Chapter 1107: 1 punch Titan

"It's the Bronze Titan!"
"Great, even if the crisis in Hell Island cannot be resolved, can it be delayed until the reinforcements arrive?"
"Let the drone pull the height! Do not affect our allies to kill the enemy!"
In the air headquarters of Citigroup, as the bronze titan transformed by Xiao Yu appeared, there was a burst of cheers in the cabin.
They all believed that as long as the extraordinary shot of the justice side, evil will be defeated this truth.
Some officials on the west coast of Citigroup who have relatives and friends have not allowed them to move abroad to hide for a while.
Speaking of going abroad.
The best tourist locations and immigration destinations in the real world are undoubtedly the ancient eastern country where the Jianxian Gate is located and the cherry blossom country where the Yin Yang master is the master.
It is just that many people gritt their teeth that neither country welcomes immigrants.
In particular, the ancient eastern countries have been known for decades in the world because of their difficulty in immigration.
Coupled with the fact that countries are now shrinking their sphere of influence, the problem of immigration difficulties can only become more and more difficult.
"Look, island has changed again!"
As Xiao Yu came to the sea, he began to gather together.
The abyss monster of Hell Island clearly felt a deep crisis.
After the mental shock of the eyeball was invalid, the island mutation became more serious.
Not only countless monsters of the abyss rushed to the bronze titan transformed by Xiao Yu regardless.
Several gaps were also split on the surface of the island, and then from the gaps, spitting out tens of black mud tentacles with a diameter of more than two or three meters, wrapped around the arms and legs of the bronze Titan.
Bang Bang Bang Bang!
The abyss monsters that flowed into the black mud like the waves crashed into the legs of the Bronze Titan, and each one of them crashed into a rotten body, but Xiao Yu was still.
Although those black mud tentacles seem quite scary, they give ordinary people a very powerful illusion.
However, Xiao Yu's bronze body resisted the magic power easily after resisting the black mud's corrosive power.
The attack power of these black mud tentacles is still not as good as the elemental wizard's hand.
The attack was invalid, making Hell Island angry.
The seismic intensity of the entire island surface is getting bigger and bigger, and the hotels on the surface are even covered with black mud, becoming a weird part.
Seen from above, the surface of Hell Island cracked with huge eyeball after eye.
The cry of wailing from the whole island can even make the distant Citigroup fleet officers and soldiers vaguely hear, so that these officers and soldiers were shocked by the cold sweat, fearing that they and others heard something that should not be heard, and then It will also become insane and then become a monster.
At the center of the island is a small hill with a height of 70 to 80 meters.
At this moment, the hillside suddenly collapsed into black mud.
A large pit of black mud poured out of the sinkhole that came out of collapse, and then gradually formed into a big meat ball covered with tentacles and eyeballs.
The appearance of this big meat ball made the researchers of Citigroup giggling.
Although they are more than ten times bigger, they still recognize that this is the abyss wreck they studied!
Sure enough, everything is a ghost caused by this wreckage!
As soon as the big meat ball appeared, the overcast cloud even blew a black wind and went down into the rain of black mud.
Many drones were hung by the black wind, wet by the black rain, immediately malfunctioned, lost control and fell into the sea.
With this change, a ghost image of a three-headed, six-armed monster at least 300 meters high appeared in the air of Hell Island.
Xiao Yu recognized this illusion.
It is an abyss lord in the abyss of the villain.
Xiao Yu did not feel that the abyss could not watch the real world, and this abyss lord would come to death.
He prefers the alien aliens he has obtained, the wrecked alien, which originates from the faction of the abyssal lord.
Therefore, when it has grown to a limit, without any instruction, it instinctively imitates the template of the source of power, thereby blurring the phantom of the abyssal lord.
This phantom is just a manifestation, but as the black wind and black rain continue to fill up with black mud, it will not take long for a physical monster to appear.
Of course, in Xiao Yu's eyes, this kind of materialized monster is almost the same as his own use of ghost dragons to act.
A bit capable, but also a bit capable.
And Xiao Yu had just intentionally charged for so long, waiting for the island to reach its extreme, and after exerting its own horror to the fullest extent, all major forces in the real world could deeply understand the horror of this thing.
Looking at the phantom being filled, Xiao Yu thought about it.
Chiyue Jingshi condensed strength on Xiao Yu's left fist.
Immediately, Xiao Yu was shocked, accompanied by a big step forward.
The black mud tentacles on his body have been cut off one after another, and those abyss monsters were emptied out of a large circle in an instant.
Later, Xiao Yu stretched out his left fist and hit the ground of the island fiercely.
Megatron's nuclear explosion in the Greedy Mainland.
First appearance in the real world!
And because the power of Chiyue Eucharist naturally restrains Hell Island.
The performance of lethality is much more terrifying than that in the villain!
As a result, the major forces who observed through high-altitude monitoring and distant drones only saw that the bronze Titan seemed angry, and immediately took a step and then punched.
The dazzling white light burst out and flooded the entire island of Hell.
Then, in the next moment, a banging noise accompanied by a violent wind and waves made the sound receiver overload all the time.
The far-flung Citigroup fleet was also hit by the aftermath shortly afterwards, and the ship was slanting to the west, causing some bottom-level officers and soldiers to panic and shouted whether the high-level bomb had been dropped?
The Big Bang formed at the same time.
The dark clouds over Hell Island were also shredded, scattered, and then disappeared by this huge force.
After returning a thousand miles from the surrounding waters, the dazzling white light continued to swell on the surface of the sea until a bowl was formed to hold the ten-mile waters around Hell Island. This stopped for a while and began to slowly dissipate.
The dissipation of time was accompanied by the constant roaring of the surrounding sea winds.
Then, the white light finally dimmed.
A huge vortex and a bronze titan floating above it were revealed.
Witness this situation.
The chief of staff of Citigroup at the air command could not help standing up.
The experts around him stunned and came back, exclaiming in a low voice: How is this possible! How is this possible?
That's an island! An island where luxury hotels and underground facilities can be built!
It is also occupied by terrible monsters and the whole has mutated, becoming extremely strange and powerful!
How could it be that the bronze titan just punched out.
The whole island sank with the landing? Just left a huge vortex on the sea?
This is something that the world's strongest weapon nuclear bomb cannot do!
After all, the area of ​​absolute nuclear destruction is very small, and it is easy to wipe out the island.
But destroy the island or sink it into the sea...
This, the nuclear bomb can't do it!
At least the nuclear bombs currently held by the major forces are absolutely not done with this equivalent!
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