Chapter 737: Sleep

In the process of continuing to the conch salvage point, I also encountered various strange marine life.
A thick fog swept the rear deck.
A woman with a beautiful figure who only covered her body with shells appeared ... but, compared to ordinary people, she still carried a huge sea snail shell behind her.
Or with charm,
Or that the crew members living at the lowest level can hardly encounter the opposite all the year round, and the desires arising from them cannot be rationally restrained.
Even knowing that weird situations, he still actively opened his arms and wanted to have a close hug with this sea snail ...
When the hug is reached.
The woman's body will split from the middle, and a large number of hard-shelled little feet will grow up and hug the subject, and at the same time, it will secrete a thick acid to pre-process the `` food ''.
Immediately through the gap between the bodies, the eroded individuals were packed into huge snail shells and used as reserve food.
Just when this sea snail wants to continue preying ... Bang!
The smell of gunpowder floated in the air.
Captain Bald blasted the monster's head in one shot.
The dead sea snail girl immediately turned into a pool of mucus.
The huge snail shell behind him also slid out all kinds of foul-storing reserve food from the inside.
The captain was full of joy, and at the cost of a conch, the crew cleared the snail shell as his own trophy ... I believe that some rich people in the city would be interested in such a collection.
Han Dong silently stared at all this while communicating with the girl in his body.
"Nicole, do these things help you?"
"No ... these are all marine creatures that have been contaminated, and the [ocean monsters] that formed are nothing but their own blood and pollution essence.
Does nothing to me. "
Han Dong turned his eyes to the front of the ship. The more he stared into the distance, the more drowsiness attacked ... But this degree alone did not have much effect on Han Dong.
"Nicole ... Do you know the source of this sleepiness?"
But ... where I used to live, sleeping was a very important thing for everyone.
In addition to going to bed every day, you have to go to the underwater temple for group sleep at a fixed time.
[Sleep] is a necessary and solemn thing for life in our deep ocean. "
Han Dong nodded secretly, "It really is a bit related ... In other words, it is difficult for you to fall asleep in a group, [dream connection] or something special?"
"My father said that dreaming will connect us with the ancestors of the origins of blood in the body and help us grow.
But every time I wake up, everything about the dream will be permanently forgotten ... the slightest memory will not be retained. "
"Oh, I see."
Han Dong summarized the information collected so far and leaned on the railing of the deck to think alone.
Unconsciously, the steam ship has sailed to the intended conch fishing area.
[Drowsiness] The invasion value has also reached the maximum, and even the bald captain is a pair of Hatch-like sky ... Several crew members have been unable to support it, and can only rely on iron nails to fix their eyelids.
An elderly crew member fell asleep before he could nail the nails.
The moment you fall asleep.
An indescribable degrading force condensed in this person's body ... In just one second, the brain of the aged crewman was split from the middle, and several corrosive tentacles were grown and slapped on the deck.
The right arm was exploded from it, and a huge crab cheek was grown.
A shot was given along with the captain.
The surrounding crew members also aimed at this person and fired one after another.
Forced to interrupt the occurrence of the fall, the man was reached on the spot and flung into the sea.
Sleep without conch.
This is the most serious crime in the port of Ostia. Anyone who does so will be deprived of his rights and any citizen is obliged to deprive him of his life.
"Ultra-fast Depth Deformation Distortion ... Even if ordinary people look directly at alien monsters, such rapid distortion cannot happen, which is really interesting.
Is it a side effect of conch?
The secret here may be the only way we can leave here. "
Han Dong watched all this silently, showing a weird smile.
follow closely.
The fishing device on the "Grandis" was activated, and huge fishing nets had sunk into the depths of the sea ... Along with the working sound of the steam engine, a large number of strangely shaped conch was salvaged.
At the same time.
Buzz ~?
From the bottom of the sea came an inexplicable weird rhythm, and even the smiley tree in Han Dong's head actually trembled slightly.
The crew members who heard these voices were even more unable to resist, their eyes were dull, and they proactively approached the edge of the ship.
This includes the strong-willed bald captain.
The crew went over the railings and fell into the sea.
噗通 ~ 噗通!
With the layers of water splashing on the sea.
After fifty crew members landed one after another, the weird sound from the bottom of the sea faded by itself.
The bald captain hiding in the deepest part of the cabin had just stepped out of the captain's room. He heard the song receding and smiled with relief.
That's why he recruited a lot of crew ...
If you want to use the conch, you must sacrifice a sufficient number of offerings to the sea.
Equivalent exchange is very simple.
Standing on the deck, Han Dong stared at a large number of conch shells salvaged, looking at the waves that had not yet recovered, and then used magic eyes to see the lower end of the sea.
The corners of his mouth slowly lifted upwards, and he seemed to have found a way to escape.
After returning to Hong Kong smoothly, Han Dong also received the salary given by the captain-ten inferior conchs.
The bald captain stared at the departing crew members and shouted, "After you run out, remember to come back again ..." Golantis "is your lucky goddess, thank her. "
In this way, I spent a day in the port town.
The different members of the three squads, some starting from the bottom and dirtiest areas, tried to find the evils hidden in them.
Some drank alcohol in bars and listened to messages from the drinkers.
Others sneak into the homes of some gentry, searching for information through family history or in secret rooms in mansions.
When all the members gathered, the unified conclusion was that this was a small town born around a conch.
No evil has been found for the time being, and no trace of strange monsters has appeared.
Religion is also normal, there are no pagans in strange costumes, no place for cult worship, and the town is operating normally under a relatively fair rule of law.
The entire small town has a clear distinction between class and hierarchy. At the same time, residents of the town are required to carry out an unlimited birth plan in order to provide sufficient manpower for the economic development of the town.
However, only so many people above the middle level knew where so many people went. UU reading books
As for the geographical location of the port town, all the information from the townspeople's mouths is the same. No matter whether it is the bottom, middle or high level, they think that they live on an isolated island and are not affected by the demons from the mainland.
Even with so much information collected.
For the most fundamental question-how to return to the original world?
Everyone is still at a loss.
When everyone shares their information one by one.
Han Dong took Dumps' shoulders to pull him aside and had a secret conversation.
Wait until the two return.
Han Dong smiled and said simply, "I may have found a way to get out of here ..."
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