Vol 9 Chapter 1923: Plunder

When Han Dong dived into the Dead Sea, looking for the origin of the ocean and the primitive death that accompanies it.
A few planes apart, number L-081, a large world named "Lighthouse Kingdom" by the Black Tower,
Countries in this world rely on lighthouses to exist,
The lighthouse here is not man-made, but generated by the world.
As the world expands, the original world lighthouses will be upgraded, and new lighthouses will be born at the same time.
The inhabitants of this world, although they look like humans, have a kind of lighting structure growing on their foreheads, which are called [Lamp Men].
This innate head structure gives them an excellent talent for perception.
The black tower's emergency notice has been delivered.
The lighthouses are already arranging important personnel to take refuge in the black tower...The number of refuge places given by the black tower accounts for [20%] of the world's total population.
In fact, this ratio is already a lot, and the ratio in many small and medium-sized worlds may not even reach 3%.
The Black Tower itself attaches great importance to the ‘lampman’ race, and even opens up a refuge channel for them, hoping to transport all the core personnel over.
The country where the No. 1 lighthouse is located-[Luming Country]
The holder of the world node has the next king-level-[Leitester. Illumination], standing in the "observation room" of Lighthouse One.
He combined his abilities with the lighthouse to illuminate and perceive the situation in the world.
About a minute ago,
He observed that a non-official world channel of the Black Tower was formed at the border, but he did not observe the entry of any intruders.
Boom boom boom!
When the door knocked, a ray of light came in directly, converging into an old man through light particles...not just the center of the eyebrows, but his eyes have turned into a lamp tube structure.
The old man belonged to Letster's confidant.
"Ribero, how is the transfer?"
"The King of Leitester, due to the limited number of escape routes and every transferer has to go through strict out-of-control security checks, the transfer of the [seven-two lampposts] has just been completed...want to reach 20% of the total number of transfers. It will take at least one month.
Leave the rest of the transfer to me to arrange.
King, you are the symbol of the lighthouse and the inheritance of the will of our world. I hope you put down everything in your hands and leave here temporarily. "
"…All right."
King Leitester had planned to stay at the end before leaving to ensure that the evacuation order was not disrupted.
The unknown passage observed a minute ago made him a little uneasy.
Indeed, if something happens to his king, the node will fall into the hands of those who are out of control, and the entire lighthouse kingdom will fall completely within a short period of time.
"Ribero, I'll leave the situation to you first."
Leitester also "photonized" his body. When a single photon converged into light, it was about to shoot out of the "observation room" of the lighthouse... the iron gate, which should have been easily penetrated, actually blocked the photon.
Forcing Lester to regain his human form.
The seemingly normal iron door has a black film that can effectively shield the light.
"This is!"
A slightly strange voice came from behind:
"Please wait a moment~ Your Majesty the King.
I just received the instruction from the ‘teacher’, and you can’t leave yet. "
For a while, the atmosphere in the observation room became weird.
"Who is your'teacher', Ribeiro? You are the number one tutor in Lumen."
"I dare not call myself a mentor in front of this existence.
He is the teacher in the true sense...just a moment of divine friendship made me detached from the world~ That's right! His old man is coming over soon.
Your Majesty, please do not disobey the teacher's order. "
The voice just fell.
Two slender arms stretched out from Ribeiro’s mouth,
Support your upper and lower jaw... Click!
The mouth was torn in half, and the throat and body were torn apart... From the body was drilled a handsome man with long hair, wearing a snake-print tie and white shirt.
"Out of control?!"
King Leitester could only feel a strong sense of danger from the opponent, unable to assess the specific level.
Such a dangerous situation does not allow him to think much.
Directly use the "world nodes" in your hands to activate the "lighthouses" scattered all over the world with the maximum power... hum! The beams of light integrated into the power of the world converged towards him one after another.
If all the world's light is poured into his body, he will temporarily possess the strength equivalent to the'mid position'.
At the same time, the life of any person who is not a lamp will be burned by strong light and penetrated by particles.
Feeling the coming light blow,
The middle-aged man with black hair fluttering in front of him showed a happy expression instead.
"It's great... it saves me a lot of time."
"come on!"
An absolute command acts on Leitester's brain, as well as reality.
When the king reacted, he was pinched in the air by one of the opponent's hands.
Absolutely suppressed,
As the ruler of the world, Leitester could only use his own characteristics to observe some characteristic information of the other party before he died.
"The upper-level out-of-control person...Are you a "teacher"?"
"There is not much time, no time to chat with you~"
Fingers clasped Leitester's eyebrows, and pulled out the "light eye (king embedded in the eyebrows.
At the same moment,
The world beam summoned by King Lester also penetrated into this observation room.
Did not cause any harm to the teacher, but all was absorbed by the "light eyes" in the hands of the teacher.
"What a perfect eye...should be able to make a flashlight for exploring [Broken Dimension]."
There is no intention to continue staying.
Mr. teacher carries the lamp eye and the world node he has taken, and quickly evacuates from the current world.
If you stay for too long, it is very likely that you will attract the nearby [Highest Will]. It is still in the middle of the plan-"material hoarding", and it is not the time to go to war with the black tower.
In less than a minute, Mr. Mr.'s deity had evacuated from the lighthouse kingdom.
At the same moment.
The "refuge channel" in the lighthouse country also sounded a red alarm, and the detection system has found a source of severe out-of-control-[Speaking factor].

Broken dimension,
The spatial parameters of a certain dimensional area are almost the same as the normal world.
A dark, large-scale brutalist building is suspended here.
The metal pipe derived from the bottom of the building makes it firmly rooted in the space.
The marble floor tiles at the gate are engraved with a circular sign symbolizing [Control], which corresponds to the Black Tower Control Directorate-B.
Mr. teacher's deity appeared in the "World Teleportation Hall"
At the core of the hall, there is a B. technology product that surpasses Black Tower Technology-"World Rubik's Cube".
Regularly distributed energy connections extend from the lower end of the Rubik’s Cube, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com connects to different locations in the teleportation hall, generating stable portals leading to different worlds.
When the teacher returned,
There are already standing, lying, or floating many existences of the same level, all wearing the emblem of the [Committee].
In their hands, they also held the looted "world node" and a precious item or living thing that could represent the world's highest value.
From the corner position, a weird and hoarse voice came:
"Teacher, you are the slowest... even such small things are slow."
Mr. teacher was a little annoyed, but did not respond, but silently turned in the things that robbed the future, and at the same time gave the world node to the engineers here.
The node representing a world authority, was sent to the Rubik's Cube, and was instantly drained of energy, turning it into a dull and discarded spar.
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