Chapter 354: Settlement

The lighthouse is on the open street directly opposite.
收藏 The [collector] in a small vest and a safe came first.
On its thin line that can be retracted and arbitrarily, three heads belonging to the "twelve directors" of the lighthouse have been hung ... even if they are S-level strange talks, there is still a substantial gap in strength.
Just as collectors were preparing to officially step into the lighthouse.
Something seemed to fall off the top of the towering lighthouse.
呯 哐 啷 哐 啷!
All the searchlights from Dengnan's office all fell to the ground.
Followed by, from the sound amplifier on the top of the lighthouse came the non-standard Japanese:
"[Deng Nan-Kojima Soichiro] is dead! Now I formally take over the lighthouse ... The strange talk that once belonged to Kojima Soichiro, as long as you expose your body to the light of the lighthouse, you can get an amnesty without investigating you All responsibility.
He who tries to resist will annihilate the soul and never be born. "
Say this.
的 The atmosphere of the whole park changes immediately.
The surviving supervisors are very clear that such amplifying devices are installed in Dengnan's office ... and their connection with Dengnan has been completely broken at that moment.
The manager who dominated the lighthouse for 100 years, died.
Uh ...
After half an hour.
办公 Office area on top of lighthouse.
Han Dong sat in an office full of broken cables, leaving only a searchlight to replenish the light.
Before you.
Guaiguai talked about the third-ranked collector, the fifth-ranked first daughter, and the tenth-ranked butcher gathered here.
既然 "Since Soichiro is dead, Lord Hell ’s assessment of me is over! I will go back first ..."
The butcher looked impatient and wanted to rush back to the public toilet without the need for Han Dong to give him any territorial rewards. After all, his true journey to will begin.
As the butcher left, Han Dong looked at the two S-class weirdoes that helped him capture the lighthouse.
"Although I have control of the lighthouse and the paradise, I will not stay here.
I ’m in trouble [collector] Help manage the whole paradise, I will transfer most of the permissions to your hands ... In addition, I will abolish all the functions of the lighthouse about detention and treatment of strange talks.
But the commission still retains the supervision office and sets up a trial meeting.
进行 Trial the strange talks that deliberately disrupt the order of the park and endanger the development of the park, and sentence them to prisons.
Other details are left to the [collector] for you to determine.
In short, be as harmonious as possible with full supervision. "
The collector slightly lowered the head of the metal safe and gladly accepted such an arrangement. After all, he was also ambitious.
Then took the "key of the lighthouse" and sealed it in an important safe.
Followed closely, Han Dong turned to wearing black clothes, exuding a terrifying [first daughter].
"First lady, I have decided to give you all the management rights of the outer area of ​​the park ... There are countless" toys "outside for you to play. Humans in this world will regularly send death row prisoners to the park, which should be able to satisfy Your demands and desires.
Of course, if you want to stay in the original laneway, I will not force it. "
"Think ..." A trill.
It was like the sounds of thousands of heads coming together and spit out of the first woman's mouth. This horrible woman spoke for the first time.
"OK! That's set!"
Once the outer area of ​​the paradise where the first girl is responsible, the death row sent by humans will basically only be sent to death, and there is basically no need to consider the risk of their complete invasion.
I was in the moment of killing Deng Nan.
Han Dong received a notification from the system that the high-level mainline event has been completed, and the node-[Strange Talk Park] has been opened. Han Dong can choose to go to the park area after clearing other fate events in the future and do what he wants.
Specific leasing matters need to wait until the settlement of rewards is finalized.
Explain everything in the lighthouse.
Han Dong returned to the "shop" and returned Rolex to Mr. Aha ... Although Mr. Aha is pitted, because of the role of the watch, Han Dong basically killed the head nurse without any consumption.
"Yo! You should get a lot of things ... Before you leave, should you use the" trash "you got in the lighthouse to exchange" strange talk points "with me? "
"Before leaving, do you still want to pit me?"
Alas, Mr. Aha laughed awkwardly. He is currently in a [good friend] relationship with Han Dong, so he won't buy or sell ...
As for Han Dong's killing of the Deng Nan, his team and Abel's total points have exceeded 200.
Before he left, Han Dong pulled Mr. Aha aside and asked questions about 'leave' and 'containment'.
In fact, Han Dong who has obtained the paradise node is not in a hurry ... Once Han Dong upgrades his brain and opens the third cell, he can come to the park at any time.
Alas, Mr. Ha is willing, then come in.
I don't want to, Han Dong also has other options-at least the originating mother-in-law and collectors are good choices.
After everything was explained, Han Dong and Abel chose to end the incident.
"I have left the" Strange Talks "space, settlement ..."
Squad (after the change) Cumulative Talk Points: 213, Evaluation: [Big Death Row].
Give rewards: Destiny Points [3], "Destiny Card (Seed-level)", and a high-level souvenir from "Strange Talk".
Extra reward (open and complete high-order main line): Paradise node.
In a blink of an eye.
Han Dong returned to the familiar white space again.
The gains this time are unprecedentedly rich ... even Han Dong couldn't even smile.
After all ~ ~ In addition to the rewards on the bright side, Han Dong also brought some private goods, the core searchlight belonging to [Land Man] is extremely scary.
"Would you like to lease [Paradise Node] to Destiny Space, you can get rent for 50 points per year.
①. The lease is calculated on an annual basis, and no one can enter the node when the lease period is less than one year.
②. Re-enter the corresponding node in the destiny space every other year for 'renewal'.
愿意 Are you willing to lease? A
Han Dong is naturally willing.
5050 points a year is not a small number.
Moreover, Han Dong will not run into the paradise without a problem, a cycle of one year is good ... After all, Han Dong's main energy is still in the real world.
"The lease has taken effect and the park node has been closed. A
Next is the most conventional destiny point allocation link.
Han Dong only needs to allocate a little more in [mysticism] to reach the seed breaking stage. Once he successfully breaks the seed through some special way, he can become an official knight.
Han Dong went straight to the door of fate made of earthen material with three book imprints on the door-[Library].
东 The three destiny points obtained through the perfect customs clearance, Han Dong will invest all of them ...
"Next, I will need Brother Demps to take me to the library to return to the holy city."
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