Vol 9 Chapter 1934: Trial result

In the case of committing such a felony,
How dare to say such ‘soliciting divorce’ that can even be regarded as an invasion of the deep sea,
From the point of view of the conch jailer, Han Dong seemed to stick to his ear and made a request:
"I want to be beaten severely."
A series of violent sounds came from the prison room.
Of course,
The jailer didn't dare to have any murderous intentions, just a lesson.
Although the prisoner Han Dong said that the crime is serious, no one has committed the same serious crime in the deep sea for nearly a thousand years or even nearly ten thousand years... But he still needs to be tried by Mr. Ke himself.
If something happened in advance, it would be his negligence.
Han Dong, who was beaten violently, was not only okay, but he felt groggy and awake from the beating.
Leaning on the jailer again, whispered softly in his ears.
"As a [mythical body], your fist is very powerful and also has a special piercing blow... You know that the'sin' I committed is definitely not something ordinary people can do.
Don't you fear that I will break free and kill you directly? "
Another punch hit Han Dong's side face, his body seemed to hit the corner hard, but in fact the process of ‘relief’ had already been completed.
The jailer clenched his fists, "If I were afraid of death, I would never serve here.
I have dedicated everything to the deep sea. Death is only a form of returning to the deep sea... My current duty is to supervise you, a special prisoner, and send you to the [Final Sea Cliff] at the stipulated time. "
The beaten Han Dong nodded quite satisfied, and even drooled a little at the corner of his mouth.
"Not bad~
If you can come to work here, you will be promoted directly to the prison squad leader. "
"You guy..."
The jailer's mood was up and down by Han Dong, but when the time was up, he could only suppress his anger and prepare to take him to the highest-level trial area in the deep sea.
Han Dong was also idle along the way, asking for various information such as the jailer’s name, birthplace, faction, etc.
Moreover, Han Dong's voice is difficult to be shielded by physical means, like a fly crawling back and forth on the surface of his brain...like the whispers of the devil, the other party's mentality is about to collapse.
In the end there was a compromise.
"My name is Farouk de la Cruz, and I come from the abyss... Stop talking nonsense to me, I really can't bear it anymore."
"Hey, calm down, calm down."
Han Dong patted the opponent's shoulder lightly, but this time he was not rejected by the jailer.
The endless whispers gradually took effect, the sense of rejection was greatly reduced, and the look in the jailer's eyes gradually turned into a witch god...It seemed to have been mentally paralyzed, and even began to succumb.
Through a long undersea tunnel, finally came to the so-called [Final Sea Cliff].
This time, President Ke no longer uses the "kind" "pirate incarnation",
Instead, it uses part of the ontology entrenched in this area to directly judge Han Dong.
The tentacles piercing through the rock formations on the seabed are like pillars of sky-opening stone enclosing the sea cliffs into a super huge "deep sea prison"...The part of the body that looks like a huge mountain completely obscures the field of vision in front of it.
The one eye in the center has a diameter of several kilometers.
But Han Dong walked to the end of the Shanghai cliff. When feeling the direct gaze of Ke Zong's ontology.
The pressure from the upper position caused him to constantly seep water out of his body, and all his abilities were sealed and suppressed.
If it is a deep-sea prisoner of the same level, he will be dehydrated and die under such gaze...Han Dong doesn't matter, it's a big deal that he will be tried in a muck state.
at the same time.
A total of seven "Deep Sea Commanders" as observers are located on both sides...sit between their respective thrones, representing different sea areas in the deep sea, witnessing this special trial.
In the eyes of these leaders, although they contained blame and even hatred for Han Dong...but they were also mixed with a little appreciation and even admiration. Valley
Because of the influence of Han Dong's whispers along the way.
The jailer Farouk froze for three full seconds before remembering his duty.
"My lord! As you ordered, Valen Nicholas has been brought here!"
Chief Ke's voice came directly from the sky-reaching tentacles, echoing in the final sea cliff area, "Well... the trial now begins."
As the "supervisor" of the prisoner Han Dong, Farouk will also be by his side throughout the trial room.
Although Han Dong molested the jailer all the way, he never dared to and slippery in front of President Ke. He knelt on the ground for the first time, showing a willingness to be punished.
"I believe Farouk has explained to you the crimes committed in the deep sea. Is there anything to justify or explain?"
Han Dong wanted to say that he didn't know the "balloon" thing, but he didn't say it in the end.
"There is nothing to explain, I admit all the consequences of my sins."
"Do you know why I agree to your request to go to the Dead Sea?"
Han Dong actually had some guesses, but at present he deliberately pretended to be confused, "Perhaps it is because of the discussion between me and Hyde, which achieved good results and won this permission?"
"The Dead Sea is a forbidden area for our people, and foreigners have no right to go to it.
The reason why I allow it is because of the hidden attributes in your body...Your dive will definitely attract Dagon’s attention.
I snooped into the best ending in my dreams.
Let the unrecovered [Dagon] consolidate your kingdom, and at the same time allow your necrotic qualities to activate him who is still in the state of ‘walking corpse’.
Unexpectedly, you actually completely killed his skeletal body. "
When he heard this, Han Dong pretended to have a sad expression willing to give up his life, "I am willing to bear all guilt to make up for the heavy losses in the deep sea. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM"
"The losses you have caused are even more than the sum of the losses over the past thousand years... I will pronounce the punishment on you next."
A tentacles belonging to Ke Zong's body stretched out in front of Han Dong, and touched the back of his left hand with the "Deep Sea Mark", and a strange energy was being poured into it.
The light blue mark is slowly being dyed black, and the pattern is also changing.
Mr. Ke's voice continued:
"From now on! You will succeed Dagon as the new [Dead Sea Commander]... responsible for the management of the Dead Sea. At the same time, the Dead Sea will create a special channel to connect your kingdom."
When President Ke gave the result of the trial, Han Dong was stunned.
At the same time, Farouk, the jailer in charge of Han Dong, was also completely dumbfounded ~ what kind of punishment is this.
Without waiting for Han Dong to speak, President Ke continued to say:
The "Dead Sea" is the place of our origin. Compared with other seas, it possesses a self-consciousness bred from ancient times... Only the deep divers who are fully recognized by this consciousness have the ability to control This sea area.
Dagon once belonged to the only recognizer. Even after his death, the "Dead Sea Consciousness" still did not transfer, and he even wanted to [resurrect] him at all costs.
Until you insert a weapon into Dagon’s head,
This consciousness has only shifted for the first time...you should feel it clearly. "
"Is this punishment willing to accept?"
"Yes... by the way! Can President Ke hand over this jailer to me, he might be able to assist my management team."
The jailer standing beside him was completely stunned.
What frightened him the most was that he had just beaten the newly appointed "Dead Sea Commander" several times in succession.
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