Chapter 74: Beginning of evil

Cass is an experienced [Crusader].
When he heard Han Dong's exclaim, the opening of the wooden door was irreversible, and Cass closed his eyes for the first time.
I just felt a cold wind blowing over my body.
Immediately took advantage of his Crusader's physical strength, continuously backed up and kicked on the door.
Boom! The study door closed again.
Su Kas closed her eyes in time and saw nothing.
"What's going on? Is there anything outside the door just now?"
Coster responded quickly, "Ghost! As described in the reward order, the woman hidden under the white cloth has tree-like tentacles on the surface."
"You ... what's going on? What about the study?"
When Cass looked back at his teammates, he found that the original dilapidated study was 'recovered'!
Restored to the study of a mansion.
"Is it difficult to say 'the dark night' will restore this mansion? Or is it ... that the moonlight will look like it was?"
Just when teammates are surprised and thinking about how to deal with the ghost outside the door.
Han Dong has picked up a special diary on the desk and read it carefully, which contains the secret of the 'Baker's House'.
Han Dong skipped trivia and read some important content.
Notes written by [Baker Marcellus]
The content is as follows:
March 17th.
听 Today, I heard the old Henry said that a number of good quality 'new goods' have come to the civilian area.
I happen to be, the slaves at home are tired of it, it is time to change some new tastes.
I just need to go to such a dirty and foul place in the civilian area to make me uncomfortable. I hope the old Henry will not lie to me.
Hmm ... (the process of buying slaves, about 800 words)
I do n’t have a slave I can see. Old Henry ’s ‘channel’ is obviously impossible. It ’s no longer necessary to keep in touch with him in the future.
But the last item on display at the auction interest me.
A book, a book with special magic.
It is said that a civilian who was not afraid of death picked up something from the abandoned sewer system. The civilian sold the book to the auction at an ordinary price and ran into his home that day.
The starting price of this book is as high as 300 copper coins.
相信 I believe in my own vision. This is the only way for me to re-enter the Cavaliers. Even if I shake the family funds, I will buy it.
If I can learn the special magic recorded in this book, I can go back to the [Library] and continue my knighthood.
让 I asked the housekeeper to send the money over, bought the book and rushed home immediately.
Participating in the auction in the civilian area used false identity, so no one should know.
March 18th.
I ca n’t believe that the content of this book is far beyond my imagination. With the wisdom of my ‘apprentice knight’, I can only understand the first chapter.
But this is enough, as long as I can execute Chapter 1 perfectly, I will get endless magic! When I return to the [Library] department, the teachers who fired me will regret their stupid behavior.
The living sacrifice must be prepared slowly, and there is only one chance.
I have to run a 'small simulation experiment' at home first, and if it succeeds, I will execute my great plan in detail.
I just happen, isn't this old woman at home a living sacrifice?
I have long wanted to kill her. This family was built by my great ‘trainee knight’. She and her old immortal father just gave me some startup capital.
After being expelled from the college, she looked at me every day as if looking at waste.
I can't wait to kill this old woman.
March 19
I wrote a little late, but I have to write down what happened today.
It's so interesting. The experiment was successful and I gained power!
Moreover, I actually created the 'pollution body' through the arcane spells learned in the Cavaliers Academy and the first chapter of the book.
A pollution body that is completely harmless to me!
Yes, I'm very talented, I can use the magic in the book perfectly!
After I drained the old woman's life energy, I transformed her into a polluted body through the formation method.
You can then try the content described later in the first chapter, try to 'plug' something into her body, make this old woman into a strong pollution body, protect it in the mansion, stop and kill everything The guy who came into my house and tried to interfere with the sacrifice ceremony.
If all this really succeeds.
Maybe ... Maybe I can become a 'king'.
March 20
Today is also a fun day!
I stuffed the whole family into this old woman's body and turned her into a very powerful 'pet'.
Although I am very distressed to my young son, but this is also no way out.
I was most surprised that the refining site was located in the back garden. When I was driving the evil circle, I did not expect that the century-old sycamore tree was also integrated into it.
It is incredible! This magic book has the power to control all life.
The plan starts tomorrow ... Take this opportunity to bring security officers to your door! With me now, I can easily control these guys who eat soft rice.
Make a killing plan.
Uh ...
Diary content ends here.
记载 What has been recorded above has clarified everything that happened in the 'Baker's House'.
The mastermind is the owner Baker Marcellus.
As for the 'ghost' floating in the mansion, it is a pollution product created by his wife as the main body, and then the whole family and a sycamore tree.
However, the point that Han Dong cares most and cares about is not this.
He is the book that the owner paid for it.
"The 'magic book' auctioned from the civilian area was picked up by a civilian in a long-abandoned sewer pipe? The truth of the matter is not so simple ... This book has a lot of problems ~ ~ National Royal Knights The test of the college] may have some problems, but it is fair enough to treat the students. As long as the students meet the requirements of the school, they will be able to study and grow normally in each department.
Beck Marcellus, who was fired, was denied the talent and strength, but could obtain such powerful power through a book.
This shows that he is not talented.
Instead, this magic book deliberately granted him a powerful evil power ... deliberately polluting the interior of the holy city through this Baker homeowner.
I found the book, maybe he could pull the guy behind it. "
Uh ...
"Andwa friends! Did you find anything?"
Han Cass's questioning interrupted Han Dong's thinking.
"Well ... we already know the secret of the Baker family, but we must first solve the 'pollution body' wandering outside the door.
According to the description in the book, the essence of the 'ghost' is a fusion of the Baker family and a century-old sycamore tree in the backyard.
The refining and refining method involves the ‘eyes’, which has been seen by Dean Koslin.
Be careful about eye contact when fighting. "
Gonkas was surprised: "In just three minutes, Anderva, you have finished reading the entire diary? Remember the key points?"
Han Dong explained: "Ignore irrelevant information, there is not much useful information ~ ~ also pay attention to efficiency and methods ... Captain Cass, you make the battle plan."
Cass nodded, and deliberately threw an unexpected look at Han Dong.
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