Vol 4 Chapter 875: Virus vs virus

He was ambushed as soon as he opened.
Subsequent distortions that occurred on Mia are also the broken limbs that everyone has never seen before, and they will actually be transformed into a monster. Mia, who was invaded by foreign objects, has no reaction and has completed the hatching of the monster in a short time.
Except that Mia can accept this weird setting with morbid thoughts, other people are not very comfortable.
"Mia, your arm?"
"It's okay, give me some time to regenerate slowly ... Thank you dear."
Mia sat on the operating table with a straight face, and was even looking at the picture of having a baby with Han Dong in the future.
The broken arm has slowly grown into a prototype of the arm, which shows that the vitality of the "worm attacher" is still quite strong.
"In other words, why hasn't Mary returned yet?"
Just when Han Dong asked.
The door opens.
Mary Tess's expression was not good-looking and failed to catch the target alive.
As the arrogance of the ancestral body, let her immediately explain the failure of live capture.
"Sneak attacks on us are an individual similar to your human beings ... but your physiques are larger and your body is wrapped in a solid black shell.
All physical functions are top-notch and can be compared with my strongest men.
And this kind of life also has a hidden ability that I have never seen before and cannot be perceived, even my field of perception is difficult to capture.
Relying on space capabilities and large-scale search for living things, I finally found the trail of that thing.
At the moment I was caught, the black life burst decisively.
At the same time, a very corrosive acid liquid and a strange black fluid were emitted from the self-explosive body, which was extremely dangerous ... Fortunately, I immediately blocked it by molting. "
Just as Maridis explained.
Han Dong quickly came to her, revealing a look similar to 'perverted', examining her body up and down.
After all, there are human genes in the body, and it is so uncomfortable for Han Dong to watch him at close range.
"what are you doing?"
"... check your body."
Mary is very clear that the magic eye has the function of ‘perspective’. With Han Dong ’s sentence, she can basically conclude that the other party is a pure pervert.
Toad herpes grew out of Mary's palm.
"Toxic Slam"
Just about to slap in the face of Han Dong.
The latter suddenly pointed, the ice coffin caught by Demps in his hand ... The face-sucking worm that was sealed inside was constantly trying to break the ice.
Han Dong continued to explain: "There is a high-level infection source called black water hidden in this planet, which can change at a dna level in a short period of time ... Using an individual as a host to corrupt larvae, even allowing the missing subject to manage The limbs are transformed into deformed larvae.
I must make sure that you are not infected, Miss Mary.
This fateful event is extremely dangerous. If we can't find a "way of life" ... we may die on the road at any time.
Next, I need to conduct a series of studies on "little things" alone. You will wait for me a bit in the bridge area. "
"it is good."
Han Dong grabbed the frozen "face-holding worm" larvae and locked himself in the spaceship laboratory.
The reason why Han Dong emphasizes independent research is because he wants to take this little thing to the "biological laboratory" in his head and try to obtain the most direct data.
The scanned data has been sorted out and is being generated ...
What I got was a report of a "face-worm" mixed with spider genes.
The above values ​​are terribly high. This face-bearing worm integrates some of the properties of Rimia. Not to mention the speed, it also has the ability to weave the net, so that it can be attached to the restraint and reproduce.
According to the description in the report, it is the same as the basic setting of the movie.
As long as this kind of thing hugs the head of the mammalian life, it can immediately "inject pregnancy" ... Let the real alien form be born in the host body.
After reading the report, Han Dong decisively removed the "metal syringe".
This syringe, which can extract the essence of cells from any living body, is firmly inserted into the body of the face-holding bug ... A small piece of black fluid is extracted, it is black water.
Take one drop carefully and observe under an electron microscope to make sure it belongs to a virus.
"According to the settings in the original film, black water can be fused into other biochemical structures of non-plant organic life, inducing deep variation at the DNA level.
Against the background of true fate, the characteristics of Blackwater are widened and amplified.
Even Mia's insect-attachers could not detect the invasion of the body by the black water.
Blackwater itself has the characteristics of ultra-fast induction and self-awareness. As long as the target is an organism, it can induce distortions and evolve into independent individuals.
What happens to this black water, which is regarded as the source of life by aliens, if it encounters g virus?
The aggression of the g virus is not bad at all ... if any Hollywood director shoots a "Resident Evil War Alien", Dr. William infected with the g virus should be able to kill the ordinary alien.
Give it a try. "
A more terrible method emerged in Han Dong's head.
A relatively rigorous experimental method was immediately set.
Take the cells on your legs (ordinary human cells) as a carrier for virus cultivation, and separate the g virus and black water virus to ensure that the difference in virus concentration does not exceed 10.
1. The cells invaded by the g virus immediately began to multiply madly, slowly forming tumors of indefinite shape between the petri dishes, and even produced some small eyeball structures.
2. The cells affected by the black water begin to "grow" continuously, and even gradually become independent, capable of creeping, deforming and other low-level life activities.
Han Dong poured the two into a sterile Erlenmeyer flask with the fastest operating speed ... intending to observe carefully how the two "fight" and erode each other.
However, the ending made Han Dong unexpected.
In just a few seconds ~ EbookFREE.me ~ Blackwater dominated.
The g virus is completely eroded ... Even the characteristics of the g virus are still owned by the black water.
The Erlenmeyer flask used as the venue for the duel of the two viruses was filled with a black tumor within a few seconds, and the surface of the tumor was packed with large and small black pupil eyes.
caveat! caveat!
Dangerous living bodies with "divine nature" were detected in the brain laboratory, please remove them immediately!
Listen to the alarm coming from his head.
Han Dong directly sacrificed the highest level of death magic to annihilate the black tumor mass in the glass bottle.
Of course, Han Dong also noticed the two keywords "Divinity" given in the notice.
"It is impossible to reason that the g virus can be 'killed' so easily!"
Not only did Han Dong not panic because of the power of Heishui, but instead a flash of desire and excitement flashed between his pupils. This is what Han Dong really sought.
Fill the remaining black water into the test tube and analyze its composition again through the detector.
"In the" Prometheus "movie, the" white giant ", the alien life that created human beings, wanted to create a kind of they believe in by the top life technology because of their own breeding problems. Deakin, a similar god, reproduces offspring through the flesh and blood of God.
The way to create gods is to borrow the black water they have prepared through top biotechnology.
A terrible substance that can both create life and annihilate life. "
Complete detection of the composition of this substance requires the consumption of large brain resources, which may cause dizziness and thinking disorders within a certain period of time. Do you want to continue?
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