Vol 9 Chapter 1875: Special review

【come down】
Han Dong experienced various falls during his growth,
The last relatively special fall was in [Chaos Center-Crazy Abyss]. At that time, it took more than a month of falling to finally reach the bottom entrance of the Abyss Party, during which it was also eroded and affected by craziness.
However, for Han Dong, who already possesses crazy attributes, the fall in the abyss of madness is actually a kind of enjoyment.
The current fall in front of the Great Library of Serraino looks quite different.
Every time you fall for a certain distance, a strange "band of light" will be drawn across the surface of the rock wall. As the falling speed increases, the frequency of the light stripe passing in front of your eyes also increases.
Directly have an impact on the soul,
Although Han Dong was able to effectively resist with "crazy laugh," he did not do so, but instead followed the library's "method of entering the library".
At least when he arrived at the front dock of the library, Huang Yin felt it.
It shows that this is indeed the jurisdiction of Hasta... and, all the way from the dock to the gate, there is no sense of danger.
"As Pope said, this kind of opportunity must not be messed up, or it may be missed.
I don’t know what area this ‘falling entry’ will lead us to, damn... the thinking is a bit unsupportable! "
With the rapid increase in the frequency of light flashes, Han Dong's consciousness gradually blurred until it disappeared completely.
A bright beam of light fell vertically on Han Dong.
Consciousness also wakes up with the warm light, but the body is tied to a special biological chair, and even the brain is covered with a biological hood similar to the mouthparts of lampreys.
Due to the limitations of the library, coupled with the current physical constraints, it is impossible to move at all.
The current sitting position is in the very center of a certain assembly hall.
The parliament seats from inside to outside, from bottom to high, surrounded Han Dong in a circle.
According to Pope’s previous explanation of the library, this place should be the so-called "House of Representatives."
Responsible for the external review of various books, as well as the ‘special review’ for outsiders who want to enter the library but have not donated points.
When Han Dong just woke up, the place was still empty.
But as I look around,
At the seat of the House of Representatives, a cloud of white mist began to emerge, condensing members of the House of Representatives who worked for the library in their soul state.
"Aren't the types of these councillors all the same? It seems that there are all kinds of monsters... Could it be that the library is also free for the selection of councillors?
Or is it that the parliamentarians here are'forced to take up posts'?
Those outsiders who did not donate books and borrowed books without any points, one of the costs they need to pay is to confine their souls to work in the library?
Um... this is very likely~ the next special review process is likely to verify whether I am suitable for working for the library and what kind of work I am suitable for.
This can also explain why the library has been wandering in the broken dimension for so many years, and there are still so many dozen workers here.
They did not take the initiative to stay, but signed some kind of soul contract that cannot be broken away.
Let's take a look at the specific situation first, hoping that there are loopholes that can be drilled. "

"Dear yellow robe messenger, you and your friends are welcome to the Serraino Library. In view of your special status, we will conduct a special review to determine whether you are eligible to go to the library’s collection area for relevant information. Borrowing activities.
In fact, the so-called review is to ask you a few more in-depth questions.
The "detector" worn on your head will verify the authenticity based on the soul fluctuations when you answer and combine with brain waves. I hope you don't deceive us. "
"Of course not, I am a very honest believer!"
at this time,
Another brain has overflowed between Han Dong's skull, hiding the original mastermind, and at the same time nested the "soul plating" belonging to Dr. Swelling.
Not to mention whether this device can penetrate the "faceless head", even if it penetrates, it can only detect the wishes of Dr. Swelling.
It has nothing to do with Han Dong's own wishes.
"The first question is whether you are willing to contribute to the Great Library of Serraino."
"Of course I do! I am the most loyal believer of the Yellow Robe King, and it is a lifetime honor for me to contribute to the library."
"Ah, very good!
second question,
If you have a certain literary talent and ask you to create a storybook or magic book for the library, the creation process may take a lot of time and energy due to the limitation of book collection requirements. How much are you willing to pay? "
"I am willing to offer the best works to the library at the cost of the rest of my life."
"very good."

As Han Dong expected.
Related issues are centered on the library to determine whether an individual is willing to "work for nothing" and how much the willingness is.
Every answer Han Dong gave was almost ‘extreme’, but his actual intentions were all [NO].
The level of brainwashing of this group of guys is very good, and this kind of review work is also quite good. They can stick to their posts through the changes of several epochs and the endless wanderings of nothingness. These congressmen are quite good.
If we can get them all into my prison world, maybe we can also establish a similar censorship agency,
Allowing them to review the subsequent [prisoners] will greatly improve the management of prisoners and the allocation of resources.
The answer is over.
All the MPs showed hearty smiles, and it has been a long time since they met such a valuable outsider.
Han Dong, who was free from the restraint of the seat, was directly led to a huge and deep corridor outside the House of Representatives.
There are various murals painted on both sides of the promenade, which look like ‘comic stories’ based on individuals and ethnic groups. There is no profound storyline, but a simple story.
There are also soul cleaners floating on both sides with an oil lamp in one hand and cleaning in the other.
Not long after, Pop and Eugenes were also led here.
at the same time,
From the depths of the deep passage, there was a sound that reached the depths of the soul:
"Because the envoy of the yellow robe passed the special review with [perfect],
You will get 99 days of free time. When the time is over, you will sign a soul contract with the library with the yellow robe messenger as the main body to pay for your expenses. "
Popper exploded immediately (the inside of the brain was in a state of star explosion).
"99 days! Nicholas, how did you guy do it?
I have talked about the deeds of the Serraino Great Library, and most of the borrowers will not be in the library for more than three days.
Even if there have been other monsters who donated books, UU Reading www.uukanshu. At most, com uses points to redeem weekly cards, and very few can redeem monthly cards... What answer did you do to get the library to directly give 99 days, including us? "
Han Dong explained indifferently:
"Similar to applying for a loan in a bank, my creditworthiness assessments are all full, and then everything we have three of us is used as collateral, including the rest of my life and soul ownership."
"Hey, exchange at the same price...otherwise how could others let us read the book for nothing?
Besides, this is the site of Huangpao, our sudden disappearance, as a teammate, he will definitely find him...Don't think so much, hurry up and start reading!
The boat is naturally straight at the end of the bridge, even if the yellow robe can't come, there will definitely be a way. "
Pope can accept it a little bit, after all, 99 days of freedom, the temptation is too great.
But Eugenes, who didn't like reading very much, showed an expression of extreme discomfort throughout the whole process, feeling that he had been packaged and sold.
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