Vol 3 Chapter 838: Murloc

Wetland search team has a total of 37 groups.
At the same time, the special forces [Yongye Wolves] will also participate.
Through rigorous training and screening, this group of special forces accustomed to operating in the dark at night, with superior movement speed, physical fitness and exploratory power are greater than the average value of the expeditionary army, will be used as a "search center" in this operation.
The seemingly sporadic scattered search teams will be connected by the pack of wolves.
The search for wetlands does not spread randomly in a "dot form", but rather as a tightly connected spider web, gradually covering the wetland area.
Among the packs of wolves, the beast knights of the Bimont Knights are the majority, and Abel naturally knows them.
When I learned that Abel was involved in this search operation, many people's attention was also concentrated ... it is necessary to pay more attention to this 'future leader' in the dark.
If Abel had three longs and two shorts, and they returned to the city safely, the head of Kaimeng feared that they would not shoot them directly.
Abel asked in surprise:
"Toad Idol? Nicholas ... Have you figured out the origin of the wetland?"
"No, I just got some reliable information in advance ... I have to find a to confirm it.
Let's go, we are ready to go. "
When pulling out the crow carriage, it also attracted the attention of many people.
When the black carriage moves, it is like a dark crow quickly rushing into the wet area.
The breath was reduced to a minimum, and even the rotating sounds of horseshoes and cart wheels were silenced ... The silent dark crow moved quietly in the wetland, searching for the secrets here.
It was when leaving the garrison.
Tick ​​Tick ...
There was a dripping sound from the carriage.
This is so strange that Aber, who is highly focused, directly frosted his hair, and sharp beast claws were ejected from his fingertips ... thought that moisture had invaded the cabin.
"Aber is not nervous, this search needs the help of 'foreign aid.'"
It looks like a ‘rotten smell of stuffed rubber shoes’ overflowing into the car, bringing everyone ’s thoughts back to the previous port mission for a time.
Nobleman of the Murloc-[Count of Knox Wright] appeared.
An edema, fat, and wrinkled body, sitting next to Han Dong with one ... Mia squeezed her nose quickly, avoiding it.
Although Han Dong does not ask the ‘Deep Sea Nursing Home’ to help fight.
But in the exploration of wetlands, this old fishman must know more than anyone, which can effectively improve the search efficiency.
"Isn't this ... the murloc monster in the port?"
Abel and Mia both looked surprised.
He also quickly reviewed the strange journey of the port, and everyone could suddenly end the investigation mission and return safely, inseparable from Han Dong.
Han Dong put his finger in front of his lips and replied softly: "Yes, life in the port of Ostia is not easy, so I secretly kept this group of murlocs ... This matter must not be talked about with others. "
Who knows ... when Earl Wright first fell into the carriage as an assistant.
Immediately stick the face on the car window and stare at the wetland scene outside.
"Count Wright, what's wrong?"
Guru Guru ~
Earl Wright was like bubbling in a stinky ditch before speaking.
The rotten internal organs, plus a taste of Origen, leaked from the earl's mouth, and several black oily dead fish landed on the ground.
"It's kind of weird. I was instructed by the deep sea more than a hundred years ago to go to the ancestral territory of the Toad ... not like this.
Can I go down and see? "
Han Dong immediately greeted "Midnight" to stop running.
Count Wright's old-fashioned dragon clock is very slow in every move, giving people a feeling that they may die at any time.
It looks very simple, but it is quite smart ... Before getting off the car, a fisherman's cloak was pulled out of the body to illuminate the body, completely covering the aura of the demon, and it looked like a desolate fisherman.
When the fat feet with webbed structure fall on the wet grass.
Boom Boom ~
Schools of fish from somehow appeared around Earl Wright, and the sea fish desperately slammed their bodies into the nearby puddles.
However, such behavior has accelerated their death.
In a moment.
The surface of the puddle within a few tens of meters is full of dead fish.
"Sure enough ... this wetland feels rather strange to me.
There is something else in it, and it is a fungus mixed in the water that causes the fish to die.
"Toad Idol" may just expand the appearance of the wetland, and there are more dangerous things hidden here ... For the sake of conservativeness, I suggest that adults first return to your human army and wait for others to explore.
If you hurriedly explore this wetland, something might happen ...
Small-scale conflicts will not be protected by [World Rules]. "
Han Dong and his colleagues also wrapped their bodies in airtight clothing, and stepped into the carriage with a subtle breath.
Just before Han Dong squatted in a puddle, trying to find out the source of the plague, there was a burning sensation in the small devil's eye on his forehead ...
Han Dong suddenly looked up and looked at the bushes in the distance.
"Um ... how do you feel that the distant plants are slowly approaching us? Everything [perception] seems to be suppressed by the heavy moisture, and I didn't notice it at first."
at this time.
The horses "midnight" hissed at what they felt, which further confirmed Han Dong's idea.
"Dampus, you protect the horses ... here for us."
Temples sat on the top of the carriage lightly, stepping on his legs, like a spectator.
"What is coming? How can I not feel it?"
Mia's back has grown four spider legs in advance, and her forehead is squeezed out of a large number of compound eyes, but nothing can be detected.
Abel also frowned, his beast perception was also ineffective, and he didn't smell any abnormalities.
"The limits of the" perception "in the wetland are much greater than expected, and even several times stronger than the suppression in Perugia ... why? Even the function of the little demon eye is suppressed to only Less than 20% left.
If the ‘perception limit’ is really so big ... Other exploration teams may also be in big trouble. "
That's when Han Dong thought a little and raised his head again.
I have been surrounded by myself, and a large number of bushes and bushes have appeared 50 meters away. The vines wrapped around the trunk are like the tentacles of these bushes, weirdly dragged, and even began to entangle with each other.
follow closely.
More and more rattans are intertwined, forming a closed shrubnet to completely isolate this area.
No longer cover the breath.
The bloated, fat, and sucker-covered trunk surface reflected the twisted and hollow faces.
A demon with a whole body covered with bark and rattan has drilled out of the trunk.
All reached the level of "Birth Body-Alien".
The cane that builds their body can be long or short, puncturing and sucking the individual, or crushing the individual directly into a hammer, or forming a net for live capture, and some have deadly venom.
"Count Wright, go back first ... the battle will be given to us."
"Since it's already out, just help a bunch of adults ... The humidity here just supports my old bones, it would be better if there were conchs.
These things are not the ancestors of Toad, I will not reveal their identity.
I am also curious as to what the wetland is all about. UU Reading Book www.uukanshu.com "
Just when Han Dong handed a conch to this "Count of Fishman", a string of spiky vines had been shot ...
Ugh ~ shot through the fat body of Earl Wright, some stinky fish bones, shells and leather scattered.
"Hoo ... ha ..."
Let the rattan pierce the abdomen.
Earl Wright did not care about this injury at all. A pair of enjoying looks like "sucking" conch in his hand ...
Next second.
The arm covered with fish scales grabbed the rattan and pulled it with brute force.
The monster that attacked in the distance was pulled directly to Earl Wright.
At the moment, Earl Wright has turned into the strongest murloc in the port area ... The swallow magic is swallowed in a single bite, serving as an appetizing vegetable salad before a meal.
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