Vol 4 Chapter 963: Urgent situation

It was none other than the squad of Tesla who found the Temple of Osiris.
At the same time, they also followed a group of "brute force priests" who were specifically responsible for repression. They were at least three times the size of ordinary people. The exposed upper body was equipped with extremely exaggerated muscle tissue, and the arms were covered with thorns and thorns. Muscle tissue.
These thorns and iron thorns converge on the palm to form an iron glove, which acts as a kind of energy aggregation... so that their power can be more efficiently concentrated on the palm.
They are also equipped with exaggerated weapons of equal length.
For example, a heavy hammer with spikes, a heavy chopper with a sawtooth structure, a double-edged axe full of skulls, and a cutter with a chain structure that put together countless blades.
Only in the "strength test", a slave with a rating of a or above is eligible to be elected as a "brute force priest" to enjoy the power-type black water specially supplied by the Black Pyramid.
Such a brute force can quickly suppress rebels in a certain area in a short time.
This time, their crackdown target was only one Nicholas.
Just when this group of people set foot in Osiris's death hall, preparing to suppress Han Dong and others who had just completed the assessment.
A strong breath of fear came from within.
The density of fear is amazing, and even condenses into a liquid between the floor tiles and the wall, turning into a black arm attached to the surface of the legs and feet of the entrant, transmitting fear.
Directly reminding Tesla and his team of the fear of attack in the promotion game, the body shuddered.
Even the brute force priests slowed down.
"what happened?"
Just when they came to the deepest level of the temple, it was covered with layers of fear material, and the flow of fear covered the room, it seemed that the search was ongoing.
"Tutramon High Priest!"
The brute force priests lowered their heads one after another, not only the gap in power, but also the absolute difference in strength... The black water controlled by the high priest was essentially different from the black water they controlled.
"Your speed is really slow.
After I got the news, I rushed over as quickly as possible, but unfortunately he was ran away. "
At this time, the kobolds responsible for the management of the temple also appeared from the corner.
This kobold has cut off one arm under the control of Chief Engineer Kurosawa, and there are many wounds on the body surface. At the same time, he still retains a certain "pollution character"... to prove that he was hit by Han. East attack.
He also fabricated a story about Han Dong attacking him and running away.
The high priest withdrew the released terrorist material and turned to the searchers who came here. "The target has fled, and may be hiding in the dark place of the capital. Hurry back and inform Pharaoh to search the city!"
That's when Tutramon led the Chief Engineer Blackpool to leave.
Tesla suddenly stood up and blocked the way.
Let's talk about speed.
They almost hurried when they received the problem of the collapse of the underworld...it should not be much slower than the high priest.
Moreover, in the hands of Tesla, he held the "search oracle" with the seal of Pharaoh, allowing them to conduct a forced search of any area of ​​God's city and inquire about the personnel involved.
"High priest, please allow us to conduct a physical examination of you and your subordinates.
It’s not that I don’t believe you, but we rushed over as soon as we received the question, without any delay in the middle...it shouldn’t be slower than you. "
"bring it on."
The high priest was not angry, after all, Tesla held the hand of Pharaoh, even if it was a routine matter, he had the right to examine him.
The inside and outside of the high priest were immediately detected by Eva, the perceptive person in the team, and Chief Kurosawa was also within the scope of the detection.
After some inspection, it was naturally found nothing.
"Since we didn't find anything, let's go first.
The few minutes just wasted by you may have a serious impact on God, and I hope you can do things a little more prudently next time.
Don't think that holding Pharaoh's hand will crush me. "
Even if the power limitation is completely lifted, the high priest in the capital is still stronger than them in setting... It is necessary to join the team to suppress the high priest.
"Eva, are you sure the inspection is clear?"
"I have checked all the places that can be explored inside and outside... as long as the brain area is not detected.
Moreover, even if we hold the Pharaoh's oracle, we are not qualified to test the brain area of ​​the high priest, which involves confidentiality issues.
Besides, the head of the high priest is the birthplace of the source of fear. Once my spiritual power penetrates, it will be repulsed extremely strongly...The probability of Nicholas hiding in the head is very small. "
"Forget it! Hurry to report the intelligence to Manager Ed. I believe his ontological awareness is almost coming.
At that time, the traces of Nicholas will be searched directly in the city, and the manager Ed will personally inspect the Terror Source Factory...unless he has checked out, he will definitely not be able to escape. "
Black Pyramid Fear Source Factory
The finely crushed black sand slowly flows out from the nostrils of the high priest, and it looks like Han Dong in an absolutely confidential office.
That's right.
Considering that even the high priest may be suspected.
With the arm that had just been upgraded, Han Dong realized "full body desertification", hidden in the center of the fear source in the skull region of the high priest.
"Your boy is not affected by fear?"
The high priest himself was also quite surprised. His head was the source of "terror" and the core of the black water transformation... Han Dong had been hiding inside for so long, but nothing happened.
"Isn't this clear to you, the high priest? I happen to have the ability to resist spiritual invasion.
Let's not talk about this for a moment...Tesla is running out of time, and Tesla must not have dispelled your concerns. At that time, I am afraid that Pharaoh will personally come to the Fear Source Factory and search again.
I contacted my teammates, almost ready to go. "
at this time.
A powerful alien breath overflowed from the corner.
The overflowing water stains quickly formed into the shape of Maridis. UU reading www. uukanshu.com
She has been waiting here for a long time, after all, she is regarded as an assistant of Han Dong, a trainee priest under the high priest of Horror, and can enter the Horror Factory at will.
"No need to contact, they have already reached the end of the gods with the group of people in Longcheng.
Without you, the lord does not want to go...so he has been waiting for you to come back in the factory. "
Hearing this, the high priest was also shocked, "What!? Your teammates and others went to the lower end? Then the following can't be entered casually."
During this time, the high priest followed Han Dong on a'journey to the underworld' and was completely unaware of what happened outside.
The current investigation scared the high priest's face.
"A day ago, the pyramid had sounded a black alarm... Black Pillar Prison has been invaded by outsiders. So far, seven priests have died, and the intruder has not been caught.
In other words, guarding the Black Pillar Prison is a higher priest than me.
Not to mention that the Pyramid has already dispatched multiple priest forces to support...you friends sooner or later will be caught. "
Han Dong's face also changed, but I didn't expect things to be so urgent.
"Unexpectedly. Gu Xu this monk was so anxious.
High priest, quickly take me to the tomb area to see the situation...If the sowed seeds fail to germinate, you can only go to the underground area from the wormhole on the edge, hoping to catch up. "
"Are you kid going to fight the pyramids?"
"Um... everything is ready, just go to the underground step, high priest, Kurosawa boss come with me?"
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