Chapter 69:

Li Zhaodi saw me. (((Cartino Novel Network
And I have a desire to survive from life instinct, telling me that it is not a good thing to be seen by the current Li Zhaotong...whether it is a dream or not.
"Excuse me..." I took a step back silently, comforting myself that this had never happened, and I planned to close the door with a fluke.
Of course, just before the door closed, the slender fingers snapped the wooden door.
I thought about it. When there was no time to react, I grabbed the wooden door and slammed the door. The door opened wide, and one hand grabbed my collar. It didn't give me a chance to resist and grabbed me.
The moonlight is shining, the long golden hair dances with the night breeze, Li Zhaotong's icy gaze is looking at me indifferently.
I was shrouded in his shadow, and saw his stunned expression in his eyes.
He didn't speak, and his silence made him look even more murderous. His breath swept across my cheeks, and the breath made my hair tremble.
I saw his thin lips move slightly, and he opened his mouth, showing his long fangs without saying a word.
This was the first time that I saw Li Zhaodi showing his hunting fangs to me, like a bloodthirsty beast, he was about to take me apart and eat it.
"wait wait wait!"
The urge to survive made me yell, and raised my hand to Li Zhuan’s chin. He directly slammed Li Zhuan’s open mouth back, letting his fangs pierce his lower lip.
For a while, the blood ticked and stained my hand.
"...Ah!" Out of instinctive fear of creditors, I was a little flustered for a while, "...Hug, sorry...I didn't mean it." I did not mean it, I was really scared by this look of Li Zhao When it comes, my shot is absolutely unexpected...
Obviously, it was also unexpected by Li Zhaotong.
He covered his chin and was silent for a long time.
The scene was a bit awkward for a while, especially when there was an uncle lying on the ground twitching constantly next to him.
Li Zhaodi wiped the wound on his chin with his thumb. Soon, his wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his delicate skin was as good as ever. This time, Li Zhaotong stared at me again, really looking at me instead of just looking at an object as before.
I'm a little at a loss and don't know how to deal with the current Li Zhaozhang. I can only explain to him with the words I can spit out at this time: "I didn't hurt you on purpose. I didn’t come here on purpose. I’m just hungry. Come here. Something to eat, I didn't expect..."
Unexpectedly, you were also hungry for supper.
Speaking of this, I suddenly wondered, what kind of dream is this so terrible, is it my nightmare?
Perhaps... It was A Xiao who borrowed a novel stem from a man named Jiulu Bird to construct a dreamland shared by A Xiao and I. Only when A Xiao and I have the same wish, can I leave here?
It's absurd...
While I was thinking about these things endlessly, the blond Li Zhaotong suddenly stared at the other side of the house.
I saw the bright moon hanging high, suddenly there was a black shadow jumping out, more than one, some of the black shadows jumped into the courtyard, some jumped to the roof of the wooden house, they were all dressed in tattered clothes, as if they were on TV. In the video, I saw people working in rural fields in the Republic of China.
"But there are many blood-eating people in the southwestern land. It turns out that you are the stranger here." One of the dark shadows calmly said, "I will kill the innocent people.
The corpse carver... is it from Shao's line?
"Huh." I finally heard Li Zhaozong utter a syllable, with a very contemptuous sneer, and finally had a little overlap with the Li Zhaozong I knew.
He stood in the midst of encirclement and suppression, his face unchanged, his blond hair danced without wind, and soared beside him.
"Go!" The cadavers rushed forward, Li Zhaodi didn't take a step, and the breath of his body exploded suddenly, turning into golden light, cutting away like a knife to the cadavers. The black shadows dodged everywhere, the gusty winds in the courtyard, the wooden house was chopped into chaos by the golden light in an instant, the blade of Li's breath turned into too messy, when it was cut, there was no concern about people around, including me.
Speaking from the heart, in this kind of chaos, on my own, I probably won’t survive the first wave, so thanks to the conscientious corpsesmith, I don’t know who threw a black cloth on me, my body Shrouded in black cloth, the light blade slashed on my body. Although it hurt, it didn't kill me. I quickly grabbed the black cloth tightly, like a straw.
But at this moment, Li Zhaoyi glanced at me. He tore off the black cloth from my body. At the same time, I was driven into his arms by his strength.
His embrace is colder than outside the dream. His arm strangled my waist, but more tightly than at any time outside the dream. Because at this moment, Li Zhaodi did not pity or even respect me, he just...want to take me away.
"I don't like other things, which dirty my prey."
His cold voice sounded above my head, like a wolf guarding his food.
At this moment, I am... food for him.
"There is no prey for you here!" Sombra yelled, and came forward again, and when he attacked, I caught a glimpse of silver needles penetrating the moonlight gauze in a daze, and slammed at Li Zunzhu.
Li Zhaodiao hugged me, turned in a fluent arc, but I felt that his arm was tight.
Li Zhaodi fell on the ground and was silent for a moment, when the golden formation on the soles of his feet suddenly brightened up.
"Don't want to run away!" The corpse chaser was about to rush forward again, and Li Zhaodi raised his other hand, using Jin Guangning as a long whip, and threw it out viciously. The chaser hurriedly avoided dodge.
At the last moment when the golden light array was in effect, I still saw that man was beaten to the eye by this long whip of Li Zhitong, blood was flowing, and the corpse chaser next to him did not come to chase him for a while, but swarmed at that person. Away.
The brilliance of the formation shining in the dark night, and after the dazzling brilliance, I felt that we moved to another place in an instant. Between the mountains and the woods, I was caught under the arm by Li Zizhao, walking through the woods without touching the ground. The speed was so fast that I couldn't see the surrounding scene at all.
In the end, the sound of the wind stopped, and Li Zhaodi led me to stop in front of a cave.
Among the mountains and forests, the moonlight is even more frighteningly bright, penetrating through layers of leaves and falling on the ground in spring.
Li Zunzhen ruthlessly threw me to the ground, as if throwing garbage.
I didn't dare to complain, I got up from the ground, Li Zhaotong glanced at me, and didn't tie me up and let me move by myself. I know what he meant. He thought in his heart, how far can "food" like me go? It was easy for him to catch me.
I also deeply admit this fact from the bottom of my heart, and I know that even if I run away from Li Zun Zun, maybe in this dream, there may be Zhu Zun Zun and Niu Zun Zun not far away. Running is endless, it’s better. Stay here without worry, anyway...
Li Zhaodi is also an acquaintance.
I walked around for a few steps, and when I looked back, I saw Li Zhaotong found a big rock to sit down, and then I rubbed aside and found a small rock to sit down.
I sat obediently because I was so hungry that I couldn't move. After I sat down, Li Zhaodi turned his head and stared at me, and I stared at him silently.
Under the moonlight, in the wild forest, on big and small rocks, Li Zhitong and I met each other, both of them looked numb, I was tired, he... he probably because this dreamland gave him a poker face. There is no fluctuation in his expression at all, far inferior to Li Zhaotong in reality.
He and I were speechless for a while. Finally, he turned his head and didn't evade me. He took off his vintage tuxedo and revealed the white shirt inside. The style of his shirt is also very vintage. I am still studying his clothes. Seeing him unbutton the shirt inside.
This makes me a little panicked.
Isn't this a nightmare, but a...spring...spring
I was frightened from the small rock and fell to the ground.
Li Zhaoyi turned his head and glanced at me again. This time he frowned slightly, as if he was saying-"What's wrong with this roast duck?"
He turned his head, didn't talk to me much, took off his clothes, his pale skin was almost reflecting in the moonlight. He looked at his arm. I followed his gaze and saw that there were two or three very abrupt black blood blisters on Li Zhizong's arm. The blood blisters were slightly raised, and there seemed to be something turning inside.
"Is this... the injury just now?" I asked him.
Li Zhaoyi ignored me, a golden light condensed from his fingertips, and he slipped through one of the black blood bubbles without a word.
The black liquid immediately flowed out of the blood bubble, and as the liquid flowed out, a pit was left in the black blood bubble. Something in the pit squirmed two or three times, and then disappeared.
"Hey!" I was a little nervous for Li Zhizun. Although there was still a little impression in my mind that told me that this Li Zunzun was about to kill me just now, but in the end, Li Zunzun wanted to kill me, there is still no such thing as Li Zunzun being my landlord, so deeply rooted. , At a critical juncture, I still hit my heart, toward him.
"Is this something like the Gu worms of the corpse chasing clan!" I asked Li Zhaozhao nervously.
However, Li Zhitong ignored me at all, and when he raised his hand he wanted to cross out another blood bubble.
My heart suddenly tightened, and immediately knocked out his hand: "You haven't figured out what it is. Don't move it casually. After that thing slipped just now, something got into your flesh, can't you see it? Besides, if you do it with bare hands, there is nothing wrong with it, even if you are infected..."
and also……
Something wrong...
It's nothing but the atmosphere, something wrong.
I looked up and met Li Zhaotong again.
This time, Li Zhiyi didn't look away again. He stretched out his hand and pinched my chin, piled up the flesh on both sides of my cheeks, and pinched my face without aesthetic feeling. He said, "What are you? Where's the porker? So courageous?"
I have never been a pig, you have been...
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