Vol 2 Chapter 381: Endless arsenal

Material substitution! "
To be cautious, ripped off a few leaves as a backup sample, and then Lin Yu directly transformed the whole tree of vitality into a substitute experience value.

【Tactical Props Pack】
[Level] LV1: 200W/200W

As the saplings of vitality gradually decompose and disappear in the faint blue light, the experience value of the tactical props pack has skyrocketed, and the full amount is ushered in a flash.
Lin Yu was overjoyed and directly upgraded.
The faint blue light appeared again, including the entire tactical prop.
But this upgrade process is very strange, far more than the tactical prop package that was taken off because of the upgrade, it gradually floated with the blue light package, and finally turned into a blue light into Lin Yu Back.
"My day!"
Lin Yu was so scared that his face was green.
The original body of the Nima tactical prop bag was made from the kangaroo's nursery bag. What does it mean to pounce on yourself? Don't you want to get a pocket in your back?
"Huh, okay..."
Lin Yu quickly reached out and touched his back. Fortunately, he didn't find any pockets, and the feedback obtained by contacting Venom was no exception.
However, at this time, the tactical props package has not yet been upgraded, and the faint blue light on the back is shining indefinitely, and Lin Yu can only wait a little nervously.
Five minutes later, the upgrade continued, but a unique induction emerged.
Some are like a spiritual connection with venom, but they are clearer, and even have some kind of "visual" perception, just like looking down at a certain area through an extra pair of eyes.
The area within the field of vision is about the size of a room, but the walls in all directions are not substantial walls, but a kind of ‘none’ that I don’t know how to describe.
You cannot use any adjectives or any specific descriptions, a thorough ‘nothing’.
If you really want to find a reference, it is probably that when you open one eye and close one eye, the feeling of the closed eye is not darkness, but a complete nothingness without darkness.
Compared with ‘none’ in all directions, the place you can see from the top is also empty and dark, but the contrast with the ‘wall of nothing’ has become very prominent and substantial.
Gargle! Gargle!
In the empty room, the sound of leaves swaying and rubbing suddenly sounded, with a plume of misty green light like a glow stick in the night, and gradually outlined a small sapling with a straight trunk like a gun.
With a subtle green light, it continually converged and flowed on the small saplings, and the surroundings became brighter and brighter, and all the darkness was dispelled.
As the space lights up, the appearance of the small tree is also fully revealed in Lin's "sight". It is the vitality of the small sapling that was previously used as an alternative. The only difference is that it is no longer rooted in the flower pot. It is rooted into the ground of'nothing'.
The roots digging into the interior of "Wu" are also missing, seeming to become an unobservable form, but they seem to be constantly absorbing something from the void, converging into a green light on the stem of the small branch, And then spread to the whole space.
The light not only dispelled the darkness in the room, but even the void walls seemed to be shaken and displaced.
The continuous tremors thundered like a cicada's barking dog, and the walls of nothingness withdrew from the green light at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the visible space in Lin Yu's sight expanded rapidly.
When the trembling and roaring stopped again, up and down, left, right, front and back, each wall of nothingness withdrew half the distance of the original space.
"101010, one hundred square, one thousand cubic."
The original tactical prop package is 555. With this reference, the volume of this brand-new space emerged from Lin Yu’s brain without thinking.
The space was completely calmed, but only after a while, it changed and regenerated. A silver-grey light spread out from the small sapling in the center of the space, just like the blown balloon continued to expand, and finally clung to the edge of the space, giving the original nothingness A silver film was coated on the edges.
After being completely stabilized, the silver film gradually faded and disappeared, but the edges around it no longer felt the feeling of ‘nothingness’, and some were just a sense of openness looking up to the sky or far away.
After a while, the small tree in the middle of the space changed again. The location near the root of the trunk suddenly cracked, gradually forming a small hole like a vertical eye. Some milky white resin came out and condensed under the eye At the corner of the eye.
At this point, Lin Yu's faint blue upgrade light seemed to have completely exhausted its power. After flashing twice, it completely dissipated, and a new attribute panel emerged.

【Endless Arsenal】
[Level] LV2: 0/2000W
[Introduction]: An independent space that can be grown with Shanhai Qingtianmu as the core, can use the boarding body as the core for space stacking erosion or object access, and continuously produce a small amount of life stock solution.
[Evaluation]: Piglet Page has tattoos on it, we are all social people.

"Do not be domineering enough, how good it would be to have a blue dragon and a white tiger."
At the first glance, I saw the most conspicuous evaluation. Lin Yu found a small mirror and turned his head to look at the back. Part of the venom colony on the back consciously separated, revealing a tattoo-like pattern that occupied most of the back.
The pattern is nothing else, it is the little tree in the backpack space. According to the name given by the upgrade ability, it is called Shanhai Qingtianmu. I don’t know whether it was the original name or the subconscious mind.
The entire tattoo is vivid and vivid. It depicts the straight trunk and crisp crown and leaves clearly. At first glance, there is a sense of uprightness and vitality that seems to penetrate the skin through the sky.
In fact, it is better to say that this is a substantive projection of the endless arsenal, rather than a tattoo. Through this projection, the endless arsenal space and the spiritual perception of Lin Yu are connected.
The projected "tattoo" actually changes intermittently with the changes in the interior of the space, so it is not impossible for him to want the green dragon and white tiger-as long as he can get a green dragon and a white tiger in it.
But...well, at least it's not the piggy page of the evaluation, otherwise it's really shameless.
Withdrawing his attention to the tattoo, Lin Yu looked at the attribute change.
Due to the spiritual connection, the general changes in the upgrade have actually just been felt, and looking at the attributes is only a bit more detailed and intuitive.
The transformation is mainly divided into three aspects, the first being the'space' nature.
The original void childcare bag simply expanded the volume of the childcare bag, or reduced the volume of the space into the object, and the space of the tactical prop bag was also clear from the previous introduction-the folding space is also semi-independent Space that comes out but still stays above the real space.
But the endless arsenal is different. The space of the endless arsenal is completely independent of the earth, just like the mountain and sea boundary. Lin language is the coordinate of the space entrance. If the volume is large enough to realize the material cycle, it is no problem to shape it into another mountain and sea boundary. .
No, judging from the name of Shanhai Qingtianmu, perhaps Shanhaijie itself is the same space as the endless arsenal. Nowadays, the vibrant space of Shanhaijie 6 may be built by many Shanhai Qingtianmu in different positions. It came out, just like the valley when the seed of vitality was obtained.
Of course, this doesn't make much sense for the time being. Anyway, Lin pragmatics also serves as a storage, and the other two things that make him pay the most attention.
One is the life fluid produced by Shanhai Qingtianmu, which is also the milky white liquid in the vertical eye groove on the trunk of the small sapling. This is obviously derived from the original emergency life-saving agent function. The effect is also healing, and The drug is very powerful. As long as it is not brain death, ordinary people can quickly recover from any injury. The only defect is the low output, and the more powerful the body is, the more it will consume.
The last change is also the one that Lin Yu attaches the most to—space erosion.
The abstract point to describe is to make the space of the endless arsenal overlap with the space around his body, so that the objects in the arsenal ‘appear’.
Although the original tactical props package can also access items, it is limited to a radius of one meter, and can only complete the operations of'fetching' and'saving'. These are completed instantly as space is moved.
But the space stacking is different. The space stacking can turn the space around him into a region where reality and the endless arsenal overlap, which means that he can complete the object access at a distance from the body no matter how big the arsenal is.
Not only is it taken out directly, the internal equipment can only emerge from the intersection area, just like creating invisible wormholes out of thin air, and then only pass through it.
This kind of operation space is much more than direct access. Lin Yu’s brain can come up with several powerful Sao operations, such as directly controlling the sudden attack of the armor of the slaughterer, and even a few walls from the body. A cannon...
"Huh? Cannon?"
Lin Yu’s eyes suddenly turned up~EbookFREE.me~ There was nowhere to go after breaking through the iron shoes, and there was no effort to come. Anyway, after the upgrade of the tactical props package, the space has expanded several times. I also want to be a yarn simple missile launcher. Isn't he fragrant to get a portable fortress like Pluto's fire support platform?
101010 space, it is still difficult to place intercontinental missiles, but micro missiles such as crows that are less than the forearm length and those with a few meters of conventional missiles can still be placed in several rows, it is best to get a few more Taiwan does not require a laser gun or ion pulse gun that takes up space with ammunition.
When the time comes to fight with the enemy, raising hands and body, there are countless muzzle groups surrounding the enemy, and all the artillery is stunned and annihilated, is it not beautiful?
"Xiao Ke, model me. In addition to the intercontinental missiles, let the mechanical workshop produce a batch..."
After being cured by Pluto's ultra-long-distance support platform, most of the lack of firepower phobia suddenly rebounded and aggravated the condition. Lin Yu YY was actively engaged in a new round of research and development after a while.
(End of this chapter)
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