Chapter 21:

Meimei and Axu entered the sea, and the rolling waves reflected the night, concealing their (身sh n) shadows. (((Mobile reading visit
I hope that by this time, Meimei will wake up. When there is no story to tell, that is when the protagonist's life is finally calm as ordinary people, but Meimei has not woken up.
Her dream continued.
The fire in the coconut grove has ignited all the vegetation on the island, and the night sky on the island is illuminated in a crimson. In the billowing black smoke, the female pirate drags Ah Ji with one hand and the male pirate's head from the coconut forest with the other. Chased out from inside.
Her face was burnt, and her clothes were burnt to pieces, so she expressed (情q ng) extremely ferocious. The breath exhaling from her nostrils opened her nose with anger, making her look like an irritated beast.
The male pirate in her hands also yelled: "Kill them for me! Kill them!"
The female pirate almost dragged Aji, who had fallen over because of her inability to keep up, in front of her: "Give me your brother's direction! Maybe you can't be killed!"
My heart felt cold, and I saw Ah Ji's bloodshot eyes looked as terrifying as a demon in under the moonlight.
He pointed his hand forward, which happened to be the direction in which Meimei and the others had fled. He opened his mouth: "Here, I'm diving down."
The mermaid brothers can still sense each other's direction!
When I was shocked, I saw the female pirate throwing the male pirate's head aside, and pulling out a crossbow arrow from behind with one hand. There were dozens of long arrows on the crossbow arrow, and she pointed towards the " " one in the direction of Aji. Pull down the trigger.
Those long arrows rushed into the sky immediately, and when they exploded in the sky, they were divided into countless small silver needles, and plunged into the sea like raindrops under the moonlight. After a while, there was a fish that was pierced in the sea turning its belly. Floated up.
That needle... is it poisonous?
"Old witch!" I turned my head and called, but found that the old witch had not chased me out with me, and there was only a dark figure standing beside the coconut forest: "Li Zhuo Li Li Zhuo!" I shouted his name and waved at him. "I want to see in the sea! Is there a way to go?"
Li Zhaoyi ignored me.
My heart was cruel, thinking that this is a beautiful dream, anyway, I can't die inside, so I rushed into the sea, just after chasing the fading waves, my waist was caught by a man's hand.
"Don't mess around." His low voice rang in my ears.
"I'll take you."
His voice was calm and powerful, especially at night, his hormones instantly stimulated my nerves.
I lost my voice for a moment.
It was at this moment that Li Zhaotong said the next sentence: "Go back and pay the labor service fee."
I yelled at him, "You are moving! Take me down!"
As soon as the voice fell, Li Zhizong did not say a word, and moved with me. After a moment of strong wind, the surrounding environment changed drastically. Without the beach, without the coconut grove, the crystal clear water filled my world.
Schools of fish are on top of my head, swimming by the moonlight, the reflection of fish scales makes the moonlight softer, but it is broken.
All the beautiful secrets hidden by the sea have been held before my eyes.
I don't have time to feel the magic of the world, and I don't have time to see the rare beauty around me. I am holding my breath and want to work hard to find the (身sh n) shadow of Meimei and Ash when I can hold my breath.
"Don't hold back like a pufferfish." Li Zhaodao said.
I looked at him in surprise, this guy can still breathe and talk in the sea! ?
"This is just a dream, don't be confused by the appearance of the dream owner's dream."
As he said, I tried to open my mouth, and I saw air bubbles escaping from my mouth, but I didn't feel any sea water pouring into my throat. I tried to breathe, and it turned out to be the same as Li Zhaotong said. This is just the appearance of dreams, I am here, and I can still breathe like on land.
Knowing that I would not drown, I let go of my heart and started to look for the (身sh n) shadows of Meimei and Ash from left and right.
Li Zhaoyi seemed to be unable to see me crashing like a headless fly. He pinched my chin, twisted my head to the right, and lifted it up. I saw two (body sh n) shadows obliquely above me. .
It's Meimei and them, but they don't swim fast.
The first wave of silver needles was gone, and they didn't seem to be pierced, but Meimei's cut fish tail affected her speed in the end, and Ash was not much better. His injury would not be lighter than Meimei.
It is hard for me to imagine that if it were me, someone had cut a long cut in my thigh from the middle, the tear muscle (肉r u), and the bones were deeply injured. Under such conditions, how would I walk.
But they are still "walking" because they can only "walk" in this way.
"Meimei, you must cheer." I whispered to her inflated. Li Zhaoyi looked at me like that, but did not speak.
Ash took Meimei's hand and said, "The sea is so gentle."
They spoke the language of mermaids in the sea, but perhaps because this is a beautiful dream, I actually understood them.
"Yeah, this is our home. We are home." Meimei was smiling, and my heart softened, and finally saw her smile, so beautiful, so touching, so gentle.
However, her laughter stopped.
The silver needle came over again, like a torrential rain in the sea, Meimei struggled to swing her severed tail, endured the pain and went down the water. She pulled Ash: "Swim down and hide in the depths." !"
She didn’t swim, because Ash pulled her back and blocked her, holding her thin (body sh n) body in his arms and his (胸xi ng) chest. And shoulders seemed to be her sky.
Meimei opened her eyes wide, she couldn't see Ash, but she probably heard Ash chuckle in her ear.
As if sensing something, Meimei (身sh n) trembled a little: "Swimming." She urged him, her voice a little bit of crying, "Let's go downstream. Don't give up, we are home, we are all home. Up."
"Mei Mei." Ash said, so gentle, so gentle, as if the crisis had passed, as if the sea had become bright, as if the silver needles shuttled by them (body sh n) were no longer scary. It seemed to be a shooting star, in order to embellish their most beautiful moment.
"You're right, the sea is so beautiful." Ash said, "I have been afraid for a lifetime, but now I don't have to be afraid anymore."
Meimei shuddered and opened her mouth, but suddenly an undercurrent came and disturbed the trajectory of the silver needle beside them (body sh n).
The turbulence was powerful, impacting the two people, leading them into the abyss of the sea, and quickly swept them out of the abyss. Ash seemed to have run out of strength. When he was taken out of the abyss, his hands had already let go of Meimei. Meimei desperately grabbed him and hugged him tightly, as if holding the last hope.
"Don't give up!" Meimei shouted loudly, her voice broken, painful, and mournful. There was despair and helplessness in the cry, and so much panic and hesitation, "You hold me! Axu you hold me! We are free! We are clearly free!"
Ash did not answer him, they were pushed so embarrassed in the turbulent undercurrent.
Naturally, it is like a child's big hand full of malice, playing with their (性x ng) lives at will.
Axu's eyes were empty, and he followed the flow: "Mei Mei..."
Pushing the undercurrent, she finally threw Meimei's hand away, and the undercurrent pulled her to the sea. Her cut tail was unable to resist this force, and Ash was dragged by another undercurrent and buried. Deep under the sea.
In the dark abyss, only Ash's gentle voice finally swam to Meimei's ears.
"...Thank you for taking me home."
"No, no!" Meimei shouted hoarsely, "Come back! Bring him back!" But her voice didn't get a response. She was dragged onto the sea by the undercurrent.
Li Zhiyi took me out of the sea, and he used his strength out of thin air to make us just step on the waves.
I saw Meimei turn her head and look back helplessly. The undercurrent dragged her a long way. The fire on the island seemed to come from another planet, far away. On the dark sea, a sea wave, holding the moonlight, so clear and lonely.
She is like a falling leaf, being pushed by the waves, ups and downs, all involuntarily.
She stayed there for a while, and suddenly she began to look around, swimming to the left, and then to the right: "Axu." She was completely confused, she dived into the sea, and after a long time she floated up again, exploring Out of his head, red eyes, like a child left behind, so aggrieved, helpless, and at a loss.
"Axu!" She shouted loudly, "You give him back to me!"
She slapped the sea angrily, and the water splashed her face, making her look like a madman and a crying child: "You give him back to me! Give me back!" At the end of the speech, she was hoarse. call.
And screaming just made her lonelier.
The waves of the sea never stopped, and her voice kept crying until it was hoarse.
I also cried with Meimei, crying so much, and at this moment, I felt (身sh n) getting heavier and heavier, the world was turning upside down, I felt the pressure on my back and neck gradually, and Feel the weight of the quilt on (身sh n), and feel...
Someone rubbed the top of my head.
The action is not gentle, but it also seems like a comfort.
I opened my eyes and saw the ceiling of the bedroom. The feeling of being rubbed still remained on the top of his head, and there were tears in the corners of his eyes, but everything was like a dream.
I slowed down for a while. I haven't gotten up from the (bed chu ng) for a long time.
It wasn't until Li accompanied me to knock on my door that I struggled to get up (床chu ng), dragged a much heavier body (身sh n), and moved step by step to open the door for her.
As soon as Li Peipei saw me, he yawned greatly. The dark circles under her eyes were also very heavy: "Xiaoxin, ha...are you okay?"
"I'm okay..." I tried to cheer up and speak, but (身sh n) was too tired physically, "Just a little tired."
"The mermaid dream is like this. Once you have been there, it is like fighting a battle. The first time you are a human, it should be more serious. I am afraid that something will happen to you." She said and fought again. A yawn, "It's okay, I'll leave first."
I nodded and stopped her when she turned (body sh n): "Don't you need to see Meimei?"
The companion said: "I have experienced it many times, so I won't go to see it." She opened the door and walked in. "The pillows are so wet that I probably won't want people to see them."
She went into the room and closed the door to sleep. I thought about it and went into the room. Sitting in front of the computer for a long time, she clicked on Taobao, spent a huge sum of 100 yuan, bought some snacks, and planned to go to Meimei for dinner tomorrow. .
On the next day, it was raining in Chongqing. (阴y n) On a heavy day, I went downstairs and knocked on the door but couldn't find Meimei.
I thought for a while, went to the top of the building, opened the door, and I saw the fat Meimei lying in the fish pond. She looked up at the sky and received the baptism of raindrops. The tail is now intact and can’t be seen before. The appearance of being injured.
When I walked to Meimei (身sh n), she opened her eyes, as if she hadn't come out of yesterday's dream yet, she looked a little bit tired.
"Little letter."
"Why does Meimei want to eat beef (肉r u)?"
"Okay." She took the beef (肉r u) dry, took it and took a bite, as if regaining some energy, "It's delicious."
She was happy because she had something delicious, and she seemed to have regained the vitality of the Meimei I know. I also took out the beef (肉r u) and ate it with her in the rain. Regarding the dream of yesterday, I did not ask.
" were dragged into a dream by me, right."
I froze for a moment: "It's okay, I'm still in good spirits today."
"You see my embarrassment."
I glanced at Meimei's tail: "Meime, you are fine now. You won't be so embarrassed anymore." I said to her, "I will protect you."
Meimei turned her head and glanced at me: "Xiaoxin, you are so gentle." She said, "If only I could see you at that time, but...soon after that, I also met Li Zhizhi and Li accompanied. They rescued me from the sea and healed my tail. It was only after I got ashore that I realized that I was a blessing in disguise and could freely change human legs and tails. Not many mermaids would work. Although...walking is a bit painful. "
"That's how you met Li Zhaodi and them, so did you follow them to Chongqing?"
"Yeah." Meimei nodded, "I can't stay in the sea anymore." She looked up at the sky, her eyes drifting a little, "But I miss it again, so... Do you know why I like rainy days?"
Yes, Meimei likes rainy days, but whenever it rains, she will come here, wearing her shell underwear, getting caught in the rain quietly, saying nothing and doing nothing.
"The sea comes from rain, and the rain also comes from the sea. A rainy day will make me feel...every drop of water that falls on my face may have flowed past his (body sh n) side."
"I only dare to miss him in this way."
I watched Meimei say these words calmly, and silently wiped off the warm (热r ) "rain" from the corner of her eyes.
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