Vol 2 Chapter 764: Spar

Han Dong still sat on Miss Lisa's epee and entered Heilian Village.
The identity of "living people" immediately attracted the attention of strange villagers.
However, Lisa can be regarded as the village's 'high position'.
And Han Dong himself exudes death like a plague.
的 The villagers who lived here were once knights in battle. Naturally guessing the special nature of Han Dong's identity, he immediately accepted the outsider.
A soft voice came from Lisa's black iron helmet. "In general, for the new deceased, the village chief will arrange for a new stone house to be built.
You came here as a "living visitor", just staying for a while.
I live in my house, I will serve you. "
"Hmm? Is this okay?"
"It is a great glory that Captain Alex can dedicate himself and arrange tasks for me ... This time, I will play my role as a maid.
Mr. Nicholas may have any needs that he may direct to me. "
After a while, Han Dong came to the place where Miss Lisa lived.
In terms of architecture, Heihelian Village seems to be subject to certain restrictions, and it can only build a fairly simple single-story bungalow.
The one-bedroom and one-bedroom do not carry any toilets. After all, the deceased does not need to eat or excrete, as long as they are within the coverage of the black lotus, they will always exist.
After returning home.
Lisa took off the thick black iron helmet.
The reason why I walked outside was to wrap the whole body tightly with a knight's light armor and a black iron helmet, because the profanity written on Lisa's body would also affect other villagers.
But Han Dong is absolutely immune to such blasphemy. When the two are alone, Lisa need not worry about blasphemy.
Leaving aside the profanity, Miss Lisa's pale curly hair has a fair face under her hair, giving the impression of a little English lady.
At the age of thirty, he was about thirty years old. With his death, his appearance was completely fixed.
"Miss Lisa, do you have a place to practice 'death' here?" Han Dong asked, and by the way, pointed his finger at the Egyptian female corpse standing at the door.
有 "Yes ... but dangerous and vulnerable to attack."
Han Dong wondered, "Will it be attacked? Isn't this the space established by Captain Alex? Is it true that there are other deaths living here besides you?"
"Hmm ... everyone is not living here in peace and peace."
The dead air in the air cannot support our bodies.
Every once in a while, you need to form a fixed "four-man team" and go to the most dangerous area-[Ancestor's Mansion], to get a kind of spar containing chaos and dead gas from the inside.
Each person can only take one spar from the house at a time. A spar can provide us with food for one month to five months.
Once you run out, you must go again.
【Hidden in unimaginable horror life in the House of the Ancestors, he must be fully prepared for battle each time he travels.
In our opinion, the purpose of the establishment of [Ancestor's Mansion] was to train us ... even if we die, we cannot relax for a moment. "
"Ancestral home? Horrible life? Captain Alex is really a big hand ... Nearly removed most of the plates in the space of fate.
Speaking, can you be killed when you encounter these horrible lives? "
When she talked about "Death in Death", Lisa's face also didn't look very good.
"Will ... if we are killed in the dead state, we will lose the last chance given by Captain Alex, everything will dissipate, and we will be permanently touched from the world.
Moreover, once dead in the ancestral mansion, our death skeleton will also enhance the strength and number of monsters in the mansion.
This is also the reason why I attacked the first time I found you in the Chaos Zone ... For the deceased who is not qualified, our village refuses to accept it, and he will be allowed to live and die in the Chaos Zone.
In addition, it is clear that it is not destiny creatures that exist in the "house of the ancestors". "
This said, Han Dong was also rectified, "[Chaos Zone] is a special death zone generated by the black lotus that the leader of Alex is redeemed from the destiny space ... What else can there be besides the destiny creature? Is it difficult to have a monster or his family? "
"... hidden in the mansion is" an alien monster. "
The powerful strangers who had been buried under the death scythe of the gods were also brought into the black lotus by the head of the group, and they were detained in the dark side of [Ancestral Mansion] through special imprisonment methods.
我们 When we search for the death spar, we may accidentally touch the vase to release the alien monsters inside.
It is also possible that when a certain door is opened, it will directly enter a realm of monster management.
In the mansion, any "interactive form" of contact may release the aliens sealed in the dark side ... Of course, killing them will also drop high-purity death spar, which is enough for us to eat for a long time.
The cricket is dangerous because these aliens are powerful beings killed by the head of the body.
At least are mature, and each one is insidious and cunning, extremely difficult to deal with. "
Han Dong secretly muttered after hearing this:
"Elder Alex is indeed the first person in the Holy City. Not only is his own strength top, but he is also secretly performing so many 'actions' ... Even the [Chaos Zone] created to select talents is still set up as a knight and Areas where aliens oppose each other.
Keep the dead here in high intensity exercise, ready to fight for the holy city.
Speaking of which, these death spares that provide the survival of the deceased may also have a great effect on my cultivation ... Moreover, the death monsters in the mansion are also a good supplement. "
I thought of it here.
Han Dong quickly asked: "Miss Lisa, when will you go to the house of the ancestors?"
"I originally planned to go today, because the spar of my body has been used up ... However, there is not much problem in delaying the day.
I will serve Mr. Nicholas today. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com
Tomorrow, it's not too late to go to the house again. "
He said, Lisa took off the knight's light armor without any worries, revealing her perfect proportions wearing only a corset.
I just had Han Dong's eyes on the Egyptian corpse at the door, and continued, "So ... let's go together tomorrow?"
Say this.
Lisa's eyes widened in surprise. In her opinion, Nicholas is a living person. He can survive without spar, and can't afford to go to such a dangerous area.
"It can be dangerous."
相信 "I believe Miss Lisa has also been there many times. With the guidance of your experienced person, I believe it will be smoother."
The voice of Lisa's response was rather low: "It's because I've been to many times ... this time will be even more dangerous.
Are you really going? "
Han Dong nodded decisively and continued, "Isn't there still a period of time today? Tell me more about your previous experience in [Ancestor's House] ... It should be fine to prepare in advance. .
After all, I also beat Miss Lisa. "
"Okay ..." Lisa reached for her bedroom. "Let's go to bed and talk."
"Why go to bed?"
"Are it not the job of the maid to warm the bed for the master?"
"Where did you learn strange knowledge ..."
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