brain
First, the true heart,
Followed by the original skull,
In the end is the real viscera.
Under the control of subjective consciousness, consciousness returns to the body.
Han Dong also knelt on the ground in the most pious state,
"Thank you for the gift of the soul of the king of yellow robe, UU reading www.ukanshu.com I have got the right direction and induction, I will definitely be able to complete the collection in a short time..."
King Huangpao made an appearance that he didn't care, and he was pulling out the pen holder between his head, as if he had creative inspiration.
"All right, you go to your business... If you encounter a danger that you can't cope with, come to me again."

I don't know how far apart.
A "Raw Rock Spaceship" built by Cosmic Black Crystals is exploring the broken dimensions. All continental plates or relics passing by are either completely destroyed or loaded into the spacecraft through special compression technology.
The scale of this spacecraft is one level larger than the spacecraft used by stickmen and bank staff before.
The number of engineers and researchers carried inside has reached one hundred.
at this time.
Located on the bridge, a certain out-of-control person responsible for dimensionality detection suddenly had a "soul throbbing".
"Mr. Teacher, just now my soul field suddenly received a special and wide-ranging soul signal, and the target of releasing the signal seems to be moving at high speed."
"Not ours?"
"Very special soul signal, definitely not ours."
"Let's take a look, there may be unexpected discoveries."
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