Chapter 477: Decrypt

"A total of eleven teams including the barons directly under me participated in this red banquet ...
Once I announce the banquet, you will step into the portal according to your serial number.
Different squads will randomly appear in the outer area of ​​Crimson Pavilion.
My pets and I will be the "inspectors" of this banquet.
If you stay in a certain area for a long time, it will greatly increase the probability of encountering me ... Once you are hit by me, you can only choose one way, and find a way to get out of my hunt.
Take out all your abilities, and do everything you can to get the sublime "Royal Blood Brew"!
Now I announce that the Scarlet Banquet is officially open. "
The moment the voice falls.
Doraemon ~~ The giant red wings on the back of the count suddenly opened wide.
Straightened his arm, with his bright red and sharp nails, he pointed at the door of a different space woven from blood in the center of the main hall.
The serial number [1] is Han Dong's team, which is led by the blood knight Lucius.
I feel completely different from the gate of destiny.
First is a feeling that the body penetrates some kind of mucus film.
He followed closely, and the pungent smell quickly came, and his whole body was wrapped in a greasy fishy thing, as if he had fallen into a quagmire full of fishy smells ...
Sink slowly with the body until it touches the substantial floor.
Transfer ends.
Although the team members' tolerance is very good, but because the body is completely submerged in the stinky dirt, plus a strong sense of space, the stress affects the brain.
Sister Zhen Zhen, Lun Ze, and Demps all had obvious discomfort, and almost vomited.
Lucius and Abel just don't look well, just take a break.
Only when Han Dong was on the ground, he immediately invested in the observation of the current heterogeneous environment ...
The Squad is currently in a secret room dominated by bright red tones.
Double-storey library area.
There are four shelves filled with books, leaning neatly against the wall.
There is a square wooden desk in the center of the puppet, equipped with white paper, a pen, and an unsealed ink tank.
Ticking ticking ...
The top is full of cracks, with blood dripping down, just in the ink tank ...
It seems that everyone needs to write down the correct text or draw special symbols to get out of the current room ...
But from the existing clues, it seems that decryption is very difficult.
It is clear.
第一 The first level is to test everyone's insight, analysis and deduction ability.
In this regard, Han Dong, who was a university professor during his lifetime, is best at ... And the points of decryption correspond to Han Dong's most familiar books.
Ordinary people have seen thousands of books lined up here. They are already large, and it is impossible to read them carefully to decipher the clues to escape the secret room.
"Is this a space created by [Blood God]?"
Captain Puppet Lucius reached out to catch a drop of blood dripping from the ceiling, which seemed to have a homology with the scarlet curse in his body.
Ruo Ruo here is really a space made by the blood god.
Once the blood of the royal family is finally obtained, it is impossible for the team to return to the holy city ...
Brewing blood, drinking and knighthood will be completed here.
Just as the information collected by Han Dong in advance, the Blood God will also monitor the internal situation of the Crimson Pavilion throughout the process.
However, judging by the eyes suggested by Lucius, it seems that he is already ready.
When the crowd just came out of discomfort, eased over.
Han Dong has taken a book from one of the bookshelves (these books have been tested by the little magic eye, and there is nothing strange about it).
选择 I chose this book only because its title and category are obviously incompatible with the bookshelves it is placed in.
Through this screening method, Han Dong also found a wrong book on each of the other three bookshelves.
"Blood Lotus", "Duke Milesbo's Petition", "The Birth of the Tarrigan River", "Sacrifice Culture of the Zudaharga Tribe".
"Is it difficult for us to select special words and symbols from the four books and write them on white paper?"
Dean Lunze was a bit big.
Although he was born in a library, he rarely studies books on necromancy spells.
"No ... the Earl said at the beginning that if we spend too much time in a certain area, we will greatly increase the possibility of encountering him.
The level design should not delay our time deliberately, and will not allow us to spend a long time reading these books. As long as the method is correct, it will inevitably be deciphered quickly.
Information is not hidden in books, it should be in their titles. "
The book cover of "The Origin of the Tarrigan River Basin" is printed with a pattern of triangles and inverted triangles assembled on the white paper by Han Dong under the background.
Extract the English words from the other three book titles to form a short text.
On the first spelling mistake, the white paper was immediately melted away by blood ink, and a brand-new white paper appeared on the desktop.
After three failed attempts, Han Dong basically knew what the correct answer was.
"Captain Lucius, you write ..."
Han Dong deliberately handed the pen over.
The text is spliced ​​correctly: "Blood offering of worshippers"
For a moment, a red light was emitted directly from the surface of the white paper, reaching the ceiling of the library ... In the process, the imprint on the white paper also seemed to be tied to Lucius who wrote the text.
Because of the effect of red light, the cracked ceiling was completely cracked.
A lot of red water poured down, and the library was completely filled in a short time.
By virtue of the buoyancy of the red water, everyone climbed out of the library from the top, passed the initial test, and came to the real [Crimson Pavilion].
The area of ​​the book where everyone stayed at first was just a blood pool.
The current crowd is similar to an underground tomb.
The open area of ​​the regular heptagon ~ ~ Each wall corresponds to a stone door.
On the surface of a large stone door facing everyone, a portrait of a woman being worshipped is engraved.
However, the offerings held in her hands showed the shape of a 'vacant groove', and it seemed that everyone needed to fill the offerings, and this door would open and introduce everyone into a deeper area.
这些 These so-called offerings should be hidden within the remaining six stone gates.
"The number of stone gates corresponds to the number of our team ... first try to see if we can work together."
集体 In an alien space of uncertain danger and completely unknown, collective action is best.
石 The stone door will only open when it is close to it alone.
试 Trying to forcibly break the door or multiple people may lead to unexpected and dangerous results.
Since the members of the squad are not weak, the captain Lucius directly gave instructions: "Separate your actions and return as soon as you get the tribute."
The Shishimen sank.
Twenty-six people enter the dark channels corresponding to different stone gates ...

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