Chapter 435: Hold

The octopus girl Nicole, who fell to the ground because of multiple tentacles being blasted to pieces by the void, was seriously stunned.
Han Dong, who was staring up at the bone-bone seat, was a little puzzled about what had just happened.
She knew one thing well.
`` Void ''
Even on the opposite side of the door, void creatures in the pure sense are rare.
Void attributes can directly harm the essence of things, which is very dangerous.
However, in the process of being scratched by more than ten void arms, Han Dong suffered only a few skin injuries.
Obviously, Han Dong was wearing a kind of equipment similar to the living body, resisting the void damage at the expense of the equipment.
Even so, it is incredible to be able to sit here and dominate the overall situation.
In addition, the sudden appearance of two 'helpers' also surprised Nicole.
Due to the nature of the deep sea, Nicole was very afraid of the bald man who came from the depths of hell, and the flames he carried seemed to be able to evaporate the water of the deep sea.
"Nicholas ..."
When I looked at the two 'helpers' who were seducing the enemy, and then turned to look at Han Dong sitting on the bone-bone chair ... Nicole could not see through Han Dong for a while.
"It is indeed a messenger."
Nicole was completely conquered.
After all, she was a deep dive with royal blood.
When he first met Han Dong, Nicole actually had a certain suspicion because he could only feel a very weak messenger breath.
Yet again and again event handling.
Until now the bishop was also sacked, and Nicole had to admit that this young man was definitely worthy of the name of the messenger.
Another perspective.
Han Dong looks like he has a winning ticket and is relaxed and content, sitting on the bishop's seat.
In fact, Han Dong didn't want to do this.
He also wants to follow Tuogu and Chen Li to execute the lure plan together, so the success rate will also increase.
It's just ... he really can't move.
"Wow! Wouldn't it be so painful ... the bones and feathers could not be completely blocked, and the damage of this void force is really terrible. A
Han Dong appeared to have nothing on his face, with his legs up.
In fact, the "corpse bone coat" worn in the body was broken in many places, and the corresponding flesh between the cracks was eroded by the void, and even the cells mixed with G virus were completely killed.
At present, it can only heal slowly by relying on the seat, and even a little more movement can scream.
The reason for pretending to be like this is naturally purposeful ... Otherwise, Han Dong would have been hurting and rolling on the ground.
"It is detected that the relationship with the important character" Nicole. Little Claw "has changed, [Friendly] → [Respect]"
When you hear such a prompt, it means that Han Dong's equipment 13 was successful.
For a long time, Nicole had shown suspicion, and Han Dong knew very well ... After all, the real "Master" may have the powerful ability to turn clouds and rain.
Since Han Dong's ability could not keep up, she had to convince the girl from another angle.
"Huh ... it's just pretending to be."
Even if the pain was in his bones, Han Dong stared at the large formation of megaliths with magic eyes.
It must be ensured that the plan runs smoothly.
"Chen Li cut off her head with evil spirits, and she was able to regenerate quickly in a short time ... The void body is really powerful."
[Bishop-Wilcottes], who had just been thrown into Stonehenge by an iron chain, had a bunch of purple matter overflowing from the neck to build the prototype of the head.
In the meantime, the power of the void is also eroding Torgo's iron chain, which may break free at any time.
The hexagonal void crystal reappeared on the bishop's eyebrow, and his consciousness was stable.
"Tugu! Exit from the large array area."
Uh ...
The chain was retracted and Torgu retreated immediately.
at the same time.
Because on the ground floor of the necropolis, I studied for a while with the shadow genre.
Chen Li matched her own traits and turned half of her body into a shadow.
Not only can it float quickly, it can also perform short-range shadow transfer.
The Chimera monster, which absorbed and expanded indefinitely, was introduced to Stonehenge in time.
There have been five members of the Order absorbed by this monster, and the relevant attributes have also been expressed on the monster.
Crab Tong Crab Shell, Rock Formation Armor, Sharp Mouthpiece, Extreme Cold Touch, Spiritual Field.
Every ability can be used reasonably by the monsters at the right time ... When the remaining members of the corps face such monsters, they have completely fallen into a panic state.
"The timing is right!"
See both important targets being introduced to Stonehenge.
Han Dong, who had eliminated the pain, patted the armrest hard and propped up his body with reaction force.
Spread the bone wings in the air and rush to Stonehenge as fast as possible.
Consuming all the mythic energy collected from the beginning of "Mist" until now, dozens of giant speckled tentacles are derived from Han Dong's body.
Constructed a "tentacle enchantment" that Han Dong could not achieve in reality, completely closing Stonehenge.
Even if the bishop wants to escape, it takes at least ten minutes to use the power of the void to destroy such a huge tentacle enchantment ~ ~.
Moreover, he had no time to destroy the enchantment.
After all, there was another who was trapped inside, which scared the bishop.
"Huh ... because the tentacles ability is directly tied to the" mythic energy "set in the" Mist "movie, it takes a moment to take away all mythical energy that is not my own, and it has no side effects for me.
This is quite comfortable.
If in reality, the energy of the seeds in the head is emptied for a moment, the entire person will fall into a state of fainting for a long time. "
Han Dong stared at Stonehenge, which was closed by the tentacles. Next, he just had to wait for the "special gladiator" inside to win.
No matter who wins or loses, it does not affect the implementation of the plan.
Han Dong is very clear that the two are almost equal in strength ... The winner will inevitably hurt the overdraft, and the plan will smoothly proceed to the third stage.
Regarding the layout of the formation, Han Dong has seen it in The Book of the Necromancer (Eye Transcript), and it is clear how to drive the formation.
"Take care of the remaining members of the Order ... Next, just wait."
The bishop was trapped, and the remaining faculty had almost no resistance. He was resolved in a short time, and also helped Han Dong restore some mythic energy.
"Master Messenger ... what do you want !?"
In the severely injured state, the little Nicole, who slowly recovered, also approached Han Dong's side.
Staring at Stonehenge, which was closed by the tentacles, it seemed that Han Dong wanted to do something.
"Yeah ... open the door.
This bishop who understands the void, plus this completely out of control colorless monster, is the 'key'.
It should be able to open a stable and huge [door].
By then, Miss Nicole, you will be able to return to the deep sea safely. "
"How about you?"
"I ... I just want to see what's behind [the door]."
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