Vol 10 Chapter 2095: head teacher

Han Dong, who left the school cafeteria, looked refreshed.
Sign it in the eyes of others,
In his place, it turned into a sign on the list, gaining the favor of the chef and the person in charge of the canteen, and the opportunity to be alone... Han Dong can feel a special thing from the other party, which may be useful for himself.
On the way to the school building,
Mr. Newton deliberately kept a certain distance from Han Dong. After all, the taste of breakfast was a bit big.
Newton was born in a noble family, and his family was engaged in mechanics. Due to the precise requirements for mechanical parts, the house was up and down, and all the rooms were quite clean. Naturally, he also had a habit of cleanliness.
Although Mr. Black and White felt that it didn't matter, he still asked Pop in private,
After all, Han Dong didn't rely on endurance, he relied on perseverance to endure this breakfast... and he liked it so much that he even added two pounds, which was a bit weird.
Pope's answer is also simple and rude,
"Is this okay? We have a companion named [Eugenes Treviro], and the smell on his body is dozens of times more stinky than the one just now. We and Eugenes also often perform tasks and have long been used to it. ."
at the same moment,
the forbidden zone of a world,
Eugenes, who turned his entire arm into a collection of big mouths, just gnawed off the head of an out-of-control person... During eating, he seemed to be stimulated by some kind of smell, and his nose and mouth were all over his body, and he couldn't help but let out a loud sneeze.

On the way to the classroom building.
Mr. Newton was farther apart, walking ahead.
Mr. Black and White also chatted with Pop about some topics related to 'stargazing' and 'void',
Han Dong, who stayed at the end of the team, seemed to be alone, but he was actually having a conversation with a mental virus that no one could see.
The clown stepped on a funny pace and kept circling around Han Dong,
Occasionally make a face,
It even opened its fangs full of terror, wrapped Han Dong's head whole, pretending to swallow it in one bite,
But no matter what the clown does,
Han Dong was indifferent, and even the details such as pace and eyes did not change.
"Hey! Nicholas, I haven't seen you for so long, you seem to be getting more bored... In other words, when will we be able to release [laughing gas] on this campus.
I have already acted on that grove according to your instructions.
I can't wait to see the wonderful images of the doomsday sweeping this campus. . "
Han Dong responded coldly:
"The release of laughing gas is only the last insurance measure. It is necessary to retain such a good campus system... Since you want to play games, it is more interesting to follow the "linear process" to defeat them one by one.
In addition, I have to warn you, the campus built by Mr. is not as simple as you think, and it has to slowly erode.
Today's first class is the head teacher's [Psychology].
Should be more interesting. "
The clown spread his hands helplessly,
It is absolutely dominated by Han Dong at the spiritual level, and even the 'revealing entity' depends on Han Dong's wishes.
Because Han Dong was too boring, he had to spit out a lot of balloons from his mouth,
Holding it in the hand can make the body just float, about two or three meters off the ground, so pretend to step on the air and follow Han Dong to the teaching building.
Unlike the entrance exam, when the entire teaching building was shrouded in black mist,
The street lights and aisle lights downstairs were all lit, dispelling some of the dark shadows, and barely able to see the whole picture of the teaching building.
Even if Han Dong and others had arrived an hour earlier,
The aisles on each floor are already crowded with students,
or read in the morning,
or make up work,
Or run laps downstairs to warm up,
And a large part is already in the classroom ready for class,
Entering the learning state in advance can greatly reduce the error rate in the classroom.
Just when Han Dong and others were about to step into the teaching building,
A dark shadow suddenly descended,
He fell heavily on the spot where Mr. Newton had just stood.
Clap~a crisp bone cracking sound
Dark red and viscous blood immediately spread out.
A thin and withered male student jumped to his death. A large number of exercise books were scattered around... The reason is very simple.
Due to mental exhaustion, when I arrived at the teaching building, I found that there was an entire exercise book that I forgot to do, and it was too late.
He fell to the ground with a smile on his face...
The cleaning aunt quickly came to the scene to dispose of the body,
He also took out the straw he carried with him and sucked up all the blood in the place.
At most, passing students glanced at it, as if this sort of thing had long since become commonplace.
【Class 0104】
When Han Dong and others stepped into the classroom assigned to them, there were only four seats left in the last row, and the rest of the students were conducting thinking training.
There was even a little brother with a shaved head and a double-moon symbol tattooed on his forehead, sitting cross-legged.
There is a vague feeling that the body is about to float.
Of course,
The clown who followed Han Dong to the classroom was passing each student's seat one by one, blowing out smiley balloons and stuffing them into their desks.
[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】
When he came to the bald-headed brother, he also made a gesture of stroking the bald head and gave Han Dong a thumbs up.
It didn't take long.
Ring Ring Ring!
The class bell resounded like a reminder to the classroom building.
All the students wandering the aisles or running downstairs disappeared,
All kinds of reading sounds, and even the sound of the pen tip sliding the paper all stopped.
Everyone maintained a standard sitting posture, and even the frequency of blinking slowed down.
despair! despair! despair!
A burst of crisp high-heeled shoes came from the aisle, and every time the sound of stepping on it had an uncomfortable feeling of poking on the surface of the heart.
"It's not easy..."
Han Dong revealed a smile, wondering what kind of character the other party would be.
Black high heels stepped into the classroom,
The standard female teacher's clothing, and a stereotyped face that anyone seems to think of 'teaching director' and 'class teacher' for the first time, UU reading www. uukanshu.com
In his early 40s, he was in menopause, and his permed curly hair exuded invisible coercion.
He immediately locked onto the four freshmen of Han Dong, showing vague expressions of interest.
"Since there are four freshmen here, let me briefly introduce myself."
A piece of chalk popped out from the fingertips, and immediately wrote a rather beautiful English name on the blackboard.
"My name is Ayesha Sepulveda. I'm your psychology teacher and head teacher. I hope we can get along well for the rest of the time..."
Just when she was about to say this, she turned her head suddenly,
at the same time,
Quack quack~ The back of his head covered with black hair seems to be wriggling slightly.
A pair of blood-stained, deformed and slender arms pushed back the black hair,
A young and beautiful face appeared between the back of his head, with two pure white eyes without pupils.
This face was staring at the side of the podium, an empty corner of the wall.
This state of staring lasted for a whole minute, and the arm that grew out of the back of the head slowly closed the black hair, hiding the "second face".
Faced with such a picture, the other students in the class are not surprised, they seem to have seen it many times.
Only Han Dong's palms were sweating.
The direction the head teacher was staring at just now was exactly where Pennywise was.
"Hahaha! This guy can vaguely sense my presence... It's really interesting that there are such talents in this school.
I really want to kill this woman quickly! 』
The clown didn't feel any tension at all, and even made an arrow-shaped balloon to point at the head teacher.
"Be honest with me, come back to me quickly! If found, the game is not so fun. 』
Chapter 2095, class teacher
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