Vol 10 Chapter 2099: Evening study

【Evening self-study】
Because Mr. Teacher's deity is related to shadow and darkness.
Therefore, he attaches great importance to the evening self-study conducted at night, and even makes relevant regulations for it himself.
When night falls, the students of the whole school will usher in the most tense moments... However, while full of danger, opportunities will also be placed in front of the students.
Han Dong and the others, as freshmen,
Both received a "Rule Book" about evening self-study between the desks. The content on it was very interesting. Even Han Dong's eyes glowed when he was browsing.
"It's a pity that Popper isn't here, so I can't experience such a fun evening self-study."
The evening study rules are as follows:
1. The duration is from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. During this period, students must leave the teaching building for any reason or in any way.
Even if the individual has died, it will be recycled after the end of the evening self-study.
2. Before the start of the evening self-study, all students will get a "kerosene lamp" to be used as lighting during self-study. At that time, the lights in the teaching corridors and classrooms will be turned off, and the shadow coverage will be doubled.
3. During the period, a random number of "supervisors" will appear, patrolling various areas of the teaching building.
Once the supervisor finds that the student is not studying seriously in the classroom,
Or haunt other areas outside the classroom, and will be directly captured and subjected to unspeakable horror punishment (this punishment may cause irreversible damage to the individual).
4. During the evening self-study period, individuals can choose to read books in the classroom for self-study, or they can choose free activities.
If the student can successfully avoid the supervisor, find a secret passage connecting the teaching building and the office building (appears randomly), and arrive at the principal's office, they can obtain the qualification to become a [Shadow Student].

The purpose of the evening self-study regulations has been very clear. .
Mr. Teacher, I want to use this special rule to screen out students who have outstanding talents at the "hidden" level and are good at using darkness.
Students selected in this way will be included in the special class directly under the principal and will not participate in normal classes.
After a period of time, they will graduate as [Shadow Students], and their self-consciousness will return to the physical body in reality and become Mr. Teacher's personal guard.
For example, the one who found the entrance to the secret passage in Sharnos City was a shadow student.
"Evening self-study is more interesting than I thought~ To be able to freely choose between "Self-study" and "Exploration", this way... I can speed up my planning. 』
think of this,
Han Dong quickly transmitted his voice to Black and White and Newton.
"Two seniors, are you interested? 』
Newton directly waved his hand to refuse. He was not good at this kind of concealment, nor did he like darkness.
Mr. Black and White has the opposite attitude.
"It's an interesting challenge, I'll try it. 』
"At that time, I will leave the classroom with Teacher Black and White, but I have another purpose... I will take this opportunity to stroll around the various areas of the teaching building. 』
The corridor cleaners handed out kerosene lamps to each student,
After all the staff left the teaching building,
main switch closed,
The teaching building instantly fell into darkness,
Moreover, as described in the rules, a layer of shadow film quickly wraps and covers the entire teaching building, reducing the distance of light exposure to a minimum.
In such an environment, the maximum lighting range of the kerosene lamp is less than half a meter, and it can only be placed in the corner of the desk for self-study lighting.
The students of "Rocket Class" have no intention of going out either.
after all,
There are evening self-study sessions every day, and they have seen too many students who have tried to explore and have yet to come back.
Of course,
There are also very few of them who have witnessed the horror of the "Supervisor", and they have dispelled the idea of ​​becoming a shadow student from the bottom of their hearts.
They have no need to take this risk with a high-quality life on campus,
Film students, this shortcut to study, are more of a choice for middle and low-level students.
Ring Ring Ring! The urgent evening study bell rang,
A dark figure stood at the door of the classroom at an unknown time... Although the light could not reveal the specific features, it was still able to peep out the general outline.
Like a woman as tall as the door beam,
Long hair and arms hang down in front of him,
Occasionally, there will be bursts of 'crunching' ~ strange sounds similar to mechanical friction, and her eyes are quickly swept across everyone in the classroom.
It's that weird sound,
Make Mr. Newton, who is not interested, smile.
"Nicholas, I'll act with you later... 81.3% of these 'Overseers' are made of machinery, and they also contain mechanical technology that I don't know about.
If I can get up close, maybe I can transform it. 』
"Mr. Newton, it is not appropriate to expose the ability now, it is better to reduce the contact with such dangerous individuals. 』
[First release on this site, fastest update]
"Of course I won't take the initiative to contact, I will follow you all the way,
If there is an unavoidable situation, let me try it... I will try my best to debug and modify these supervisors in the way of ordinary people. 』
"Row. 』
About five minutes passed,
The 'supervisor' who found no abnormality disappeared at the door of the classroom.
"Hand over your kerosene lamps, a little modification will help the next move. 』
In less than thirty seconds,
A simple and portable kerosene flashlight was distributed to Han Dong and Black and White.
This flashlight can be switched on and off freely,
It can also compress the light source by manual adjustment. In the current environment of the teaching building, the effective range can reach three meters... This is a good thing for people who cannot use the ability temporarily, but it is a good thing for detecting danger.
When the three set off together,
The other students in the class were shocked, but when they tried to express their emotions, they could only show a weird smile.
Three beams of light were shot from the classroom door to both sides, and the three of them left quickly without showing anything.
Mr. Black and White went to the left alone, looking for the secret passage leading to the teaching building.
Mr. Han Dong and Mr. Newton went to the right and were going to follow the nearest teaching corridor. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com reached the top floor first...
Who knows.
Han Dong just walked up three floors.
Suddenly he heard a burst of small footsteps, forcing him to stop.
At this time, Newton's thick palm lightly placed on his shoulder.
"There is no mechanical sound, and the footsteps are broken and disordered... There is a high probability that it is another student who is out. 』
A large group of emaciated and gaunt-faced students descended the stairs as low as possible.
There are more than 20 of them, all from the same class... Due to their poor grades, they have basically lost their desire to live, and they are ready to fight tonight.
Maybe someone's luck is good enough to qualify as a film student and completely change the rest of their lives.
In addition, they were holding homemade daggers in their hands.
Not to fight the overseer,
It is used to cut the throat and commit suicide once caught by the supervisor... to avoid suffering inhumane torture.
Newton's voice transmission came over: "Nicholas, the movement of these guys is a bit loud, and it is easy to attract the supervisor. We hurried up and away from them. 』
who knows,
However, Han Dong bit his nails and made a crucial decision.
"Mr. Newton, don't you want to study the supervisor? I thought of an opportunity to avoid direct capture, but also allow you to observe up close and even get in touch with the overseer. 』
"Um? That's not what you said in the classroom just now. 』
"People are fickle... Besides, I didn't expect there would be so many people who would die. If you don't make good use of them, they will be wasted, what a pity. 』
While communicating with consciousness,
Han Dong has turned down and infiltrated this group of students who are almost certain to die.
Chapter 2099 Evening study
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