Chapter 70:

"You're like this... I can't speak well. +++ girls must go to the website" I was pinched, muttering meat, and said this vaguely.
Li Zhaodi shook my face away, so hard that he seemed to shake my neck 360 degrees. I stabilized my head with a tough spine.
I turned my face back and rubbed the flesh of my cheeks. Faced with such a murderous Li Zhuan, I dared not say anything. I just mumbled, "Isn't I worried about you..."
He let out a very disdainful sneer from his nose: "Worry about yourself, prey."
As soon as the voice fell, he put together and drew them on his arm. Two blood bubbles burst at the sound, and black blood flowed out. As before, something squirmed under his blood bubble and got into his flesh.
"Ah..." I opened my mouth, but remembered the pain in my cheeks again, I covered my mouth and squatted without saying a word.
Li Zhaodi stood up and put on the shirt and tuxedo again, and the long golden hair softly swept across my face. I looked up at him, waiting for him to deal with me after he had done his own business. After he buttoned up the buttons, Li Zhuo lowered his head, staring at me condescendingly, and I looked back at him.
The moonlight is so beautiful, I think, he should be trying to do something to me.
For example, to continue the supper that I interrupted just now, just...change the dish.
He lifted his finger slightly and placed it on my chin. This action caused him to pause for almost three seconds. I was puzzled. I tilted my head to look at him, but I saw Li Zhaotong didn’t say a word and closed his eyes, like It's like a wooden stake, and it falls straight to the side...
With a sound of "Boom!", Li Zhaoyi fainted directly on the ground, shocked the dust and fallen leaves, and a few crows on the nearby trees. The crows cried and flew away, leaving the silence of the forest.
I was stunned.
"Li... Li Zhaotong?"
He didn't respond. I thought for a while. If the dream is a long time ago, then Li Zhizong at this time should have not named himself Li Zhaozong, he should be called: "Li Yiyan?"
I yelled, picked up a stick on the ground and prodded him twice in the arm. Then he poked his arms all the way to his face, and finally squatted next to his head, and opened his eyelids with his fingers. After studying the whites of his eyes, he finally let go, and his eyelids closed again.
The vampire did not respond.
I looked around, barren mountains and ridges, nowhere to ask for help, cold spring nights, and a bit strong wind.
I have no other way but to hold his arm and drag him into the cave, hoping that the cave can keep him out of the wind, and that the body of this vampire is really as good as they say, and it will not invade longevity. Immortal.
After I dragged Li Zhaotong into the cave, I had exhausted the last bit of energy. I was too hungry, and now I'm too sleepy.
I went around in the cave. The cave in Chongqing was wet, not to mention the dry grass and dry wood. It was pretty good that there were no drops of water on the top of the cave. I didn’t find a relatively dry place, the only place I can sleep on...
I couldn't help but look at Li Zhaotong's delicate tuxedo.
Li Zhaodi was poisoned now, and fainted. His complexion was pale, his lips were purple, and he was a little trembling. The situation can be said to be very bad...So, it seems that it is no big deal to catch a little cold.
...It's already that bad anyway.
I took off Li Zhaodi's tuxedo and laid it horizontally on the ground, but I could only pad the back and buttocks, and I still had to sleep on the ground with my legs and head.
Better than not.
I comforted myself, and then glanced at Li Zhaodao, who was wearing only a shirt. I took a deep breath and suffocated my last strength to drag Li Zhaodao onto the clothes. I posed for him and tried to put him on the tuxedo as much as possible, and then I found an angle to lie down.
The tuxedo wasn't wide when it was horizontal, so I lay almost on his chest.
Li Zhaodiao's body was as cold as ice. Although I have never heard their vampires cry out for cold, as a warm-blooded animal, I am passionate about the coldness of my body.
I squeezed Li Zhaodi's chest again.
I hesitated for a while, still stretched out my hand, wrapped around Li Zhaodi's waist, and tried to get me and him closer.
My body temperature can always keep him warm. Thinking of this, I closed my eyes, sleepiness struck, and in my confusion, I felt that Li Zhidi's body was slowly being covered with heat.
I was sleepy this night, but I didn’t sleep well. The ground with the tuxedo was still too
too cold and too
. I always wanted to change my posture to sleep, but before I changed my posture, there was always one Fuzzy but firm thoughts hovered in the dream-unable to turn around, as soon as he turned around, Li Zhaotong was cold again.
This feeling is like the eve of the spring outing of elementary school students and the eve of the college entrance examination, always thinking about one thing in their minds, not practical but very persistent.
In the middle of the night, because it was too uncomfortable, I opened my eyes dimly a few times, in a daze. It seems that once, I saw Li Zhuozhu, who was held by me, also opened his eyes. He didn't have the usual energy, and his eyes were blurred.
Just like comforting a sick child, I put the hand on his waist and patted his back lightly, stroked his back as if to give him comfort.
I want to say: "Go to sleep." But between half asleep and half awake, the speech was also hazy, maybe I just hummed a few times and fell asleep again.
This unreliable night passed, and my spirit was not much better when I woke up the next day. In addition, the mountains and forests were foggy in the morning, and the ground was heavy with dew. I felt that my joints were soaked with moisture.
I rubbed my arms and legs, sat up with a yawn, and Li Zhaoyi wandered on the tuxedo in the pose I gave him, motionless.
He can still sleep, and I can't sleep anymore. My stomach hurts a bit from hunger. Even if I can't hunt, I can go out and pick some fruits to eat. I glanced at Li Zhaotong, wrapped the tuxedo around him, and then left the cave.
There was a downhill road in front of the cave. When I was about to lose sight of Li Zhaotong, I looked back at him again. He...
It seems to have opened his eyes.
I blinked my eyes and stared for a while, only to find that opening my eyes was my illusion.
If Li Yunzhao wakes up at this time, he shouldn't just let the "food" leave. He should be like me, wanting to eat "breakfast".
I walked among the mountains and forests, and then I discovered the innocence of being a modern person.
This... the wild fruit on the tree, in my opinion, really is nothing edible. Because it looks different from the fruits in the supermarket! I won't say how they taste, I don't know if they are poisonous or not, and I dare not taste them at all.
And the beasts on the ground, the fish in the water, the birds in the sky...I can't catch any of them.
More desperate.
I turned around for about... two hours. I was so tired that I couldn't lift my feet at all, and I was even hungry, and found that I had to take another two hours to return on the same route.
Desperate to the end.
On the way back to the cave, I almost walked by will. I kept looking down at the ground, but I saw a low plant. I was vaguely known by my father when I went out to play with my parents when I was young. Wild mulberries are red. Small, it seems to be called "Sang Pao'er" in the dialect.
It should be edible...
I picked one and put it in my mouth. It was more sour than the mulberries sold in the supermarket, but...
Can eat!
I immediately picked all the fruits on it. Looking up, there is a big one next to it! I ran over with tears of joy, picking and eating, regardless of the sour and sweetness of the ripe or unripe, all stuffed in my mouth, fed.
But no matter how much this fruit is eaten, I can only fool my lips into being happy, my teeth are sour, and my stomach is not full. I endured the sore teeth, picked the rest, and put it in my pocket.
I added a bit of energy. Although I was still hungry, I was struggling to walk. I hurried back, and wanted to bring the fruit back so that Li Zhaoyi could also taste it. With this kind of mood in mind, the mountain road back is winding, but it is not as tired as when I came.
It was also when there was something in my stomach that I had time to think. It turns out that I really like Li Zhaotong so much.
Even in a dream, I would be full of expectation and ecstatic because I was about to rush to see this person, and I would like to give him the only things I got, like a treasure.
Perhaps from the point of view of Bo Liang, this is a bit humble. But humble, from a certain perspective, is also the enthusiasm of when you like it.
With such enthusiasm, I traveled all the way across the mountains for an hour and returned to the cave.
In the cave, Li Zhizhuang had come to his senses. He was sitting on his tuxedo, with long golden hair flickering on the ground, like an elf who had strayed into the mountains.
"I'm back!" I told him loudly.
As if disturbing the elf, his eyes widened slightly and looked at me for a while.
"Look at what I brought back." I took two mulberry out of my bulging pocket. I walked up to him, opened my palm, and handed the fruit to him, "Look."
Li Zhitong looked at the fruit in my palm, his eyes stayed for only half a second, and then the focal length of his pupils changed, staring at my eyes: "Early morning to noon, you ran for so long, brought this thing back to me ……Look?"
He didn't seem to understand it.
"I only found this to eat." I explained to him, "I want to eat something else too, but you caught me too far. I have been walking for so long without seeing anyone live."
Li Zhaotong: "If you don't come back, you can go further."
"But it will take longer to go back."
"I don't know the things in this mountain that can be eaten, and I can't catch anyone who knows them. Only this, if you can eat and know, you will just..."
Oh! Suddenly I remembered... this Li Zhaodi doesn't eat these things.
I am his ration.
Just now I was so hungry that I only had food in my head. When I found something to eat, I just came back to feed him with my heart. I forgot about it.
I silently retracted the fruit in my hand, lowered my head in silence for a moment, and then looked up at Li Zhaotong again. I asked softly, "Are you...hungry now?"
His face was still pale, and he looked away from my face: "I'm not hungry."
I breathed a sigh of relief and thanked yesterday's uncle, who was really a blood cow. He fed Li Zhaodi with a meal. He didn't lose his life and let him survive until now.
I was still feeling that my life was too bad. At this moment, Li Zhaoyi's eyes suddenly condensed, and the golden light of his fingertips together, my heart just let down suddenly lifted up again, this guy wanted to kill me by surprise! ?
In the time when I had no time to react, I just heard a "brush" sound, a golden light brushed my ears, the wind picked up my hair, and there was a muffled noise behind me, followed by a burst of something in the grass. The sound of friction.
"Peel it and roast it." Li Zhaotong dropped a word coldly.
I blinked, and when I looked back, I saw a gray hare dying to kick twice in the grass.
"Do you... drink blood?"
Li Zhaodi glanced at me.
I remembered that their vampires used to regard drinking animal blood as inferior blood. His eyes should have offended me.
But what's offensive? After the reform and opening up, your vampires are drinking artificial blood meal, and there are also counterfeit and inferior products inside... Part of your future work is to fight and arrest the traffickers who counterfeit blood meal. Is it a luxury to drink fresh animal blood?
Of course, these words of mine were spitting in my heart. I turned around silently, thinking of picking up the dead rabbit, but when I walked to the rabbit, I was silent.
This still moving, and I am a charming modern person, and I don't know rabbits and skin them.
I cast a helpless look at Li Zhaozhao: "That..." I looked at Li Zhaozhao for a long time, but didn't get a response. In the end, hunger defeated everything.
I, in my dream, killed a cute rabbit for the first time.
The feel is very real.
The rabbit was struggling with great force when it was dying. At first, I was holding the ears of the rabbit. Its ears were warm and furry felt like a puppy. Its legs were pushing hard in the air and struggling hard.
By this time, my heart was full of panic. I let it go several times, but it fell to the ground, but I couldn't stand up and couldn't run. It struggled on the ground and its hair was covered with moist soil.
"I...I can't do it." I asked Li Zhaotong for help again.
But Li Zhao was indifferent, and he answered me coldly: "Then wait, at most one hour."
Let it struggle for an hour like this? I can't stand it either. It might be the most merciful to kill it as soon as possible.
I looked around, moved a big rock, and gestured on the rabbit's head several times, but I didn't smash it down, but it scared me to breathe deeply.
Li Zhaotong on the side seemed to be unable to stand it anymore. With a flick of his hand, a small knife made of golden light fell on my feet. I threw the stone away, picked up the knife, and looked at Li Zhaotong again. This time, Li Zhaotong even even Did not look at me either. He leaned against the rock wall of the cave, closed his eyes and rested.
I gritted my teeth, closed my eyes, raised the knife and dropped it, piercing the rabbit's neck.
The warm blood splashed on my neck and made me tremble. The rabbit finally struggled twice, and then only the muscles twitched most instinctively.
It is dead.
I was holding the knife, crying, apologizing to the rabbit, and peeling it tremblingly. The skin was unsuccessfully peeled, and I was stained with blood on my body and hand. Li Zhaozhao sat beside him indifferently. All this seems to be my performance alone.
I have never felt so real that the food I ate is actually a creature that tried my best to survive.
Finally, Li Zhaoyi helped to make a fire. I cooked the rabbit and ate it.
There is no oil and salt, so the taste is not very good. It is dry and smelly, but I am finally full. I touched my stomach and sighed with emotion.
Li Zhuan stared at me, very rare, and took the initiative to speak to me: "Why didn't you cry while eating?"
I wiped my mouth: "I am thanking the rabbit for feeding me with his own life. This is the most pious meal I have eaten. I will cherish every bite of food in the future."
"So, you are telling me to face you more religiously in the future?"
I looked up at Li Zhaozhan. I think he would beat me a rabbit, probably like pouring feed for a pig. Only after it is fat can it be killed.
"We... can we have a discussion." I wondered, this is in a dream. Li Zhaoyi can't really kill me, so I have confidence, but because of his usual "fascination
prestige", I can't stand it. He was so scared from time to time. So I suggested, "You can eat me, but before you eat me, can you not toss me, from words to sex, don't."
Li Zhuan looked at me, and uttered two words clearly: "No."
Why do I?"
"You came back by yourself, what I did to you, you shouldn't ask me why."
As he said, with a finger in the air, a golden rope volleyed over my wrist. I was still in a daze, Li Zunpa over there pulled the other end of the golden rope, and gently pulled it, and I staggered and planted in front of him.
I leaned down in front of Li Zhaoyi. He was sitting with his back against the stone wall, with a cold expression, like a on a mural, but deep in his soul, he carried his vampire's yin and charm.
"Ask, ask yourself." He said, "Why come back."
Why should I come back?
Still need to ask?
Because you are Li Zhaodi.
I like you, so I want to stay by your side, it's that simple.
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