Chapter 470: Dreamland

Late at night.
In the end, Han Dong still couldn't get rid of Nicole's small octopus.
Because the big bed in the VIP room was more than two meters wide, Han Dong slept in the same bed with Nicole.
In order to be able to sleep comfortably without restraint, Nicole always kept the top half human figure and the bottom half pink tentacle octopus.
Pure dependence.
粉红 Several pink tentacles are placed on Han Dong's body, which is soft and light. It does not affect Han Dong's sleep, but is particularly comfortable. .
Beep beep beep
Nicole is different from human snoring when sleeping.
She would spit bubbles in her mouth, even the pillow towel was completely wet ...
东 After being familiar with this regular spit, Han Dong finally fell asleep.
I was also at the moment Han Dong fell asleep.
There was a slight sensation of heat in his left hand, and the yellow seal appeared slightly ... it seemed to be affecting Han Dong's dream.
Uh ...
"here is?!"
Han Dong woke up at the lecture desk in his classroom.
Staring at the students in the classroom writing tests, Han Dong seemed to fall asleep during the invigilation.
The students who are taking the test place their hands on their knees, instead of writing the answer by holding the pen, but answer quickly by the tentacles that grow out of the mouth.
After a while, the exam was over.
Students leave their completed exam papers in their seats and leave.
If viewed from a top perspective, these test papers as a whole form a complex yellow seal array.
The papers are flying.
In the middle of the classroom, he summoned a "mysterious yellow robe man" with a silver outline on the edge of his body, completely separated from the current space and time.
"Senior ... why did you find me in a dream?"
In retrospect, since the last time I got an author of sufficient quality, Huangpao people have been close to two years and have not taken the initiative to find Han Dong.
There was a long, dry voice coming out of the yellow robe: "Can you realize that this is a dream place? Your self-awareness is really strong."
"Are seniors coming to me about 'Author'?"
"No ... the author at hand is enough, and I have no idea of ​​a new book yet.
找 I'm looking for you this time because you came to a very interesting leasehold area.
活动 "Live deeds" like this are rare. "
活动 "Activity title deed ... No wonder, I said that my estate is completely tied to the land and cannot be relocated at all. [Crimson Villa] can come here with the count."
"The red banquet you are about to attend is just a sideshow that a 'King' likes to watch.
Since you are a messenger of mine, they will naturally call you with the highest treatment ... the security issue can be completely assured. "
"Hmm." Han Dong himself has confirmed this.
"The main purpose of this appearance is to see if you have any thoughts on this rare" living title "? If you have an idea, you can try to get it.
After all, my "active title deeds" are rare. "
"Is this ... will it be a bit laborious? After all, I haven't broken a seed, and the level difference with the earl is somewhat insurmountable."
"Rest assured, if you want to do it, I will help you secretly ... Besides, you also have the Stuart Manor chip in your hand. You should be very clear about the rules of" land title ".
Big deal to lose the "land title" in your hands.
If you can really do it, you can get an "active title deed", which is very useful for you to leave the city in the future, especially if you ca n’t stay in the holy city.
考虑 Think for yourself ... During your time in Scarlet Villa, you can always contact me through the yellow seal.
Look forward to your performance. "
"Predecessor, the last question ... if things are accidentally enlarged by me, will there be the same appearance of the old king as last time?"
"Rest assured, not everyone is as impulsive and leisurely as that ghoul ... as long as you follow the rules of the" land title ", it will not cause much trouble. "
As the mysterious Huangpao man walked out of the classroom, Han Dong's dream was forcibly ended.
的 The burning sensation from the back of his left hand forced Han Dong to leave Nicole's tentacles, quickly rushed to the bathroom, and washed the back of the hand with cold water ... It took half an hour to let the burning sensation dissipate.
No sleepiness, but after such a dream, Han Dong is also full of energy.
Seeing that Nicole was sleeping heavily, Han Dong quietly left the room and locked it.
Han Dong and Nicole are sensitive to each other. If there is any problem, Han Dong will know the first time.
"Julia ..."
As Han Dong whispered the name in the dark passage.
Tick ​​...
A drop of bright red blood spilled from the top of the wall.
When Xun Di dropped to the ground, she immediately evolved a long red skirt, with a perfectly curvy female figure ... Han Dong's only maid appeared.
"Does the lord seek me late at night? What services do I need?"
"Just take me to visit the manor."
行 "Okay ... Lord, please follow me."
The scale of the Scarlet Manor is larger than Han Dong imagined.
After strolling for about half an hour, Han Dong saw an interesting area in the backyard-a huge circular vaulted building, and he could hear various strange sounds from the inside.
"This is Earl's pet house ... Lord Earl loves to collect and raise live animals.
As long as the living body has 'speciality', Earl will take it as much as possible ... Some of the more 'valuable' pets will also be exhibited at the red banquet. "
"Can you get in?"
"The red feast is coming, pets are doing docile treatment, strangers will make them feel panic.
If the lord really wants to enter the tour ~ ~ you must apply to the earl, or wait for the red feast before I will lead you to visit. "
那就 "Never mind, it's just that I heard that the earl seems to have a strong mixed pet and wants to see ... after all, similar experiments are being conducted in my estate."
"Lord, what you heard should be [Cromagus], the oldest dog of the earl's favorite ... but it seems to be extremely cruel recently, and has been taken back to the villa by the earl for treatment.
If nothing happens, you should be able to see it at the red feast. "
Accompanied by the maid, when the tour ended and returned to the mansion.
I encountered a 'unexpected guest' in the corridor.
Dark brown long hair and the iconic knight silver armor, and a knight's medal is worn on the waist ... This is the knight who has disappeared after investigating the Aragard Mountains.
I currently appear in the house unscathed.
骑士 The knight is in a drunk state, and he also has a maid with the same perfect figure in his hands. Compared with Han Dong's personal maid, he is more charming ...
He did not pay attention to Han Dong wearing a black beak robe.
But when he saw the gorgeous maid beside Han Dong, he immediately stretched out his salty pig hand.
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