Vol 4 Chapter 978: The doctor who fled

Twenty hours ago
A fearful doctor pushed a neat corpse through the streets and tried to seek refuge from the surrounding residents.
However, at the moment when the mist descended on the horizontal joint of the monster, the residents locked the door of the house, and no one was willing to accept the doctor.
Just when the doctor took a short break because he was tired after running for a long time.
Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by.
Not far from the roadside, the door of a restaurant called Brachi's stew opened, and a thick mist was pouring from the inside.
The doctor's expression was quite ugly, and he didn't seem to want to go in.
But there is really no way, the streets are full of weird life, and this restaurant with its door suddenly open is also the only refuge.
Just the moment the doctor stepped into the restaurant, the rich meat flavor came out from the inside.
On the ceiling of the stew shop, more than ten ‘humanoid lives’ were hung with mechanical butcher hooks... Black body fluids flowed out of their wounds.
They were dressed in apprenticeship priests issued by the pyramid.
Most of them still have signs of life, but they have been blocked from action and hung here... It seems that they have to wait until ‘completely bleeding’ before taking it to the kitchen.
This group of trainee priests stared at the doctor's accidental intrusion, and immediately turned to begging eyes, hoping that the doctor could save them.
However, because the vocal system has been eliminated, we can only support us and whisper in a low voice.
This scene scared the doctor back again and again.
However, the restaurant door behind him has long been locked.
The sound of chopping meat continuously came from the kitchen area, terrifying the doctor, and daring to rescue these priests.
After all, they are hung high, not to mention whether they can be taken out of the iron hook...once touched, the iron hook will inevitably make a sound, once the guy in the kitchen is attracted, the doctor will also be in the "hanging meat" A member.
Ignoring the pleading of the priest completely, the doctor pushed the body to the back of the restaurant, trying to leave through the back door.
Some observations revealed that the back door of the restaurant was deep in the kitchen... The sound of continuous meat chopping was also heard from the kitchen.
How to do? Only one bet.
The doctor clenched his teeth and quietly pushed the body into touch, covering the body by the stove and the vegetable rack.
Through the gap between the food racks, you can see a humanoid creature wearing a triangular hood wearing a butcher's long skirt, chopping meat on the cutting board with the giant chopper in his hand...Liquid splashes after each chop , Looks terrifying under the dim light.
The doctor was scared to lose his calm, speeding up the cart and heading towards the back door not far away.
Seeing that the back door was right in front of him, he escaped from the restaurant.
Suddenly from the inside of the back door, a little loli in a blue long dress flashed, staring at the two of them with completely blackened eyes.
"I finally found you!"
As Little Loli's voice rang in the kitchen, the sound of meat chopping had stopped.
The triangular head of terror was already standing behind the doctor, and the heavy knife in his hand was raised high.
Uh! Cut it off...
The heavy knife was just in front of him, but it didn't cut into the doctor's body.
On the surface of the blade are placed a few pieces of braised pork, and the surface is still fragrant. It seems to be fresh braised meat just after the brine.
Aretha said with a smile on her face:
"I passed by this store by accident and found that the secret braised pork here was so delicious. It used a local pork with a special fragrance in it. It tasted endlessly in my mouth... Brother Nicholas, please try it quickly. "
"Pork?" Han Dong picked up a piece and stuffed it into his mouth, the taste was really good.
"Well, it's delicious! I thought you made braised pork with special ingredients."
Han Dong, disguised as a doctor, pointed to the trainee priest hanging in the restaurant lobby.
Alyssa said with disgust: "There is a kind of black blood flowing in the human body in this city, it smells...disgusting.
This group of little priests who were not afraid of death suddenly broke in when I was eating with Uncle Triangle, knocking over a large plate of braised pork and mad at me.
Alright...Mr. Nicholas and Miss Jane come with me, absolutely safe below. "
The so-called back door does not lead to the outside world.
Instead, the Silent Hill descends, and the derivative channel formed leads to a deeper silent space.
Han Dong pretended to be a doctor and fled in panic.
After accidentally entering the restaurant, pretending to find the back door to escape... Actually, I guessed that the pyramid has a means of seeing through the fog and observing the civilian area.
For example, the "Eye of Horus" that frequently appears during the assessment.
As the main body of Silent Hill, Alyssa has a great possibility of being marked by a pyramid... Before Han Dong came into contact with it, there was a lot of acting.
"Alesa, how many of the townspeople have successfully entered the civilian area?"
"Everyone has come in! My mist can feel everyone's breath... According to your arrangement, everyone is scattered in the dark, and there is not much movement."
"Very well... Alesha, you need to do something next.
There is an area called the Colosseum in the civilian area. I need your cooperation to play a play. "
Alyssa agreed very simply.
She stays in Derry Town all the year round, except for the occasional participants of UU reading www.uukanshu.com, she is usually bored... Now that there are so many interesting things, she is still very willing.
"Mr. Nicholas, your way of doing things is similar to that of Penny Wyeth... There's a hint of caution in madness! They are all very interesting people.
However, Uncle Triangle previously prevented me from going to Mr. Clown’s circus and also minimized my contact with the clown, saying that Mr. Clown is quite dangerous.
However, Uncle Triangle has no such disgust towards you. "
"Oh haha"
Han Dong smiled and quickly nodded to the "triangular head" standing next to Alyssa.
This is also the case.
Aretha will wander around the Colosseum.
Although I thought there would be a pyramid specifically for Alyssa.
But what surprised Han Dong was that three high priests had actually come to the Colosseum to try to kill the origin of this Silent Hill.
Alesha, who was sitting on the shoulders of the "triangle head", was attacked by internal staff as soon as she chased into the Colosseum.
However, because the level difference is too large, they are basically instantly killed by the triangle head.
Under the order of the high priest.
At the cost of sacrificing a lot of Colosseum employees, Alesha was successfully led to the No. 1 Colosseum.
At the same moment.
There was a quick knock on the front door of the Colosseum.
Still in panic, the staff who was cleaning the companions' corpses in the hall saw through the cat's eyes on the door that they saw a good-looking doctor, pushing a corpse standing at the door, as if seeking temporary shelter.
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