Chapter 71:

Li Zhaoyi left a golden knot on my left wrist. +++ Girls must go to the website
Like the legendary marriage line of Yue Lao, one end tied my wrist, the other end...Of course he could not tie his own wrist.
On the other end, he held it in his hand. The golden rope is usually invisible, but once he wants to greet me, when he pulls his hand, the knot on my wrist is bright, and I will be pulled by the rope and walk towards him.
It's a very thing, I feel that Li Zhaodi seems to be raising me like a dog.
But I dare not say anything. After all, Li Zhidian's temper is really too volatile.
On the night after eating the rabbits, Li Zhaoyi took me to start the night. Although he is a day walker who can walk during the day, he still prefers to be active at night out of instinct.
And although I am also a night owl who is used to staying up all night, my night owl only likes to find a place to stay up late at night. I don't like trekking and hiking outside most of the night.
So during the first night I traveled with him, I was in a lot of conditions.
"The blisters on my feet seem to have broken a few...I really can't walk anymore." I sat on the ground, my hair scattered, my face covered with dust, and I was embarrassed.
And Li Zhitong had been tossing all day, but he was still long and handsome, and he looked like a dog.
Sometimes the world is so partial, putting beautiful things under your nose and giving it to others. I can't even grab it.
"Stand up." Li Zhizong was not used to me. Even outside the dream, he was not used to anyone, let alone now, he was as serious as a special forces instructor, "Don't dare."
But I really can't walk anymore. In the morning, I picked fruit and trekking for four hours. Then killing rabbits took a lot of energy. Now I have been walking for more than half of the night. I am tired and sleepy. My calf is swollen and bloodstained by shoes.
I looked at Li Zhaotong baffledly: "Don't you have that formation? Where are you going, can't we just pass by with a swish?"
Li Zhaoyi didn't say a word, still looking at me seriously.
Compared with the current Li Zhaozhan, I don’t think the Li Dongzhan who used to urge rent is not very annoying anymore.
I gritted my teeth, but stood up resignedly. But it was okay to have been walking before. Now I took a rest, and when I stood up again, my legs didn't have any strength at all. I stood on a that was a little higher than Li Zhaodi and threw my legs directly on him.
Li Yu frowned, and a golden light flashed in his hand. The next moment I was picked up by his rope.
His rope tied my wrists, making me hang in the air, like a rag, swinging from side to side twice.
"If you can't walk, just hang up."
He said that, and when he turned around, he wanted to hang me away like this! Want to hold a ticket?
"But it hurts like this..." I made a protest, and Li Zhaodi turned a blind eye, "It really hurts." The weight of my body was hung on one wrist. After a while, my hand became black because of the bloodline. Green, "Wait a minute, I'll go down by myself, hello!"
The indifference of Li Zhidian aroused my anger under the extremely uncomfortable wrist. I was anxious, another unbound hand grabbed forward, and unexpectedly grabbed Li Zhidian's long golden hair that was blown by the wind.
I struggled to pull back and said angrily: "Let me down!"
I tugged Li Zhaodiao's head back. I don't know if he hurts or not, but I think he should be...unhappy.
He turned his head and stared at me, without the spectacles between his eyes, the murderous sword blade poked at me so directly.
"I...I will hurt too!" The pain in my wrist aroused all the courage in my body and asked me to reason with him, "I will go well..."
"You." He uttered a word, and I waited quietly for the following, but after Li Zhaotong said the word, he fell silent. After a while, the golden rope on my wrist loosened, and I fell from mid-air and fell. Sit on the ground.
I rubbed my buttocks, before I had time to stand up, Li Zhaoyi in front of me suddenly knelt on the ground, covering his waist and abdomen, his face instantly as white as frost.
I didn’t have time to take care of my red and swollen wrists. I didn’t even stand up. I almost crawled to Li Zhiyi on two steps on my knees:
What’s wrong with you? It’s poisoned again? Are you looking for someone? I’ll help. You go find it."
I held his arm, hoping to lend him some strength.
Li Zhuan looked down at my hand, then looked up at me.
He is too close to me, and the moonlight is too bright, making his pupils so clear and transparent, and those eyes are like a mirror, reflecting my anxiety, anxiety, and worry clearly.
"What can you help me?" His voice was extremely hoarse when he uttered these words.
"I don't know what I can help you." I calmed myself, but I felt a little angry under my calm, "But maybe I can do it! With this strength, it's better to save me and ask for help. !"
Hearing the words "seek help", he sneered, what a natural disdain and mockery, "Save yourself, prey."
As soon as the voice fell, he suddenly lost his strength and fell to the side. I hurriedly stretched out my hands, crossed his armpits, framed his body, and pulled him into my arms, trying my best not to Let him fall to the ground.
"If this is the case, let me save myself?" I hugged Li Zhaozhao and looked around. There is no place to block the wind in this barren mountain. It's not as good as the cave I stayed in yesterday!
I was anxiously looking for a place where I could put Li Zhaozhan. I wanted to drag him under a big tree. At any rate, there was a place to lean on. When I finally dragged him to the side of the tree, suddenly the willows were dark and the flowers were bright, and I found that there was a tattered under the hillside ahead. There is still the sound of gurgling water behind the wooden cabin. Although I don’t know how long it has been abandoned, there is a sheltered place, which is better than the sky.
I dragged Li Zhaodi again, dragged and carried, and finally dumped him into the cabin, completely unconscious.
The roof of the cabin was dilapidated, but it had everything it should have, tables and chairs, beds, and hay. I suddenly felt a sense of euphoria that I upgraded my accommodation.
The moonlight outside shined through the shelf, and it was a light on.
I tucked Li Zhaodi onto the bed, picked up the tattered mattresses stacked next to him, and looked at it. A mild smell puffed my nose and choked my cough. The insects in the mattress suddenly trembled in my place, and all of them swarmed. Some of them crawled onto my hands, and I quickly took out the mattress and threw it away.
I only tore off the cloth strips on it and took it to the stream by the moonlight to wash and shake. It seemed to be solid. I took the cloth strips back to the wooden house and wiped the sweat from his face.
He breathed more quickly than yesterday. Looking at him like this, it turned out to be a bit more serious than yesterday. I calculated the time. It seems that Li Zhaozong was in a coma at this point yesterday.
I was thinking about these things in my heart, and my hands kept moving. I helped Li Zhaotong untie his shirt, because he seemed to be breathing hard. As soon as the shirt was unbuttoned, I found his whole body was soaked with sweat.
For a short while, he definitely couldn't let his clothes get wet like this, and I don't know how long he endured it. I helped him wipe the sweat from his chest, and when I wiped it down, I suddenly saw a black and blue bruise on his left waist and abdomen.
I studied the width and position of this bruise for a while, then looked at my arm again, I stretched my arm up and made gestures, only to find that his bruise was when I hugged him to sleep yesterday. The place.
My... arm is so heavy that it can push him out of such a bruise? Or is there another reason?
I couldn't figure it out, but I suddenly understood why he didn't draw a formation to go. I thought it was his physical condition, and there was no way to draw a formation.
I was a little anxious. I could see that Li Zhaoyi wanted to leave the woods and go somewhere. There must be a way to detoxify him where he went, but he can't walk fast, and it takes me even more...
After wiping Li Zhaotong's body again, I helped him re-button his clothes. Looking at him who was still sweating, I felt a little pain.
I went out, walked to the stream and took off my shoes. The blisters on my feet were all broken, and the tender meat and socks were glued together. I put my feet in the stream and soaked them in socks, then lifted my feet. Come, I closed my eyes, gritted my teeth, and took off my socks.
The feet were numb at first, and after a while, the pain of being torn off came to my heart. I closed my eyes tightly and waited for the pain to pass. Then he took off another sock in the same way.
The pain lasted for a long time, and for a long time I couldn't help but yelled: "Oh, it hurts." Then I wiped away the tears from the corners of my eyes.
After the pain subsided, I was fine. I washed the socks in the water and put them on the stone nearby.
I soaked my feet, letting the cold stream calm the pain in my feet.
I don’t think we can delay the journey tomorrow. I won't die, but Li Zhizun will probably die.
No matter where I am, I don't want to see him die.
I stepped on my shoes barefoot and left the socks on the rock to dry. I think Li Zhitong woke up at noon tomorrow. The sun is big in the mountains. Putting the socks on the rock will definitely work. I slept all night, and the wounds on my feet must have scabs, and I will surely survive tomorrow!
I planned to prepare for tomorrow's affairs. As soon as I turned around, I suddenly saw Li Zhuan in a shirt standing on a stone higher than me. He held the broken wooden wall of the cabin with one hand, supported his body, looked at me, and didn't know when he was standing there.
He was still pale and scary, and his eyes staring at me were scorching bright.
I stepped on my shoes and walked to him: "Why did you wake up?"
"Always awake."
Rarely, I said something and he immediately responded. Before I spoke, he always wanted to be reasonable, and he didn't even look at me if he didn't want to.
I looked at him: "Did you just faint?"
"The consciousness is still there."
I paused, he... Does he always know how I toss him? And yesterday...
"Then you were the same yesterday as today...?"
"I lost consciousness briefly yesterday."
"Oh." I asked, feeling a little embarrassed. I lost consciousness for a short time, that is to say, he didn't know the things at the beginning, but then he knew about the things I hugged him and patted his back... I’ll get up again tomorrow morning and go on the road. When I rest and feel better, I will walk vigorously tomorrow."
Li Zhaodi was silent for a while, then looked down at my feet on my shoes.
I panicked for a while and wanted to hide my feet. I think my feet are swollen and enlarged now. They must be ugly.
Human beings always feel inferior for their own shortcomings in front of the things they like and are good.
Li Zhaozhao accounted for both, I like it very much, he is very beautiful.
I hurried to hide in the house, ran too fast, and dropped a shoe.
I entered the room and sat on a long table. The table was cut from a long piece of wood. It was a little shabby, but it happened to be able to sleep. Li Zhaotong and I said, "Hurry up and rest."
Li Zhaoyi walked in, carrying the shoe I dropped in his hand. I was a little embarrassed, but he didn't notice it. He put my shoe next to my other shoe, and then he carried the heel of both shoes. Put them on my desk properly.
When he helped me put my shoes on, my long hair was dragged to the ground and dusted.
A little thing, when he did it, my heart beat faster than I could control. I want to change the topic:
"I, I'm sleeping on the table today, so I won't squeeze with you, lest you get bruised by me again." Fang felt ambiguous when he spoke.
I bit my lip, and when I was feeling regretful, Li Yudi sat on the bed and glanced at me: "It's not you who pressed it." He said, "The corpse worms of the corpsemen are in my body. They like warm things, you Wherever their body temperature is attached, they will go."
It's... those bugs that got into Li Zhizong's body yesterday...
They like warm things, where your body temperature is, where they are...
Listening to this, there is really a sense of horrible ambiguity.
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