Vol 2 Chapter 244: Distracted

Looks like she is my mother..."
"She listens to my voice..."
"She is my mother in the footsteps..."
Watching Jiang Yue leave, Lin Yu's mind baffled a few thoughts, and quickly shook his head: "Uh, what the hell."
After refocusing, Lin Yu hesitated for a moment. Instead of rushing to see the ability change, he called the retina projection panel of the Xueba system and opened two math test papers after opening the split screen.
"A known……"
"Let A=..."
The two hands lifted up and danced at the same time, as if they were single-minded and dual-purpose. The questions of the two test papers were solved by him at the same time like a cloud of water.
After a few moments, Lin Yu finally stopped after finishing the two test papers.
The results of the answer are calculated statistically. One hundred and five, two different test papers are full marks.
This is not surprising. The test paper is just an ordinary high school math test paper. It is not too difficult to make it with his knowledge. After all, the basis of most technology is mathematics.
But if someone reads his performance just now, he will definitely take a breath.
Mathematics in high school is naturally not difficult. The difficulty is the full score. Is it a complete score that can be answered in one breath without interruption?
Answers are calculated quickly, and accurate calculations need to be repeated, and the questions of the two test papers are considered at the same time. The difficulty of which is already called inhuman.
"Fortunately, it seems to be just multi-tasking, not turning into a schizophrenic neuropathy."
Lin Yu was slightly relieved at this moment.
It is true that the awakening pharmacy has strengthened the brain one after another, but the real reason is still distracting. Before that, he certainly could not do so.
And this versatile ability... In fact, it is not a capability, it is completely the thinking habits brought about by the horrible information flow just now.
Just now he really felt that he had split his personality into hundreds of millions of parts, and was abused to death, but it may also be the reason for becoming natural. Instead, he learned to be multi-tasking. But it is also like single-threaded to multi-threaded, at the same time thinking about a dozen things without any problems, it is even easier to control each other.
Of course, this is a good thing, it is another influence that really tangled him.
The experience that I didn’t know was an illusion can not only make him more distracted, but also have a great influence on his thinking habits. Observation and thinking are carried out simultaneously from all angles, which is exactly the kind of blockchain referendum and debate in the dream. Weaken the copy.
Xin Qi just made two test papers and tested it. The conscious personality is still a conscious personality. In essence, it is still distracting and versatile. It is just that when the distraction is subjective, the subjective substitution of the thinking logic is subject to "brainstorming" from multiple angles, otherwise he doubts himself. Is it already severely schizophrenic?
"What exactly was that? The operating mechanism of the upgrade ability? My own process of design deduction?"
"No, the huge amount of instantaneous calculation thinking, I am afraid that the legendary quantum computer can't reach it. I just feel retroactively accepting that my head is going to explode. I really have to carry out the thinking process."
"And I just felt that there are countless distinct thinking logics in my head, and the thinking logics shaped by different memories will be different. I can't split hundreds of millions of logical personalities of such a span."
Reminiscent of the scene I just experienced, Lin Yu now has some fear.
Just now his gains are not small, he is distracted and thinks about these things from multiple angles, just designing all kinds of knowledge, experience, and infinite ideas in the process of attacking the slaughterer is enough to make him use it for a lifetime.
However, he definitely didn't want to experience this for the second time. It was countless different logics and conflicting information flows. One time, his thinking changed dramatically. Once again, he couldn't guarantee that he could still split from it. Hundreds of millions of copies are separated from the general feeling. Once sinking, it can really be'incarnation billions'.
"Those information flows are the type II thinking of the assailants, that is to say, only the data backup records that have been deduced. The thinking, experience, and knowledge generated in these processes are actually stored in my memory or subconscious. No wonder..."
Lin Yu has had a doubt since a long time ago, and this doubt was caused when he was upgraded to the third level from the Xueba system.
In the lucid dream, it's only right to build something that you are extremely familiar with. Even your own mother and father can only build a seemingly realistic appearance in it, but upgradeable things can be realized by just a thought. And even the internal structure and effects are exactly the same.
In addition, it seems that his learning efficiency is also a problem. He has been learning mechanical design and other things very quickly. Occasionally, he will have an inexplicable sense of familiarity and quickly remember that he thought it was the undisturbed state of the lucid dream and the brain. It seems that the strengthening effect is not due to the lack of these "seal" memories.
If it is the memory of your own mind and subconscious that is like the information flow just now, then everything is explained.
"The seal is good. Let's let the subconscious come. I'd rather never remember to learn slowly."
Lin Yu shook his head coldly and felt for the first time that his upgrade ability was so affable.
It is certainly tempting to learn countless knowledge in one step, but compared with splitting one's personality into hundreds of millions, this price is too great.
Even more acceptable memory is the entire process of object development, but in fact it is not perfect. At least the synthesis of materials and intuitive and universal theories and technologies are completely absent. The design process is entirely based on the number of attempts and deductions. There are only a lot of ideas and skills brought by countless attempts. I am afraid that the materials are directly derived from the experience of the collected items. There is no specific synthesis method for the material composition, and it is impossible to have mature mass production. technology.
If you really want to go to heaven to learn knowledge in one step, you can also wait for it to be directly transferred into the brain by means of science and technology. This kind of conflict information flow that can easily make people neurotic is not a problem.
"These should only be regarded as a windfall, this time the awakening agent..."
After calming down a little bit, Lin Yu got up, raised his fist and looked at it, then punched the bedroom wall.
With a punch, the whole wall trembles, and the fist sinks directly into the wall, and the two broken red bricks come loose and fall off.
"Physical fitness has at least initially exceeded the limits of ordinary people."
Looking at his masterpiece, Lin Yu showed a satisfied smile on his face.
After waking up, he didn't wear a venom suit now, which means that it was entirely due to his physical fitness.
This level of power is no less than the robbery awakened by the rookie who was easily KO by the pneumatic exoskeleton.
And he can feel that his body is not simply a strength increase, but the anti-strike ability of bone hardness and even the complete transformation of the sensory brain, as if the whole body has been sublimated.
"Based on my physical fitness, can I still be called an awakener?"
Lin Yu was slightly satisfied and satisfied.
It's a pity that he was beaten in the next moment.
The trembling bell sounded.
With a slight slack in spirit, he immediately felt an extremely strong feeling of hunger and panic surged in his heart.
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