Chapter 723: game

"Able ... does Captain Kemon allow you to move in this direction?"
大家 Just when everyone felt that Abel's talent was quite powerful, Demps adjusted his copper-framed glasses, throwing such a strange question.
It seems that the dragons are involved in some unknown secrets in the holy city.
As soon as he talked about it, Abel's drunkenness abated immediately.
"The grandfather's original attitude was indeed opposed. After all, his grandfather wanted to develop me into a successor to the Knights of Beamon ..."
Demps added: "According to your talent and the blood flowing in your body, there is a high possibility that you will be recruited into the" Forbidden Army "in the future. "
Demps's words suddenly throw out a word that Han Dong heard for the first time.
Mia, who was leaning next to Han Dong, was also shocked, and quickly asked: "The embargo? The legendary dragon knight?"
Demps nodded affirmatively: "Yes, the embargo is real.
Abel, you have to think about it. After all, the embargo involves the royal family and parliament. Once you are elected, you cannot take over the Knights of Beamon from the head of Kaimon.
May be good or bad for you. "
"Um." Abel's eyes were now firm, and he seemed to have made a choice.
As soon as the next person turns in sequence, Mia suddenly raises her hand to jump in the line, can't wait to share her talents.
"My system is also two ..."
I said.
亦 A false white flame was burning between Mia's pupils.
With Mia spreading her arms, such a witch fire also burns between her arms ... it will not hurt Mia, but it will bring a sense of danger to the people present.
【Hidden Road, Level 1】
≮Solar's Witchfire≯
"The road to the hidden kingdom is full of unknown darkness, and those outsiders who inadvertently set foot on this road, or attempt to spy on this road, will be devoured by darkness.
Only with the help of Solar's Witchfire can he dispel the unknown darkness. "
Talent Effect: Gives Hidden Witchcraft-Solar Fire
Witchfire is an additional attribute that can be attached to any form of attack. When attacking, can cause damage to the soul (soul damage value, 10% of the actual damage value for this attack)
Any ability involving "soul" is advanced.
Sister Wenli's eyes widened, "Sister Mia is amazing!
的 Armor that provides high physical or magic defense is easy to make.
But if you want to build equipment with soul defense, you need specific soul materials ... and the overall melting and forging details must be better. "
Han Dong also gave a simple evaluation. Such a result is exactly what Han Dong wants Mia to achieve, enhancing the offensive ... and becoming a sharp spear in the team.
As Mia took the witch fire back into her body.
The next turn is the blacksmith Wen Li.
The position of the talent tree is still very accurate. The course given to Wen Li, one is the blacksmith system, and the other is the pure power system.
路线 The talents of both routes are very attractive.
【Sacred Craftsman Temple, Level 1】-
Technical Enhancement
: Forging level +1 can increase the success rate and speed of forging high-level equipment, reduce material consumption, and have a lower probability to create equipment higher than the material level.
[Infinite Power, Level 1]-"Praise of Hercules": Base strength + 10%, the limit of strength for individuals is weakened. Every time you defeat a flesh in the physical form, you have a chance to gain a permanent power increase (+1 power value).
Quine joined the Hell Knights.
Wenli finally chose the pursuit of ultimate destructive power ... Moreover, the increase in strength can also indirectly improve the success rate of forging.
Demps pushed his glasses and whispered, "The effect of touching the [boundary] question ... the power of God?"
Wen Li's power itself is already terrible. Under the blessing of this talent, Wen Li will completely become a muscle monster.
Su Mia emerged and proposed: "Sister Wen Li is really great! In other words, Captain Abel's [Dragon Clan] also has a lot of improvement in his own power ... Should I compare it with a wrench wrist?"
Abel was also drunk and promised immediately.
But Han Dong faintly saw a word "dangerous" on Abel's head ...
Can't stand it.
The wrench wrist activity has to wait until the first round of "sincere words" is completed.
Finally, it was Demps' turn to talk about his talent tree system.
This is also the point that Han Dong is most concerned about.
Demps first smiled awkwardly, and seemed a little embarrassed to talk about his "relatively weak" talent: "Because of the request of the head of the big devil, my talent was invested in the talent related to the devil, called Demon Tao pursuit ≯。
Improve the sensing, absorption and use efficiency of magic elements.
It can extend the time of "charm" ... Similar to Abel's talent, my future magical will also be in the direction of the devil. "
Demps skipped the three systems of his talent tree and directly talked about the first level of "talent".
Compared with other people's powerful talents, Demps's Demon Seeker ≯ has a weak explosion.
However, compared to Han Dong's ‘pure reading’ ≮ dark knowledge, it seems to be slightly stronger.
I heard here, Han Dong also realized a problem.
I thought to myself: "Everyone's" magic demonization "will be biased towards their own attributes by the induction of the talent tree.
For example, Diana's white bones, Abel's dragon, and Demps's devil ... Few people seem to use me like this, directly using the most primitive strange magic energy. A
"Nicholas, what is your second floor?"
"The exchange of information is also equivalent ... For the talent of the second layer, I choose to keep it secret for the time being.
You will naturally know when everyone is performing the task together. "
Han Dong and Demps looked at each other and smiled, and immediately felt a confidant.
Next is the second event of the party.
酒 The wine glass on the table has been emptied.
Abel, who was drunk with wine, fully activated the dragon's blood in the body, and at the same time, quietly used the power from the beasts.
的 The right arm placed on the wine table ~ ~ immediately showed a large number of hardened dragon scale structures, and the surface was still covered with a layer of fluffy beast white hair ... the muscle tissue has doubled in size.
A faint hint of dragon's breath emerged from the surface of the body.
Xun Long's eyes have been made.
Staring at the opposite little sister Wen Li, he was eager to fight.
"come on."
Wen Li is a little timid in the face of such a situation due to her personality.
Slowly stretched out his sturdy right arm, holding his palms together.
的 The referee for this Wrist Wrist match will be handed over to Han Dong with a magic eye to ensure absolute fairness.
"Relax first.
5,4,3,2,1 ... start! "
With Han Dong's order.
内 In the dungeon, a bar named [Eye of Medusa] made a loud noise ...
I was in the public area on the first floor, and a customer who was accompanied by Miss Jiu was stunned.
A hole in the ceiling made of obsidian.
伯 Abel, covered with dragon scales, is falling in the ruins on the first floor, his arms are dislocated, and the guests who are completely fainted are under him ...
Wen Li in the private room on the second floor had a blank brain and kept bowing and apologizing.
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