Vol 10 Chapter 2135: emergency meeting

Regarding the results of the battle of [Gray World - Sharnos], the void will inform the entire universe.
This result can actually encourage the momentum of the out-of-control to a certain extent.
After all, they were forced to come to S-01, and they were very passive due to various lack of intelligence and venue problems... It was quite good to be able to achieve a draw in the first battle of the highest level.
The president who is exploring the world in the dreamland and has achieved certain results,
When he received the news, he didn't show any happy expression... On the contrary, he looked serious and even very ugly, as if a very bad result had been achieved.
The highest centralized decision-making organization as the runaway.
Only characters who have reached the king level are eligible to join,
Moreover, relevant binding agreements must be signed.
To ensure community, joint action and reduce the possibility of rebellion.
They are connected through a special "brain network",
Each king is connected between a "brain ring" that resembles a circular conference table.
Whenever there is a need for decision-making and negotiation of major events, or the transfer of internal personnel, a "thinking projection meeting" can be conducted directly between the brain rings.
The branches extending from the brain ring run through and connect queens, princes, or lower-ranked out-of-control people...to form an overall network.
As long as you don't fall into a completely blocked shielded area,
Not across multiple planes,
Or completely closed at the thinking level, they will maintain the connection with the brain domain and send back their intelligence in real time.
Above the current [Brain Ring].
Original-003. Drooling Man
Original-005. The Innocent Queen
Original-027. The Peni Family
The above three powerful generals are all in a semi-offline state.
The virtual images of their consciousness flickered between the brain rings, and they could only be sure that they were still alive, but could not return any useful information.
Even more outrageous,
Teacher Original-019.Mr. has completely lost contact,
Not long ago, Mr.'s projection between the brain rings was still normal, and the information returned showed that he was fighting a formidable enemy who was proficient in dark magic.
Without warning,
A tentacle as white as jade appeared between the brain rings, ignoring the rules, and erased it completely like an eraser, instantly breaking the connection with the brain rings.
Even the 'creator' of the brain domain network failed to find any clues.
It can only be inferred that the teacher has a high probability of being obliterated by the root of the soul.
Although the grey battle ended in a draw,
But all the people involved had problems and couldn't return to the army... This kind of result was simply unacceptable to the president.
"Penny represents the strongest fighting force,
The queen represents the supreme magic,
And the resourcefulness represented by Mr. Teacher,
The allied army formed by them must have a first-class comprehensive index... Even I had planned to let them form a special team for infiltration operations from the beginning.
[The draw] is a normal result... but it is very abnormal for the three of them to "disconnect" after the war.
Either this group of demons were secretly doing their thing, violating the rules of the game they set, eradicating the special threat of Mr. Teacher, and at the same time sending Penny and the Queen to a special prison area to be imprisoned.
Or it was the three of them, and someone defected from the organization ahead of time.
Otherwise, this would never have been the case.
As far as the current game progress is concerned, we have not encountered a situation where the aliens violate the rules of the game. This group of aliens has always pursued the balance and fun of the game.
Could it be that Mr. teacher betrayed? "
When thinking about this,
The president suddenly made a finger-pinch gesture,
An ancestor-level moon beast that had already grown a "moon fetus" in front of him was directly crushed into 'truth' by such an action, instantly turned into minced meat, and obliterated from the level of rules.
Gu Zhu
"Hide your brain, come here..."
With a slightly angry shout from the president.
A mysterious man who is over two meters tall and dressed in a cage-like robe has already appeared.
It should be noted that,
The man's head seems to have no skull structure,
The brain can only be supported by a steel frame structure that runs through the skin.
The sound from his mouth is more like a brain wave signal, which can be received normally even by individuals without hearing.
"What's the matter with the president?"
"Call existing committee members for an awareness session!
I need to rebuild a more stable [brain network], and if necessary, even implant a sub-brain between each of their brains.
Monitor and upload thought data in real time to ensure no mutiny.
in addition,
Those students who were once dominated by Mr. Teacher are now all under your control. "
When he heard such a request, Zang Nao showed a rare excited expression.
"Deputy Brain, is the President finally willing to accept my opinion?
To manage a plate of self-serving loose sand really requires such coercive means.
However, as you have worried before, there will definitely be people in the committee who don't want to... The "sub-brain" I provided must be threatening, and once implanted, their freedom and privacy will be limited. "
The president's attitude is very firm, and the current situation is quite unfavorable to them.
"If you don't want to, just kill it.
Using their "corpses" as raw materials, more suitable and obedient individuals will be selected from among the queen-level groups and let them inherit... Make sure that there are no less than 15 members of the core committee. "
"Just do as the President said."
Hidden Brain, who accepted the order, opened his vertical barrel-shaped black robe.
The inner layer of the clothes is covered with a dazzling array of [brains].
Every brain is different,
or the circuits of the sulci,
Or the size and structure of the brain, and even some brains are divided into four brain regions, up and down, left and right,
There are even non-flesh diamond brains, crystalline carbon brains, etc.,
The hidden brain did not choose the brain hanging in the clothes,
Instead, the thin body was cut open...a fresh and still beating brain was taken out from the very center.
open mouth!
The brain is tucked between the skulls, which are not supported by the skull.
It seems that this brain-hiding ability can choose brains with different functions and stuff them into the cranial cavity according to different occasions and different situations.
The brain he currently chooses is the [central telencephalon] that establishes the brain domain system to connect all those who are out of control.
A peculiar brain domain expands instantaneously as the brain is assembled.
The [brain ring] that originally existed in the consciousness, with the formation of the field, was actually projected in front of the eyes.
All committee members who can make normal contact through the brain, including 'Miss Ling'.
They are all pulled by the level of consciousness, forcing them to separate a part of their consciousness, and then weave true clones through the nerve roots between the brain domains. com appeared one after another during the Brain Ring conference.
in addition
Queen's runaway.
They also came to the conference site. They sat in the temporary seats in the outer ring and will participate in this special conference together.
[Hidden Brain] The seat with the structure of the brain is located on the right side of the President.
He belongs to the confidant of the great president and is also known as the "brain of the runaway".
On the left side of the President, there is a sticky seat in the shape of a tongue, but it is empty... Ah Shui, who is known as a drooler and a space erotor, still has no news to return.
A Shui's loss of contact is the most incomprehensible.
In the eyes of the great president, A Shui's "out of control space" made it impossible for him to be trapped by sealing means.
Even the former B.B.C, the main reason why Ah Shui was imprisoned in a special cell was that he was imprisoned voluntarily.
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