Vol 2 Chapter 373: Civilized memes

Lin Yu said nothing more. He slapped the ground and flew out of the pothole. He kicked the converted Archbishop out.
Different road non-phase plan.
Perhaps the Archbishop converted was right, he did not experience the despair of the so-called frontal battlefield.
No matter how hysterical the Archbishop converts, it is difficult for him to empathize with words alone, and even less likely to agree.
The two sides no longer speak, only silent battle.
The Archbishop of Conversion should not be an awakener, or a pure physical awakener, so there is no bells and whistles, and some are only the most primitive and violent, fist to flesh collision.
In terms of strength and defense, the upgraded assailants are obviously superior. Although their flexibility is slightly inferior, they are also assisted by various precision scanning equipment, not to mention the six types of magnetic storms in his hands.
When the Archbishop converted, he could not resist the inevitable hard resistance, but the sharp and unparalleled six-style sword was chopped down and converted to the Archbishop, but he dared not stop it. As the anxious battle continued, Lin Yu firmly occupied Got the upper hand.
The body of flesh and blood is always the body of flesh and blood. It is impossible to compare with the assassin who was made of memory metal in the whole body. It took less than ten minutes to fight. The large and small knife marks and the blue and purple fist marks appeared on the archbishop. The slaughterer gradually smoothed out even the pits that were initially punched out.
After continuous eruptions, the physical strength of the Archbishop converted gradually weakened, and Lin Yuzang's long-term killing trick finally took a chance to use it.
On the magnetic storm six-style combination sword, a violent current surged out, and Rao Shi converted to the archbishop's strong physical fitness and inevitably stiffened for an instant.
Taking advantage of this momentary stalemate, the assailants burst into roar with engines and thrusters all over the body.
The Archbishop converted to barely break away from the paralysis. He lifted his claws in a single shot to block the six-style giant sword, only to see that Lin Yu took a swoop on the sword body, and the heat that had already been heated to the extreme had been stabbed with a buzzing tremor.
The sound of the sword entering the meat and burning the charcoal into the water came at the same time, and the time seemed to stop at this moment.
The gray wolf head, which had been stained with a lot of gray dust and sweat, slowly hung down and glanced at his abdomen.
The heat shock stabs into the abdomen from the abdomen, puncturing his heart obliquely with the sternum's blocking.
Lin Yu took out the thermal shock and single-handedly kicked the converted Archbishop away.
He fell to the ground this time and failed to get up again, but the slight and rapid ups and downs of his chest proved that he had not completely lost his life.
"The last question...what is your so-called god?"
Re-inserting the thermal shock with a single sword back onto the combined giant sword, Lin Yu slowly stepped forward, the giant sword flicked, and the sword's tip dropped to the archbishop's neck.
"Do you really want to know?"
The Archbishop converted and coughed up blood, and the wolf pulled a strange smile on the kiss.
Lin Yu was a little vigilant and was waiting to make up for another knife. The Archbishop converted, but did not have any abnormal movements. Instead, his body was completely relaxed and paralyzed. He was very cooperative, and his voice calmly asked, "Do you know memes?"
Lin Yu responded and waited for the following.
Memes, in fact, are essentially information, language, ideas, beliefs, and ways of behavior. Even if there is no carrier, this information is constantly spreading from person to person.
Just like a gossip, some people heard it intact, some people heard the version after the "art processing", some gossip can spread quickly, some don’t, they have the characteristics of inheritance, mutation, selection, etc. like genes. Call it memetics.
"What about civilization memes?"
A bizarre smile appeared again on the face of the Archbishop, who became more and more bizarre and ironic: "Your IQ is not low, have you ever wondered what would happen if a civilization has hundreds of millions of memes? ?"
Lin Yu was silent.
The meme of civilization has only two words added to the meme, but it is easy to understand and the meaning is similar.
Language, ideas, beliefs, and behaviors are the fundamental factors that determine the ideology of an intelligent creature and the foundation of a civilized form.
Just like the Chinese, some ideas that have been handed down from ancient times, such as respecting the old and loving the young, blood relationship, clan concept, etc., even if there is no clear description and record, it is still inherited and evolved through word of mouth, demonstration of words and deeds, etc. All these constitute today's Chinese civilization.
It can be said that the meme of civilization is equivalent to the genes of a civilization, and the world cannot find another "China" that is exactly the same.
In a civilization, all economic, cultural, and technological developments are based on these memes. No matter what aspect, they are always shaped by people. How people study and create is based on their own consciousness. The concept of consciousness... depends on civilization memes.
The controversy among hundreds of schools during the Warring States Period can shape the most glorious history of China. If there is a civilization that can accommodate the memes of hundreds of millions of different civilizations, various consciousnesses and ideas develop independently and collide with each other. What a horror?
Everyone is like a dragon?
No, everyone is right.
If there is such a civilization, being hostile to it is tantamount to being hostile to hundreds of millions of highly developed civilizations.
"Why? Afraid?"
The Archbishop converted, laughed wildly, bleakly and happily, and laughed at Sisi, even if he continued to cough up bleeding sputum.
"We will meet again, I am waiting for you, waiting for you to join us..."
The Archbishop converted, sobbing, the words came to an abrupt end, his expression froze, and there was no more voice.
Lin Yu was amazed. This was as if he remembered something. His face changed slightly, and he punched through the abdomen of the white hair werewolf.
The palm was pulled out again, and the thick index finger and thumb pinched out a dull translucent glass ball.
Rubbing gently with two fingers, the glass ball turned into powder and fell from your fingertips.
All kinds of thoughts in the consciousness are like mountains and tsunami, and the brain is confused and blank.
Lin Yu couldn't remember how he recovered the broken venom cloak, and how he returned to the entrance cave.
Numb control of the assailants came out of the entrance cave, and tried his best to suppress the thoughts like wild grass in his mind. Seeing that only half of the body of Ma Tianci was lying in the cave, his thinking gradually recovered.
Something was asked from the Archbishop of Conversion, but many of the mysteries were still not solved, but instead became more confusing.
Is there such a civilization that can hold countless civilization memes?
There is also what the Archbishop said before, the official is to take everyone to death, what does it mean... really only because the enemy is too strong, so succumb to the enemy and belittle it.
According to the original words of the Archbishop of Conversion, he was undoubtedly an official background before joining the Church of Conversion, or even a main battle group on a special battlefield.
Such a person who can fight on the front line and fight back against the invasion of civilizations in other regions, a person who can persevere to witness the death of countless comrades-in-arms.
What kind of desperation can make him so collapsed and hysterical, and even thrown into the enemy, in turn rebuke the planet civilization of his origin, and degrade his country that he has tried his best to fight for his death?
Is it really just because the enemy is too strong?
No matter how strong...it's only death~EbookFREE.me~When death is no longer fearful, the strength of the enemy can't be the reason for him to become such a reason, the despair of the rest of the battle can bear, can't see Hope cannot be the reason for his enemies.
Is he lying?
That kind of crazy hysterics, the kind of despair and sadness that can be felt from the standpoint of the bystander, can anyone really pretend...
What role is the official now playing? If the world is really on the verge of destruction, why should it be hidden from the public? Why should we maintain the illusion of social order and prosperity?
Can't figure it out, can't explain it.
Distracted and versatile, it made Lin Yu seem to experience the scene when reading the data of the attack on the slaughterer. Although only a few thoughts, he almost blasted his entire brain.
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