Chapter 738: Deep in the sea

"I may have found a way out of here ..."
With Han Dong giving this sentence.
Captain Deez immediately tilted his head and was full of doubts in his eyes ... After all, the information he had collected so far could not infer how to escape, and even the information for the exit was not found.
"We need [to go to sea]."
"the reason?"
Lucius may not ask anything because he has cooperated with Han Dong many times.
But the "Silver Front" team that cooperated for the first time is not the same ... Captain Deeds cannot possibly ask nothing and entrust the life of his team member to a rookie knight.
"When you were investigating the town, I disguised myself as a crew member and followed a salvage fleet to the sea. I found the secret about the town in the sea ... there was an escape exit."
Just when Captain Deez wanted to investigate further.
Silver's deputy captain, the battle nun-Wino stood up and offered to offer.
"Captain, Nicholas has a different perception of 'outside the city'. Just trust him once.
Moreover, he has been to the sea once, which means that the danger of sea level is within acceptable limits.
We went to sea together to conduct a full investigation of the situation in the offshore waters.
If you can really, as Nicholas said, if you find an exit, everyone can leave together ... if you can't find it, you can also collect some information about the sea. "
"Okay, then, as you said, everyone goes to sea together.
However, before the action, you need Nicholas to report in detail what happened to the sea, so that everyone can prepare in advance. "
Han Dong first cast a look at Sister Winow as a thank you, and said with a smile: "In fact, there is only one thing to pay attention to ... everyone must be prepared for mental defense, and you must not fall into this period of time. Sleep. "
Han Dong deliberately used the word 'falling in' to emphasize the serious consequences of sleep.
that's it.
As a result of Wino's proposal, all members agreed.
Considering the overall performance of the "Grandis", Han Dong still chose this ship.
As for the captain, taking into account some hidden dangers (this person has been going to sea for a long time and uses a lot of inferior conch, which has accumulated a lot of 'anxiety factors' in the body).
Han Dong did not exclude the captain through illusions or direct executions, but through proper means to eliminate danger.
In the survey of the small town in the first day, Demps took into account the demand for money and obtained a lot of medium and advanced conch from the noble ladies living in the mansion.
Buy the "Grandis" directly from the captain, excluding all risks.
At the same time, there were several nearly perfect conch in Demps's hand.
This is also the important information that Han Dong and Demps had communicated privately and determined ... Otherwise, Han Dong would not have proposed to go to the sea so soon.
No crew was recruited.
After confirming that the steam power unit in the cabin is normal, set off for the sea.
As the fog on the sea spread to the deck area, the personnel of the three teams also felt more or less the invasion of "sleepiness".
Not long after the voyage, weird shouts came out of the fog.
It's like a group of fishermen who are completely lost in the sea and in despair.
Slowly, a dark shadow resembling a seagull emerged from the fog.
When this flying life slowly entered the visible range, the team members on the deck were more or less surprised.
An individual flying in the mist is not a seagull at all.
It's a weird bird with an adult head, a child's torso, and seagull wings ...
A stabbed tentacle from their mouths could pierce the crew's heads and drain the nutrients inside.
Unfortunately, the 'crew' they are currently looking for is a little different.
Just as everyone was about to start, a holy flame that could burn the filth rose from the deck.
The Knight of Wino Sileste suddenly waved up the chain in his hand.
With a ray of golden yellow light on the grate.
The holy flame covered by a large area directly consumed all foreign objects hovering over the ship.
The remaining 'head gulls' were frightened and immediately withdrew.
Han Dong could not help but glance at the Winnow Knight.
Compared to Wino, who once focused on assistance and defense, the offensiveness has been improved qualitatively ... Especially the "Holy Flame", a property specifically targeted at strangers, has strengthened more than one level.
Obviously the effect of the special training of "Nuns in Battle".
As Winnor retracted the chain, immediately raised his hands to give the team members a kind of high-level court blessing.
A nun with an introverted wings of prayer emerged from all the heads, representing the blessing in effect.
"Nun's Blessing of Asylum"-Increases physical, magic, and spiritual resistance for 30min. As long as it's not more than one hundred meters away from the Vino Knight, the duration of this effect will be refreshed.
During the voyage, various marine 'small animals' were also attacked.
Whether it is the intensity of the attack or the intensity of the pollution, it is just a trainee level ... For the three elite squads, it is exactly like the warm-up exercise before the investigation.
"Please note that in five minutes we will reach the area where we reach the conch, where it will also be an important turning point for our 'disengagement'.
The effect of mental attack will reach its maximum. "
Come to the [Saving Area] again.
Buzz ~?
The same weird rhythm came from the bottom of the sea, guiding the visitors here to perform self-sacrifice.
You know, these rhythms can make Han Dong's talent tree tremble slightly.
Even if the knights in the three squadrons are adequately prepared in advance, some of the knights with weak mental defenses will be affected.
Including Wen Li, Sister Jane Xue and Sora the Freezing Master.
It is often caught in a state of "intermittent" confusion, and every time consciousness comes, it has been close to the ship's edge for a few meters ... and returned to the cabin immediately.
Even if you try to tie yourself up, you still can't avoid ‘casting to the sea’.
"We have to move on ..."
Han Dong's goal is quite clear.
Continue in the [Saving Area].
Whether it's drowsiness,
Or the confusion of singing is constantly increasing,
Even Abel in the state of owl, self-cursing Mia, Dean Lunze's stance, and Lilinhia, an antipsychotic pharmacist, all fell into intermittent confusion.
The crew also yawned.
Hahaha ...
Suddenly a burst of laughter spread across the steamship, and the laughter stimulated everyone's nerves, which greatly improved everyone's mental defense in a short time.
"Here, UU reading is here!"
At the same time as the laughter ended, the steamboat stopped slowly.
The dense fog surrounding the hull is all dispersed, and the singing and drowsiness are all reduced to [zero] ... In contrast, it directly translates into a more direct sense of fear and danger.
If there are some visually powerful individuals, if you look at the bottom of the ocean at this time, you will find a miracle.
Hundreds of meters of shallow seas are regularly lined with dense conch ... hundreds of billions! The coverage area reaches more than 100 kilometers.
The close and orderly arrangement of the conch sets up a huge array.
The steam boat that Han Dong and his group were on was located in [Jianyan].
At this point in Han Dong's hands, he was grasping the perfect conch from Demps. "Next, we need to choose" dreamer "and" dreamer "..."
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