Chapter 446: 3 months

"You have two full years. Now that you have been helped by the Writers Guild to find the right target for you, spend more time on combat preparation.
Regarding the habitat, I will also extract it from the knights' exploration information.
Keep in mind that your goal is not just the alien monster who has just changed from advanced, but a mature body with a certain history and predation experience.
With your current strength, even if the potential hidden in your body erupts, there is still great danger. Give yourself half a year to a year to prepare for battle.
Based on the existing foundation, continue to deeply explore the potential of the beasts, and at the same time find ways to obtain a sufficiently powerful equipment to arm yourself. "
Abel nodded, "OK ..."
"Abel, you must be able to stand higher than me to overlook the world. At this stage, it is a very important step, no matter how much pressure you have, you must resist it."
"It must be done."
Abel's expression and heart seemed very determined.
However, after returning to the dormitory to review the detailed texts and pictures on the information, he seemed to want to find a chance to drink with friends to relieve his sorrow.
Abel, who is scheduled to have more than ten actual combat trainings every day, has a clear understanding of his abilities and limits.
At this stage, he simply cannot challenge such a monster alone.
Perspective switch.
Three months have passed since Han Dong cleared the single destiny event-"Mist".
During this time, Han Dong perfectly balanced the time of rest and study, so as to make the levels of [mystics] and [library] reach the maximum of the seed period as much as possible.
Due to capping issues.
Han Dong is no longer desperate to study, but has transformed into a state of cultivation and cultivation.
Gradually spend a long time every day, soaking in the library in all fields of books.
On one occasion, while reading a book entitled "The Basics of Plant Rehabilitation", Han Dong learned a method that could simplify the "shunting of life" and make the conversion of energy and life more efficient.
After reading all kinds of books, Han Dong's goal is to have a comprehensive understanding of the 'magic system' and try his best to optimize the energy consumption of magic.
As for the issue of "anti-stress drugs", Han Dong also used the power of Demps in the civilian area to use it on ordinary civilians who had suffered from visual pollution. The effect was very good.
As long as mass production can be carried out, the money owed to Demps can be paid off.
Today Han Dong reads a book until eight o'clock in the evening. When he got up, the raindrops of heavy beans hit the glass windows violently.
Just when Han Dong was going to wrap his body with a doctor's beak coat, and returned to the dormitory under heavy rain.
A relatively spacious umbrella propped up to Han Dong's head.
"Let's go back together! Teacher Hera needs to prepare a speech for tomorrow's conference. I don't need to accompany her tonight."
It was Demps who supported Han Dong.
Today he wore a long windbreaker with a round collar, covering half his face, but it was still difficult to hide his handsome face.
Now that Han Dong and Demps are considered juniors, many younger fans who recognize Demps have envy.
I hope they can enjoy such treatment as Han Dong themselves.
Moreover, considering Han Dong's short, emaciated face, and the fact that the two often walked together, many rumors had already spread in the library.
Han Dong asked: "In other words, I haven't seen you for more than two weeks ... where have you been?"
"Goed to Fate Space and almost hung up."
"Huh !? What difficulty?"
"Four stars and a half, a cursing event-" Midnight Bell ". In the temporary team, three people were killed. Only I and a very lucky student barely cleared the customs.
Although terrifying to say, Demps looked relaxed, not at all like a person walking back from the edge of death.
No one knows exactly what happened during the fate event.
"Then your seeds are saturated, too?"
"Well! Saturating in advance is also a good thing. Can you have more time to prepare ... Nicholas, have you found your goal? With a backing like the Raven Prophet, it should be convenient to find your goal?"
"No, I didn't bother the teacher."
Demps shoved his unilateral glasses. "Since you don't have any clue, the next time you go out of the city a little more time, let's try to look outside the city?"
Both have their own networks outside the city, and the exchange of information doubles the probability of finding a suitable target.
"For the trainee knight in general, if they want to find a suitable target, they usually buy information from the writer ... After all, the writer can leave the holy city through dreams and peek into the situation outside the city in a special state.
It's just that we still don't want to go this way, huh. "
Demps smiled awkwardly.
As a result of the last secret stone incident, both of them were spotted by the large two or five children mixed in the holy city, and Mr. Black and White also directly gave each other's identity.
The two try not to get in touch with the Writers Association.
During the carriage from the library to the dormitory area.
Han Dong glanced through the window to see a young man sitting alone on a stone bench by the road in Ye Yu, holding a wine bottle in one hand and covering his forehead in one hand ... On the university campus before his death, Han Dong often resembled this. Broken Man '.
"Huh !? Stop!"
Han Dong immediately stopped the vehicle and got off with Demps.
The person sitting in the night rain and drinking is the beast Abel, who is known as the most talented student in this class.
"Abel !? What is it?"
At the first glance, Han Dong on the carriage saw the conspicuous white hair and the beast ears exposed after drinking to expose his nature.
Han Dong thought he was wrong. After all, how could Abel be the grandson of the head of Kaimeng?
"I'm too difficult ... I'm too difficult ..."
Aber, who was completely drunk, kept repeating and seemed to have suffered an unprecedented blow.
No way, Han Dong had to carry it on the carriage.
Vomit ~~~ Who knows, before he has time to put Abel down, he vomits Han Dong directly.
Han Dong was helpless for a while, "Brother Demps ... what did you say about Abel?"
"It may be that the pressure and requirements given by the head of Kaimon are too high ~ ~ It is probably [broken] thing ... Nicholas, take Abel to my dormitory tonight, It's just that the three of us have the same purpose and discuss the seed breaking together. "
The other end.
Han Dong's dormitory door.
After knowing that Han Dong is returning from the space of fate, Mia Seminovich carrying the demon sword will wait here every day, and will return to bed with Han Dong whenever possible.
Even if she let her sleep on the sofa, Mia was very willing.
It's just that tonight I haven't been able to wait for Han Dong to come back.
"Scum! Surely fooling around with Demps again!"
:. :
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