Vol 9 Chapter 1945: Synchronicity

Naturally, Han Dong would not go to sleep in the massage room. How could such a good time be wasted on sleeping.
I asked Demps about the construction of mythology, and learned that the two "mythological puzzles" he currently possessed were also legendary.
The first piece of "Puzzle-True Magic Six Fingers" that symbolizes a different magic has just been introduced.
The second piece is the "puzzle-global magic" that symbolizes humanity.
This puzzle means that Demps will not be restricted by element boundaries and spell polarity, and can perfectly learn and master any kind of magic.
It also allows Demps to merge different types of magic,
There is a higher probability of getting rare magic of 1+1>2,
There is a small probability that it may create epic magic, or even a legendary forbidden technique that destroys the world.
Moreover, Demps will reduce the backlash effect on the body when learning and using forbidden techniques.

The reason why Demps represents living in the world [back], the original alien (no faith) called [Remnant], can talk about cooperation with the witches, is precisely because of Demps’s show’ Talent' and its new king title.
Even when he first came to the assembly hall, he defeated the mythical witch under the queen one by one.
Of course,
Another point,
The person who can make Demps and the witch bridge the bridge is his current partner-Miss Helen.
Demps can be seen by his grandmother who is called the queen of dreams, and allowing Helen to be with him is enough to show how talented Demps is.
Similarly, the group of alien demons called the survivors also pin their hopes on Demps.
The ‘king’ who led the survivors in the past, determined that he could not lead the group further, and even buried the throne qualifications in Demps’ body in the form of self-sacrifice.
If Demps is given a few more years, his reputation will surely resound in the magic circle, and the original quality of Demps will not affect the spread of Demps's reputation.
The survivors are quite smart, and they don't have any faith, so they can only pin their hopes on their own people.
Therefore, they grasped a key point-"hybrid".
When they discovered that the [gate of destiny] had reopened between the main human cities on the earth, they knew that the opportunity to create ‘God’ had arrived.
They sent a mixed-breed newborn to the holy city of mankind to grow up through fate and assisted by the path of different demons to jointly cultivate a true hybrid.
They did find the right path,
But... there is a problem here.
Whether it is a survivor living on the back, or Demps [father] who sacrificed himself to pass on the throne, or Demps himself did not anticipate the ‘great problem’.
This problem directly affects Demps's reputation in the alien circle and the rise of the survivors.
No matter how smooth Demps’s growth is and how terrible his potential is, it will be severely affected and will not be able to achieve the expected results of the plan.
That is "the appearance of Han Dong."
Maybe it's a coincidence,
Let two completely different "hybrids" be born in the same area at the same time, and even become friends and close friends. They support each other and live and die together.
But in this case, it is more likely to be [Synicity]
The synchronicity caused two completely different, each talented ‘hybrids’ to meet in the same era.
When passing the growth stage, Han Dong was even better.
It’s not just a leader in the ranks,
It is more about Han Dong's existence, the influence it has brought to the entire alien circle, and even the influence it has brought to outside the world.
The ‘fog’ released by Han Dong, a cloud of gray hazy fog has spread to every corner of the alien circle.
No matter how dazzling the brilliance emanating from Demps's body, he will always be covered by such a fog, and even if he is currently in a dream state, he still can't avoid such a fog.
Demps was not jealous or annoyed at all, he just felt that he was so lucky to be in the same era with such a character, and even had a very close relationship.

Time is fleeting between massage and small talk.
There was a quicker knock on the door.
"Oh! Is time passing so fast... Demps, you go and open the door, I will put on my clothes."
The knock on the door made Han Dong realize that it was already night.
When the vitality lock of the plant structure is opened,
It was Miss Helen standing outside the door,
She came here just to tell the two of them that it was late, and she could go to the [Dreamland Meeting Place].
However, before the words were spoken, Helen was stunned at the door because of the picture in front of her and the smell she smelled.
The room is filled with a special ‘smell of flesh’,
This is a kind of special gas that will be produced by two individuals who have been in physical contact for a long time, and the concentration is terribly high.
It is as if the two are in very close physical contact in an interval of nearly ten hours.
This concentration was even higher than any single time she had with Demps.
She also happened to look through the crack of the door to see Han Dong who had just gotten up from the bed and had not had time to button his white shirt.
A thin body, but with perfect abdominal muscle lines and a conspicuous belly button vortex.
At the same time, there is still sweat that has not disappeared on Han Dong's cheeks. UU reading www.uukanshu.com
Helen, who is good at dreaming, has constructed a pretty beautiful picture based on the concentration between the picture in front of him and the air.
However, she didn't mind at all.
In her cognition, unless it is [reproductive behavior], it is considered ‘infidelity’.
The physical collision between the two is perhaps just a manifestation of the ‘deep friendship’ between humans... Moreover, Han Dong and Demps have known each other a long time ago, and she is a latecomer if she comes first.
She wanted to ask them what they were doing, but immediately changed her tone.
"Ahem~ I shouldn't bother you... Grandma has arranged the venue, and it should be very suitable for Nicholas to practice "Hands".
Moreover, the witches of the full assembly hall have already entered the arena, and even those who have gone out have all returned, just waiting for you to pass. "
"Oh? All the dream witches? Very good."
Han Dong didn't feel embarrassed about such "public practice", but was very happy to have such a big show.
He also has a cautious mind.
Currently in the construction period of [Prison World], the establishment of "species diversity" is necessary.
During the public practice period,
Maybe we can find a chance to "infect" several talented, but low-level "witches" who are in the growth stage...
If the witch group can be stationed in the prison world in advance, a similar swamp area can be created in advance, and even a [Forbidden Art Research Area] can be established.
Han Dong will provide all kinds of forbidden manuscripts, even the real ones, for them to study and research.
Some elite arakkoa or descent who are proficient in dark magic can slowly integrate into this research group, and even live with witches and give birth to offspring.
After a period of time, the most suitable leader is selected from among them to slowly form a management system.
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