Chapter 495: stimulate

"Captain Lucius's own super strength, coupled with the improvement in the quality of" Royal Blood Brew "... is enough to tear a huge gap from the front.
With the secret assistance of Jane Xue, she will certainly be able to tear the gap a little wider. "
The two armies collided head-on.
Han Dong did not engage in air combat, and even deliberately avoided combat.
But there is still a bat looking for Han Dong.
Directly waving the "Raven" staff in his hand, he slammed on the surface of the bat ... The location where the staff struck immediately turned into black sand. In less than a second, the black sand completely disintegrated.
"Elder Mitzaw ... hidden inside me."
Although it is a three-headed crow, it can also be transformed into the most basic crow.
The crows transformed by Mizra have a circle of purple-black feathers in the neck area for identification.
Quickly drilled into ~ ~ corpse feather coat, temporarily hidden.
"Master, are you trying to find the count directly? It is not a good strategy to go deep behind the enemy ... Once the count is buried in the back, it is difficult for me to keep you alone.
Let's stay in our army first.
At present, our momentum completely suppresses each other, and the number of evil spirits should be more. With several high-level knights, we can certainly suppress the enemy slowly, forcing them to return to Scarlet Villa.
At that time, it is better that we cooperate with everyone to break into Scarlet Mountain Villa. "
Elder Miz Crow is considered to be half of Han Dong ’s master, and he has awarded the Crow clan the
Black Magic of Life
. The current proposal also hopes that Han Dong can accept it.
Han Dong was determined, or this point in the plan could not be changed.
"Elders, don't worry, I'm ready to 'go deep behind the enemy.'
Look below ... Captain Lucius has ripped an irreparable giant crack, leading our ghouls to invade.
To some extent, the enemy's original formation was disrupted, forcing the nearby baron to use his own soldiers to fill the gap.
If we went deep behind the enemy, the baron would have no time to target me.
Once they try to deal with me, their formation will also be messed up, and there will be a rapid reduction in staff, so as to achieve the second victory condition of [Land Wars].
Moreover, the count's pride as a mature stranger, coupled with the geographical advantage of Scarlet Manor, also thought that he could kill me alone ... Under the condition that the formation was not chaotic, he would definitely find me alone.
I have also developed an own person in the Scarlet Manor. According to the information from her, the current Scarlet Manor has exhausted all its forces.
Even the earl's own guards were attacking in full ... Only some ordinary blood servants remained in the manor, which did not pose a threat to us. "
Miz crow nodded. In fact, what the elders really worried about was not some 'minor issues' going deep into the enemy line.
But ...
"Finally, I want to ask you, sir ... can you really meet this count alone?"
"60% are ready, and 40% is part of the strength that Earl has not yet shown ... with the help of the elders, I am sure to confront the Earl directly."
"Okay! The old crow will follow the adult into the enemy."
For a time.
The bone wings are fully deployed.
During the war between the two armies, Han Dong rushed forward at maximum speed, turned into a dark shadow, and passed directly through the bat army of Scarlet Mountain Villa.
After a while, Han Dong smoothly came to the rear area of ​​the Scarlet Army, which is the area where the Earl and his guards were located.
A dark expanse.
The black armor, the big sword, and the Scarlet Villa ‘Guards’ that belonged directly to the earl ... also called the earliest supporter of the earl.
The heavy armor made a heavy noise for every neat step forward, and the march was extremely powerful, and it was not a grade at all with the Baron troops in front, and it was not affected at all by the defeat of the butler.
Han Dong even has a feeling.
If your army breaks through the Baron's front, a clash with the Earl ’s Guards will happen ... the situation may be very bad. Even if you can win, it is definitely a terrible victory.
"There are really three strange monsters hidden in it ... and the Earl infected, trained and trained scarlet strange monsters.
Sure enough, trying to win is not so simple.
A large part of the heritage of Scarlet Villa is hidden in this army.
The earl, who invaded the territory of others with a "mobile title deed", would select a strong and qualified individual from a village, conduct an initial ceremonial ceremony, and turn it into one of the Guards.
Over time such a terrible army was obtained. "
Han Dong cast a glance at the earl in the Central Guard.
"Count, let the subordinates do the work for their subordinates ... I have some things I want to talk to you alone, I wonder if you are free?"
At the end of the interview.
Han Dong fluttered his wings again and rushed towards Scarlet Villa as fast as possible.
"What does this little lord want to do ... can't think of it so much, run to my manor?"
A centurion leaning against the count exuded his fangs and made a low voice: "Earl ... want us to return to the manor to destroy the lord directly?"
"This young lord is highly integrated with the characteristics of the crow, is good at flying and is not slow at all, and does not rule out the possibility of having space capabilities ... if he is out of order because of his traction ~ ~ 可就Not so good.
Reese, you take the Guard with you and move on to suppress the enemy forces.
I'll go play with this young lord for a little while, and if I have a chance, I will kill him ... "
The centurion named Reis is also a stranger, but seems to be more powerful than some of the barons on the level of breath, temporarily taking over the position of the count, and ordered the Guards to fully press in.
As for the earl, it was a giggle of laughter. He returned to the manor temporarily with three strange pets with different attributes and played a hide-and-seek game between the lords with Han Dong.
Holding the three pets in his hands also shows that Earl treats Han Dong as his peers.
The defeats of the war over and over again made the count both angry and shocked, as well as a stronger sense of excitement ...
The bright red tongue licked a full circle along the big cracked blood basin mouth,
Reach out and rub the "tapered eye protection" worn on your eyes,
The occurrence of various unexpected circumstances gave the count an unprecedented sense of refreshment ... This kind of stimulus that can threaten his life has not appeared for a long time.
At present, between the earl's fingers who returned to the villa, a red crystal was pinched.
Take a closer look, it was actually the big housekeeper who was completely destroyed by Demps before, and turned into the "blood crystal stick insect" body ...
"No matter what means you young lord hid, you will die here today ... I can gain a small title deed, but I'm not lost.
Hahaha ... It's a long-lost excitement, I hope you can bring me some unexpected excitement, Lord Nicholas. "
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