Vol 3 Chapter 833: plot

A large marshland tens of kilometers away from the city of Perugia.
The air here is dyed yellow by the plague, the tree epidermis is covered with living fungi, mycelium swaying in the air ... Strange fungus monsters can be seen everywhere in the bushes.
However, compared to monsters assembled from fungi.
The swamp is more of a shaman sacrifice wearing a deer horn helmet and human gestures.
In the deeper area, you can find the wooden house community they built.
This group of shaman sacrifices collected fungal communities in the swamp with weird utensils. Through a unique screening method, fungi that meet the ‘standard’ were found and sent to the deepest part of the swamp in exchange for the ‘lord ’s gift’.
At this time.
A shaman with a huge physique and also wearing antlers returned to the swamp from the outside world in a four-legged way.
After identifying the identity through the high-level antlers on his head, he rushed directly to the deepest cave.
Bypassing layers of junctions, you can reach the core location along the one-way path in the cave.
The giant mushroom seat made of various soft mushrooms sits on the swamp lord.
"Anudar, what is it worth you to throw away your investigative work and come back to report to me?"
"Master Lord ... The mouse in the city of Perugia is dead!"
"What are you saying? Ramsden, dead?
Although this guy is a lunatic and often eats other aliens, he is still relatively cautious and smart. The only flaw is that crazy emotions cannot be suppressed ... Is it that he has caused a reincarnation that is more powerful than him? , Was counter-killed? "
"No, humans have assembled a large group of troops to launch a siege that meets the [rules] against Perugia, and successfully killed the rat.
Judging from their route, it is possible that they will pass by us. "
"Humans? A siege that matches the rules?
Since the rules are met, the siege index must be less than or equal to the siege index ... How about the casualties on the human side? "
"There are basically no casualties, and it can be said that victory is achieved in a nearly crushed form."
For a time, the cave fell into silence.
However, the lord sitting on the mushroom stool did not change much, and said lightly:
"I met the mouse, and this guy is not too weak ... defeated under the same combat power index. It must have been that he was clever and used some small means before the war and was met with a crazy backlash.
In other words, the message of the death of the mouse should be transmitted immediately.
If you add me around the city of Perugia, there will be a total of four ancestors ... They should all feel a certain sense of crisis, and they are also very interested in the land of Perugia. "
At this time, the lord moved a mushroom from the surface of his body and handed it to the ‘mesher’.
"Anudal ran as a messenger to three other areas to see what the other three lords thought.
At the same time, take my thoughts.
Since everyone is likely to be individually targeted by this group of humans, it is better to gather together in advance to give this group of humans a surprise attack.
So many uncontaminated and strong human knights are good fungal petri dishes ~
They may be able to grow unexpectedly high-quality fungi with their flesh, and offering sacrifices to the Lord can exchange for more gifts and strengthen our swamp.
Such a group of human legions are a great asset! You must get your hand. "
The messenger who took the mushroom showed an excited expression. He never seemed to have received such a gift ... However, he seemed to think of some troubles again, and quickly reported:
"Lord, this time the human legion is much larger than before.
At least I can perceive several unusually powerful energies ... may be even stronger than your lord, close to [mythical level]. "
"What does it matter, since this group of humans understands to use [rules] ... we also use [rules] to play with them well.
This group of perennial shrunk in the city, really understand the rules? Not at all.
Alright, go quickly. "
Anudal immediately ate the mushroom from the lord.
The overall breath grew wildly, with two giant spores growing from the back ...
Snapped! With the splash of juice, two identical clones fell on the ground.
Consciousness connects, and rushes to the other three territories controlled by the ancestors simultaneously, conveying the wishes of their own lord.
Corresponding to:
1. Through the stone house in the sky, build a manor somewhere in the canyon, "Vanega Shadow Manor".
2. Built in the lake city of Lake Trasimeno, "Toad Capital"
3. And a "green field manor" built in the Castro forest based on green plants (green plants under night never exist).
The lords who were originally on the "opposite side" became a little nervous because of the death of the mouse, and also fell into a state of excitement, temporarily establishing a deformed partnership.
Each also sent messengers to other territories to conspire and negotiate.
"Material Search" ends.
Although Han Dong is privileged, he is still taken to the Devil's Castle ... He talked about his discovery during the search and what he took away.
Han Dong said nothing about the sacrificial room and the magic technology.
"Material search work is doing well!
In another fifty kilometers, we will completely leave the monitoring area of ​​the Holy City and enter the completely unknown [Eternal Night World].
The marching speed will be greatly reduced, and frequent stops and early investigations will be made on the way.
At the same time, some small areas with hidden treasures, slate record areas will be raided or inspected, or some gold mines will be occupied to maintain "endless energy".
I hope you can actively register and participate in various activities related to materials at any time.
Just like that, it is estimated that the army will set off in two hours! You have worked hard. "
The simple speech ends.
When Han Dong returned to the Fourth Army, everyone was also doing the basic finishing before departure.
Just when Mia was guilty of acacia and just wanted to take Han Dong's arm ~ EbookFREE.me ~ between the legions, a scarlet knight wearing a red ghost mask suddenly arrived.
"Nicholas, after our follow-up inspection, I suspected that you contracted an infectious scurvy during the siege.
Please follow me to Suijun Hospital for further testing and treatment. "
"Huh? Oh ... alright."
Han Dong quickly reacted and immediately left with the scarlet knight.
What is called scurvy is just an excuse ... Han Dong broke out of such a large hall in the first battle of the Expeditionary Army, and as a general of the Fourth Legion, he naturally needs to be 'more concerned'.
"Please come in. Head Xia Ya is waiting for you in the office of the dean of the Red Cross Mobile Hospital."
"it is good……"
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