Vol 3 Chapter 843: Battle of the Wetlands

I'm afraid no one can think of all the expeditionary forces.
As the relative mystery of the old kings and rarely appearing in the real world, [Toad] actually has such an incarnation hiding in the depths of the wetland, watching this battle in secret.
If Zuzu really wants to descend on the wetland himself, he will confront the Expeditionary Force.
The largest battle of the expedition may be started in advance, and the number of deaths will be impossible to estimate.
Chanzu, who used "endless slack" as one of his divinities, did not want to personally participate in this war.
Half asleep and half awake.
He can not only see the details of the wetland, but also dream of a part of the result of this battle if he personally intervenes.
The reality is simple.
But the dream is quite complicated, and even makes Tozuzu too lazy to think, just want to have a good sleep here.
Not to mention the actions of other old kings after the outbreak of large-scale wars, there are only a few knights in this group of humans that can cause damage to Him.
Deep in the dream, the pictures of [Underworld] and [Hell] continue to emerge.
At the same time, Chanzu vaguely dreamed of [gray matter], a high-level presence that he was a little afraid of and did not want to touch ...
Since Chanzu doesn't want to interfere, but needs a large number of human knights as a necessary sacrifice for perfect molting ... there is only one solution.
Commanded the Lord Toad under his command to launch a raid against the Knights who happened to pass by the wetlands.
However, the battle launched with a single "medium title deed" is relatively small, and even if the victory is won, the captured knight cannot meet the basic needs of the sacrifice.
Then, toad ancestors have licensed [watching the wall] as a condition to encircle the ancestor lords in the nearby area to launch a larger battle and have obtained more knight sacrifices.
An assault battle that has shrouded layers of conspiracy has arrived.
The bait has captured the prey, and the expeditionary force can only face it head-on.
【Magic Castle】
"Using the superposition of multiple title deeds, and a chaotic treasure from [Toad], the" super wetland "under the cloth can seriously suppress the perception.
Then use the "Toad Idol" as a bait to capture some of the investigation teams that have been seriously affected.
Reusing hostages in exchange for priority does not give us too much opportunity to think ... Are the few ancestors in every district like swallowing our entire expeditionary army? "
Although the leader of the big demon showed a ridiculous smile, his heart also held a fire.
There are currently three choices that the Expeditionary Army can make.
1. Accept the Battle Treaty.
2. Without accepting the treaty, set up a raid team suitable for wetland operations and directly fight the den of the demon.
3. According to the currently detected information, find the route out of the wetland, completely give up the hostages and get out of the wetland, mainly based on the expedition plan.
How to weigh the pros and cons will be judged by the commander of the expeditionary army-Damo.
Once the additional treaty is accepted.
It must be ensured that the number of deaths or deep pollution in the wetland campaign will not exceed the "missing number", otherwise such a decision will fail.
However, the head of the Grand Demon seems to have made a decision long ago.
Stare at the signature of the 'four' ancestral lords in the battle book.
In the expeditionary army, the head of the big demon group named the names and titles of the four elite knights.
"The Black Rose Knights, the third commander, the dark eyed Mesfield."
"The Plague Knights, the first commander-in-chief and the head of the holy city plague prevention and control headquarters, Mr. Mushroom-Dr. Daqi."
"The popular Knights, the first commander and founding priest of the Wuguang Church, the eyeless Bernal."
"Scarlet Knights, second commander-in-law, Dr. Langdon Kastinov."
The elite knights of the above four commanders immediately gathered in the lobby, each exuding a very powerful atmosphere, and the talent tree they developed has reached another level.
Corresponding to the four returning ancestors in the "Book of Battle", the above four commanders will be solely responsible for the subsequent wetland campaign.
The head of the Big Devil and the other four heads of agreement reached an agreement-[Admission Treaty]
The essence of the Great Expedition is an exploration of Yong Ye, a challenge to monarchy, and a struggle for freedom.
Endless unknowns exist outside the city.
A delicate strategy is like a torch in the dark in front of the endless unknown. It can only illuminate a part of the road but cannot erase all the darkness.
To achieve all the goals of the "Great Expedition", it is not only necessary to succeed in various strategies, but also to implement a golden spirit in the Knights.
Courage, wisdom and justice are the knight's sharpest swords.
This battle must be won, and the lost companions must be rescued!
With the determination of the four commanders.
A total of 1108 expedition knights participated, and the specific grouping will be determined by the four commanders.
For this [wetland battle], the leader of the big demon only gives one request:
Get rid of all monsters!
Under the leadership of four commanders, more than a thousand people actually came to [Lake Trasimeno] and threw the signed military campaign book into the lake.
Grumbling ...
Same as before.
The messenger standing over the head of the giant toad appeared, holding a parchment that was completely not wet by the lake water, showing a satisfied smile.
Forty-three knights, who felt like they had been soaked in the water by the lake, landed on their own from the bottom of the lake and returned to the team.
According to the treaty, they will also be counted as members of the battle.
"So ... Next, let me take you to the battle area.
Please do not resist, this process fully complies with the rules of the world, without any physical harm to you. "
At the bottom of the lake, the toad opened its large mouth with a width of hundreds of meters, and the deep black mouth exuded a rich sense of space, swallowing the knight on the shore.
Just before being swallowed.
The first commander of the Popular Knights and the founding priest of the Lightless Church [Bernal without the eye], released the lightless chain and instantly connected the souls of all the knights.
It has been ensured that during the process of being swallowed into space, it will not be scattered due to turbulence.
In an instant.
The Cavaliers have fallen to a place with extremely high moisture concentration [wet ruins ~ EbookFREE.me ~ wow la la ~ bean-sized raindrops are frantically impacting on the surface of the ruined stones in the ruins, and it seems that the toad eggs .
The current location of the Cavaliers is exactly in the hub of the ruins.
A total of four "roads" with different characteristics can be chosen by the knights. It seems to correspond to the deeds of the four lords.
At the same time, in the center of the hub, there is a giant toad stele.
There are some high-level words that can stain the field of vision.
Without the interpretation of Han Dong, the secret knights in the group immediately translated the text above ... The rules engraved on the above are exactly the [wetland campaign].
The human side is required to be divided into four companies and go to different deeds at the same time.
You can win this battle by conquering the next three deeds.
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